Original Translation: Yamazaki Masamoto
taken from The Central Anime Script Library
Narrator: In order to save Konan, one of Suzaku Seishi, Tamahome...became a hostage in Kutou. Tamahome's beloved, Miaka, though sad, began the search for the remaining Seishi. Midway, they were attacked by bandits, where Miaka was saved by Emperor Hotohori.
Hotohori: Do...do you love Tamahome that much? I love you. I have since the first time I met you. Miaka! Miaka and her companions were captured by bandits.
Episode 14
Wolves in the Stronghold
Kouji: (knocking on door) Excuse me, please.
Kouji: ``Who's there?''
Kouji: I'm bringing one of the females, by the leader's orders. It's Kouji.
Kouji: ``You're welcome. Please come in.''
Kouji: Thank you.
(sign on Kouji's back says "I love Yoshimoto.")
(a big ugly fat guy is in the room)
Eiken: Oh, Kouji! I've been waitin' for ya!
Eiken: What a pig I am.
Kouji: (to Miaka) Hang in there.
Eiken: (checks out Miaka) She passes!
Miaka: I don't want to pass!
Kouji: Well, we're outta here. (leaves)
Miaka: D...don't be in such a hurry!
Miaka: Stay around a while!
Miaka: D...don't leave us alone.
Miaka: You! If you're the leader, you should know...
Miaka: ...if one of your men has a character on his body.
Eiken: Yep, they're a squalid bunch, so some have hemorrhoids. (the two words are alike)
Eiken: I'm a bit sore there, too.
Miaka: That's not what I meant!
Miaka: I meant a character on his body!
Eiken: If you do what I say, I'll tell ya�
(back with the rest of the bandits, Nuriko and Hotohori still serving drinks)
Nuriko: Yes, yes...be my guest�
Hotohori: Miaka...I wonder if she's okay�(flashback)
Miaka: This way I can find out if the fifth Seishi is here.
Miaka: Please behave yourselves.
Miaka: Besides, Hotohori, you're hurt, right?
(some guy looks at Hotohori with big starry eyes)
Hotohori: W...what do you want?
Guy: Lady, you have a lovely big body; you're so beautiful.
Hotohori: Oh my. Lots of people say that.
Hotohori: But then, Nuriko has much better proportions.
Guy: She's not my type.
Nuriko: (breaking the glass he is holding) I'm gonna kill 'em.
Guy: So anyway, that moron Eiken thinks since Genrou's not here he can just take over!
Guy2: Damn straight. He's a senile, tactless scum of the earth.
Guy: But he's got the power and we don't.
Guy2: He's ugly as sin and has a Lolita complex.
Guy: That girl's in for a rough time.
Hotohori: Nuriko! (Nuriko and Hotohori proceed to kick bandit ass)
Guy: Are you, by any chance men?
Hotohori: Oh, so you've noticed, huh?
Hotohori: Nuriko...
Hotohori: (the starry eyed guy from before still hanging onto Hori) ...can you take care of him?
Nuriko: Leave it to me, please.
Guy: I don't care if you're a man.
Nuriko: He requires some serious punishment.
Hotohori: Please do. (poor guy ;)
Miaka: No! Don't get near me!
Eiken: Now, now. Be a good girl.
Miaka: No! Take your hands off!
Eiken: You'd better do as I say. Or else.
Miaka: NO! Tamahome!
Kouji: (can hear Miaka screaming, walking down the hall) Shit. Worthless bastard.
Miaka: No! No!
Kouji: (walks into dining room, Nuriko is sitting on a pile of bandits, Hotohori outs a sword to his throat) What?!
Kouji: Y...you?!
Kouji: What's going on?
Hotohori: Where is...Miaka?!
Miaka: No!
Eiken: Come on now, or I won't tell you who has a character on his body.
Tamahome: When Suzaku Seishi are gathered, I'll definitely return.
Miaka: (thinks) Tamahome. Yui.
Miaka: If we find the Seishi soon, Tamahome will be able to come back.
Miaka: And then, Yui will also...
Eiken: That's right, be nice.
Miaka: Tamahome. (Nuriko breaks wall and hits Eiken)
Eiken: Ouch!
Miaka: Nuriko!
Hotohori: Miaka, are you all right?
Kouji: What power!
