Description of an INTP personality

"Knowledge is power." Francis Bacon
The ultimate truth for someone like me. ;)

This description was originally on the pages I did the test on. Now that I found the site again here's a few links to more comprehensive descriptions of the INTP and Rational types, if you really want to try and understand what I'm made of. Scroll down to get to the more interesting portrait of me as an Evokateur, an ANSIR personality type. They recently messed up their pages (read: Redesigned them) but it's still the most accurate test I've seen so far.

  • Portrait of an Architect (iNTp)
  • The Rationals
  • The Vocational Interests of Rationals
  • Famous Rationals
  • Intuition and Sensing
    I focus on the introversion and introspection naturally, the dreamer that I am.
  • Parenting and Temperament
    This here just to demonstrate why I never got along with my father, the authoritarian Guardian materialist?

  • Possibly the best INTP-description I've seen can be found at: Type profiles
    It describes me the best, anyway. Though as an INTP I have to be slightly anal and wonder if they haven't bothered to fix all the typos in the text just to annoy INTPs reading it. ;)
    Go read the Type 5 description there, too, if you want a more detailed look at a 5 with a 4-wing, like me.

  • Typelogic -INTP

    My percentages in the test

    Introvert 80%
    Intuition 80%
    Thinking 60%
    Perceiving 60%

    The polarities were Extraversion-Introversion, iNtuition-Sensation, Thinking-Feeling and Perceiving-Judging.

    Quiet and reserved. Especially enjoy theoretical and scientific pursuits. Like solving problems with logic and analysis. Usually interested mainly in ideas, with little liking for parites or small talk. Tend to have sharply defined interests. Need careers where some strong interest can be used and is useful.

    Enneagram Type 5 description

    Just a little sidenote:
    Type Five - Insightful, theoretical, detached, eccentric, intense. They can be extremely brilliant and inventive, but also nihilistic and alienated.
    Motivation: To understand the world, find safety from it, become skilled.

    Famous INTP's

    Darwin, R. Descartes, A. Einstein,
    Midori Ito (ice skater), C.G. Jung, Rick Moranis (Honey, I Shrunk the Kids -actor),
    I. Newton, Leonard Nimoy, Blaise Pascal, Socrates,
    Brent Spiner, Meryl Streep, Linus (Peanuts)

    This text was snurched from the Evokateur type descriptions on the ANSIR site, A New Style In Relating as I think it went. They typify three sides of you, Thinking, Working and Emoting. I turned out to be an Evok in all 3 categories. This next quote was from the Emoting-Evoks text I think.

    "Evokateur can be difficult for others to work with, live with, and love. They're outspoken, withdrawn, elusive, distracted much of the time, charming, combative yet fun-loving, strong-as-a-bull opinionated; but frail if not fragile emotionally."

    Evoks were also supposed to be the most creative of all types and not live fully among the rest of the world, but in their own. INTP type descriptions haven't gotten to the emotional side that's also a part of me, so it was nice to see someone had gotten MOST sides of me typed for a change. In general, let's just say Evoks can be utterly charming, but most people seem to find them frustrating? :)

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