Gabriela Spanic "Usurpadora" and pop rock singer!

Gabriela Spanic said that she is determined this year to start
her career as a pop rock singer. The young protagonist
of " La Usurpadora" and recently " Por tu amor" would like
that once she finishes shooting this telenovela, the Mexican
public get to know her as a pop singer. The pop rock is
music that according to Spanic identifies her very well.
The Venezuelan actress plays some music instruments and trusts that
qualities like these are still valued by the public. " I am not improvising",
says the actress after adding:" I know the music world and I also know
it is very competitive, but I trust that the image which I have
built will help me to obtain my goal".

The fear of failure does not exist in Gabriela Spanic's mind, in
fact, she does not think that her transition to music will do damages
to what she has obtained with television. "If I do not meet my goal, I will
retire but not without first fighting for what has always been one of
my greater dreams ".

Gabriela Spanic, does not want to always be associated to Televisa,
and declares herself a woman of great dreams, for which she will
fight restlessly until achieving them. " You see, when I arrived in this country
I wanted to triumph as an actress, I have begun to obtain it. Later I dreamed
of establishing a model agency and it is on the verge of becoming reality,
in short what I set out as goals, I always achieve".
To obtain all of it, Spanic says she will have to leave behind, for now,
her desire to become a mother, perhaps until the end of next year.
"That is another one of my goals, I want my son to know a mother who
is enterprising, triumphant, of whom he can have only good examples,
I want for him a better world than the one I had ", confessed Gabriela.

Mexico, (Sun)

Translation by Aimee Mercier
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