Dfk's Xelloss Purity Test
Demonic Fox's Xelloss Purity Test!
Disclaimer:Since I don't have the net at home, I don't know if someone has already written a Xelloss Purity Test, but I assure you that all the written info. on this one is my own. If yours is anyway similar, it just goes to show that great minds think alike, ne? ^_^@m
The scoring on this test is very similar to the Otaku Purity Test. Score 1 for each correct answer and add up your total score to match w/ the legend found at the end of this test. Remember, this test is only meant to be taken for fun. Don't take it seriously...we all know that Xelloss himself wouldn't!!
Xelloss: Yare, yare...
The Test:
- You know exactly what ep. he first appeared in.
- You know the lines in which he introduced himself.
*In Nihongo!
- You only own all eps. of Slayers NEXT and TRY. (The first series does not interest you since he is nowhere to be found.)
*You fansubbed Slayers Next and Try.
*Are you sure you don't currently work for Software Sculptors?
- You actually viewed one of the NEXT dubs just to hear the english seiyuu's interpretation of Xelloss.
*You hate him for making Xelloss sound like such an obnoxious little turd. (k'sooo!!)>_<
- You refuse to spell his name as "Xellos" (Software Sculptors) b/c the official Nihongo spelling is "Xelloss".
*FORGET romanji, you only spell his name in katakana!
- You refuse to call his race "Monsters", they're "Mazoku"!
- You LOVE the colour purple.
- You nickname all things purple "Xelloss" items.(e.g. Your "Xelloss" purple pen)
- You're a stickler for Xelloss details, and while screening your many videos, you constantly rewind bits of his dialogue in case you may have missed anything prior.
- You're secretly aiming to overthrow Zelas-Metallium so you can be his master ^_~
- You know his seiyuu's name (Nihon-jin seiyuu only pls.).
*In kanji.
*You LOVE his seiyuu.
*AND other anime charas he's played.
*You met his seiyuu.
- You have a Xelloss related nickname/user ID.
*Whaddya mean just ONE, you have SEVERAL Xelloss related IDs.
*You've legally changed your name to "Xelloss".
- You've perfected your skills of inter-dimensional warping so you both can share something in common.
- You have the ability to walk around everywhere w/ your eyes closed while sporting a huge grin on your face.
- You love to torment others and pop up when you're least needed.
- You can't stand genki (cheerful) ningen like Amelia.
- You don't act on anything until you get the go from your superior.
- You have his haircut.
*You've dyed your hair to match his colour
- You walk around saying: "yare, yare", "iyaaah", or "Sore wa himitsu desu!"
*Whaddya mean OR, you say all three!
- You carry a magical wooden staff.
- You oppose the idea of Xelloss and Filia as a couple b/c she's Kamizoku and seriously cramps his style.
*Besides, he's already going out with you.
- You own at least ONE Slayers cd in which Xelloss is featured.
*You've translated/romanized his chara singles.
- You own at least ONE Slayers poster/wall scroll in which Xelloss is featured.
- You own other Slayers paraphenalia featuring ONLY Xelloss (e.g. a Xelloss chara pin or UFO catcher doll).
- You've done fan art of Xelloss.
- You have Xelloss somewhere on your computer.
*You have a special Xelloss-themed desktop.
- You have Xelloss somewhere on your website.
*You have a special Xelloss-related website.
*You mean a website's supposed to contain more than just Xelloss info?
- You're actually taking this test!
*You wrote this test ^_~@m
Dfk:...okay that was cheap, but then-again, so is Xelloss ^_^!
- Less than 20=Sorry, close but no cigar! Try again next time.
- 20-29=Congrats, you made it! You're a Xelloss-purist trainee!
- 30-39=Congrats, you're a full-fledged Xelloss-purist! *Sniffs* Xelloss would be proud!
- 40+=Are you sure you aren't Xelloss?!
So how did I score? ...Sore wa himitsu desu!!! ^_~@m
Xelloss Shrine
A Xelloss Questionnaire
since 11/23/98
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