Cassidy from the Preacher

Hi. I got a confession to make. I actually hated this guy's guts the first time I read the Preacher. He's annoying and rude and generally bad news, and I really didn't like him at all. Instead I had a huge crush on Jesse, the gorgeous preacher of the title.
I'd read the first two albums and had taken them back to the library, when something made me get back to Cassidy. I think it's the way he lost his girlfriend and was willing to go after anybody who was responsible for her death, that and something inexplicable, the annoying little things that keep drawing me to rogues. Call it the scoundrel -effect, like Han Solo to Leia. I do NOT like scoundrels but they just tend to be irresistible nevertheless. I didn't like Starbuck from Battlestar Galactica either initially, it's just that there's something annoyingly irresistible about these ladiesmen and the bad news type. And yes, I'm highly aware of what a cardinal crime it is to even mention B.G. in the same text as someone like Cass. Believe me, I'm suffering for this sin already. *sudden flash to Mansun's lyrics "You'll never get to heaven with a smile on your face like that..."* So I was trying my best NOT to like Cassidy, it's just I fell for him, anyway.

And who wouldn't, really? He's got no respect for authorities or anyone who thinks too highly of himself, which is always a big plus in my books. He's got an accent most people would kill for, and one most ladies swoon for. He's Irish, that is. ;) If he ever came to Finland (yes, yes, I know he's a fictional character and all that, just play along, jerk) maybe I'd finally drag my ass (or should that be arse in this case?) to Molly Malone's, too, the Irish pub my flatmate frequents. She's been trying to drag me there for ages now, but I've resisted the temptation. It'd just make my Cass-addiction worse, I fear. I jump every time I hear Ronan Keating speak on a radio-ad, too, so a whole pub-load of people with Irish accents could be a bit too much on one go. ;) Talking of which, I finally got my flatmate to read Sandmans, now if I could just get her to read The Preacher, too... To quote:

  • Hey, I love your accent!
  • Heheh...They always do...
    He drinks a lot, he acts like he's all big and tough but really has a soft heart inside it seems. Mind you, I've only read Gone to Texas, Until the End of the World, Proud Americans and the 5th album, the name of which I can never remember (Dixie Fried. I checked). I love his sense of humour, too. I'll add more quotes up sometime soon, the ones I currently have up are at Preacher and Mad Love quotes and Preacher quotes. "20 bucks if you rub H�agen-Dazs all over them" is one of my personal faves from Cass, though. Get the Blood and Whiskey number or the 5th album if you want to know what I'm talking about.

    Otherwise, I'm on a mission here, too. If they ever make a Preacher movie, as the rumor goes, I have the perfect candidate in mind to play Cassidy. I've seen someone suggest Gary Oldman for him, but Oldman's far too... well, old. You want Cassidy, you take a look at Rhys Ifans. Who? This guy here:

    I toyed around a bit with his hair in the I love blood-pic and added shades, and you gotta admit, he looks exactly like Cass already! :) Convinced yet?

    You might've seen him in Notting Hill, playing against Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant, being an annoying snot from what I can tell. I haven't seen the movie myself (Roberts and Grant tend to be actors I avoid like the plague) but ever since I noticed Ifans' picture in Total Film, where I scanned the pics from, and realized he'd be perfect for Cassidy, I've been meaning to rent it, just haven't gotten round to it yet.
    This guy is Welsh (don't hold it against him, ok?) and I don't know what he sounds like, but if he can do anything close to an Irish accent, I think we've got ourselves a Cassidy in the flesh. And he's not bad-looking either, would make a very nice Cass indeed. ;)

    If this guy isn't Cass, I don't know who is!

    The other pics I've scanned from the Preacher and of Cassidy can be found behind the "Nyksie-friendly test"-link on the main Nyksieland page, plus in Comics and Cartoons, for example.

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