Suzaku's Ah! My Goddess Character Info

This page include info on Ah! My Goddess i include this to provide some basic info on the main (not all) characters in Ah! My Goddess so that for those who haven't watch the series or manga they could take a peek on what's happening first.

Warning!! This page may contain a little spoiler.

Morisato Keichii

Age - 21 years old
Eyes - Brown
Height - 158 cm
Likes - Motorcycles, Motor sports, and probably the same thing Kosuke Fujishima likes

The main character of the story. He attend school in NIT (Nekomi Institute of Technology) and is in the NIT MCC (NIT Motor Cycle Club). He's the club's most important member because he's usually the one appointed appointed to take part in races and later in the story he was appointed chairman of the club. This lucky chap was told by his senior to make a phone call one lonely night and he dialed the wrong number and summoned a goddess instead (wish the same thing could happen to me *sign*). The goddess Belldandy offer to grant him a wish and he absent-mindedly wish for Belldandy to stay with him forever, thus the story begins....


Age - 21 years old
Eyes - Sapphire blue
Height - 165 cm
Class - First Grade, Second Class, Unlimited.
Domain - the Present
Measurements - B 83cm, W 57cm, H 84cm
Angel - Holy Bell
Likes - "Prince of Wales" brand chocolates, Darjeeling tea

The first goddess to appear in the story. Belldandy is a portray of a dream wife (for most people i think), beautiful, honest, kind, patient, good cook, there is almost no fault in this character (i search like hell). As a first grade god, she had great power at her command, as the rule of the heaven stated she was required to seal away part of her power ( the powers were seal by her earring). She command spells that control the sprites available in nature and can communicate with almost everything(living & mecha alike). The offensive spells that she commands involve creating a blast of wind energy and purifying spell.

p.s: Something i don't get it, is her hair colour, it seems to be brown or light golden in anime series but what i gets from my manga color is light silver with a shade of violet. If anyone had any answers feel free to email me.


Age - 24 years old
Eyes - Green
Height - 170 cm
Class - Second Grade, First Class, Limited.
Domain - the Past
Measurements - B 90, W 60, H 91
Angel - World of Elegance
Likes - Sake (beer) and singing (KTV) Watching television

The second goddess to appear in the story. She is the elder sister of Belldandy. She is supposed to watch over the Yggdrasil system in heaven, but seeing the slow love advancement between Keichii and Belldandy she decided to help (hmmmmmm...). She is a pretty good chemist that can made many kind of medicine using material that i won't not want to speak of, one of her most famous medicine include the seed of love, a love potion that made the consumer falls in love with the first opposite sex he/she sees, but it usually produce extraordinary results that become one of the jokes in the story. Her offensive spell allowed her to command Lightning bolts to falls on her target from the sky.


Age - 12 years old
Eyes - Black
Height - 150 cm
Class - Second Grade, First Class, Limited.
Domain - the Future
Measurements - Hi-mi-tsu!
Angel - Noble Scarlet
Likes - 131's Ice Cream Making mecha

The third goddess to appear in the story. She is the younger sister of Belldandy. She is the debugger of the Yggdrasil system and come down to wipe out the virus (looks like bugs) that had overrun the system, She uses a hammer for debugging. Cute 'old Skuld is a powerful mechanic who created many machines and dangerous robots (cause she usually implant a self-destruct sequence even if not necessary), the most famous of her creation is the Banpei RX, a robot created to protect the house from the devil Marller (and to protect Belldandy against Keichii). She dislike Keichii for begin too close to Belldandy and did many things to separate them, and Urd for always commanding her. She doesn't seems to command many spell, she can stamp words into other people face & body (usually used it to stamp the word Baka(stupid) on Urd). The most common of her offensive power comes from the grenades she created.

More info will be coming your way,do come back some other time.


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