Elusive recording artist JP, of Joe Kool Records, granted me this interview the last time he was in town promoting his single "I Think We're Alone Now".
Mel: So JP, how long have you been involved with the music industry?
JP: For quite sometime now...probably close to 6 years. I've always had a close affinity with music, and its been a life-long dream of mine to get my stuff produced.
Mel: So I guess you can say you're living your dreams, eh?
JP: (laughs) Tell me about it.
Mel: So how did you get discovered by Joe Kool Records?
JP: Well from my early teens, I had been performing both in school related actvities, and outside events. One day a talent scout for Joe Kool Records noticed me, and asked me to come to the studio. From there, one thing just lead to another.
Mel: Your manager has dubbed you as the "next" Babyface. How does this make you feel? Has the concept of fame in anyway changed your viewpoint of life?
JP: Well I wouldn't go that far....
Mel: You're too modest; sorry for interupting you, please continue.
JP: It's alright. Anyway, about being the "next Babyface", I don't think badly of it, actually I think it's quite flattering; but, I would rather be recognized for my own original talent than come across as ripping off someone else's. Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying that I don't respect Babyface, it's just that I'm not him and I never will be. I'm JP, and I want to be recognized for what I can do.
Mel: Well put. And on the question of fame, has the concept of possible stardom in anyway changed your viewpoint of life?
JP: Well first of all, let's get one thing straight, I've just begun my climb up the ladder in the music industry, so right now the concept of possible stardom is the furthest thing from my mind. I just want to be able to share my songs with anyone willing to listen. Now I don't know if this may change in the future, only time will tell; however, right now I have a very positive view of life, and I hope it remains that way. There have been too many tragedies in this field due to emotional imbalances, and I definitely don't want to contribute to them.
Mel: That's excellent! Now I know you have released a few original singles, and some covers of your favourite songs. Do you have any plans to release a complete album anytime soon?
JP: Actually, yes; I do have an album in the works, though the release date is still uncertain. There is however, a collection of my older songs you can purchase through Joe Kool Records Online. The album is entitled "Previously Unreleased", and it is avaliable in both compact disc and tape.
Mel: As a singer/songwriter, have you ever been approached by others asking for your assistance in writing their material?
JP: Oh all the time, but I only agree to work with the artist(s) if my material is compatible with theirs.
Mel: Aside from the piano, do you play any other musical instruments.
JP: Ahhh....ummm....I'd rather not answer that question.
Mel: Aw come on JP, its such a general question. It's not as if it's going to ruin your reputation or anything.....well not unless you play something like the accordian or tuba.
JP: (laughs) Whatever! Okay fine, in high school I played the trombone...are you satisfied?!
Mel: Well that's not too bad, it sure beats playing the accordian. So aside from music, what are your plans for the future?
JP: Well, I am a university student, and I'm considering majoring in Environmental Studies; however, nothing is certain at the moment. I like taking each day one day at a time, you know what I mean?
Mel: Perfectly; there's no rush for anything.
JP: Exactly! Whether my career takes off tomorrow or next year, I plan to live my life to the fullest, and just enjoy whatever comes my way.
Mel: Well it's been a pleasure talking to you JP. Good luck with your music, and whatever else have you planned in the future.
JP: Likewise.