Picture archives
Some of the pictures I've gathered here at Nyksieland... About half and
half on the scanning side, I've scanned most of these pics but some
aren't mine. I'll mention when the pics are by me, otherwise they're
someone else's artwork. VERY MISCELLANIOUS at the moment, until I
can get the sections organized and the pages where I'll use the pics
properly done and in order.
My favorite Dreadnok, from G.I. Joe. Grrrrrr... ;)
Can't have a Dreadnok without having the main bad guy here, too.
Cobra Commander, my ultimate favourite in villains.
Eddie Izzard and Henry Rollins, 2 great
Judge Dredd gone bad
Judge Dredd taking a bath to get the filth
off ;)
Alan Shearer, England's football captain
Jerry Sadowitz, another of my fave
Jerry Sadowitz #2
Me as Darth Nyks ;)
Quotes section
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