A Midsummer Night's Dream

Period CostumeNudity - ooer! Rupert Everett: 40% Dominic West: 50%

A sumptuous adaptation of Shakespeare's silliest comedy, AMND is frothy stuff. It basically consists of the cast running around a forest being variously enchanted by mischievous fairies. You can tell they're fairies as they're covered in glitter.

Dominic looks like he's enjoying himself immensely and some wonderful costume designer deigned that he should spend most of the film in nothing more than a sheet. Excellent sartorial choice! There's another master stroke in casting Rupert as Oberon, King of the Fairies. This could be construed as typecasting, but his dark good looks and natural delivery of iambic pentameter make him shine in his role.

Reviewed by Oscarina, Blueshirt Tailor