Miaka: Hotohori!
Hotohori: Thank goodness. I'll untie you.
Miaka: I thought your injury would keep you from moving.
Miaka: Are you okay?
Hotohori: It's nothing.
Hotohori: Miaka, while Tamahome's gone, I'll be the one to protect you.
Hotohori: All right?
Miaka: (thinks) Hotohori. He knows about Tamahome and I, but even so...
Hotohori: This girl is Suzaku no Miko.
Hotohori: You touched her. That deserves death.
Miaka: Don't kill him. We need him to tell us who has a character on his body.
Nuriko: How about I hurt him a bit? (Miaka gives her okay)
Eiken: All...all right! I'll tell you!
Eiken: Tasuki! Tasuki has the character on his body!
Miaka: Tasuki.
Miaka: (thinks) The fifth one! We've found the fifth one, Tamahome.
Miaka: And just where is he?!
(the door opens and suddenly, in the blink of an eye, Miaka is gone)
Nuriko: What the...?!
Nuriko: Miaka!
Hotohori: Miaka!
(a cool guy with wild orange hair stands at the door with Miaka over his shoulder)
Kouji: G...Genrou!
Eiken: I...I didn't know you'd come back!
Hotohori: M...Miaka!
Genrou: Long time, no see, Eiken...
Genrou: ...trip's over, I'm back.
Genrou: So, you made yourself Leader.
Genrou: You're so butt ugly. So you've married?
Genrou: That's too hard to believe.
Miaka: You're wrong! I'm not his wife!
Genrou: Well, she's mine now.
Hotohori: I won't allow it!
Genrou: Genjitsu!
Genrou: Shinzarou!(throws papers that turn into wolves)
Nuriko: No way!
Genrou: Well, I'm off. (leaves)
Hotohori: Miaka!
Nuriko: Miaka!
Miaka: Hotohori! Nuriko!
Genrou: Eiken, if ya want the girl back, challenge me for the position of Leader!
Hotohori: Miaka! (cuts through wolf with sword, it turns into paper)
Hotohori: Paper?
Eiken: Damn you! Don't underestimate me! (takes out fan)
Eiken: Lekka...Shinen! (flames shoot from fan. :)(Nuriko gets out of the room just in time)
Nuriko: What the hell was that?! Fire from a fan and paper wolves?!
Hotohori: Nuriko! (Hotohori is hanging off the edge of a balcony)
Hotohori: Are you okay?
Nuriko: Hotohori-sama, you sure got out in a hurry!
Hotohori: I didn't run away. I was just chasing after Miaka.
Nuriko: Sure, sure.
Hotohori: It's true.
Eiken: Genrou, you dumb ass!
Eiken: What the hell was that ``fight me for the position'' shit?
Eiken: With this baby... you haven't got a prayer!
Eiken: Just try it! Come on!
(in some little cottage thing)
Genrou: Only my friends and I know of this place. Nobody's gonna help you.
Genrou: Sorry. I have nothing against you.
Genrou: Be a good girl, and nothing will happen to you.
Genrou: Ow! What're ya doin'?
Miaka: That's my line! Don't underestimate me because I'm a woman!
Miaka: Come on! I'm not afraid of you!
Miaka: Aim inside and punch like a scooper.
Miaka: Upper!
Miaka: Then it's all over.
Genrou: What's she doing?
Genrou: Ridiculous.
Genrou: I give up, I give up.
Genrou: I ain't interested in a girl who doesn't cry.
Genrou: I don't particularly like women in the first place.
Genrou: But you're a hostage til we finish this business.
Genrou: So if you give me too much trouble, I'll kill...(Miaka is taking off Genrou's shirt)
Genrou: I ain't finished! What the hell're ya doin'?!
Miaka: I'm checking to see if you have a character on your body!
Miaka: I didn't tell you, I'm Suzaku no Miko.
Miaka: I'm kind of famous around here.
Miaka: I thought you were one of Suzaku Seishi.
Genrou: I wouldn't know about that, you moron!
Kouji: Good evening.
Kouji: ``Who is it?''
Kouji: Genrou's best buddy's here to see him. It's Kouji.
Kouji: ``You're welcome. Please come in.''
Kouji: Thank you.
Genrou: Kouji!
Genrou: Long time, no see, Kouji!(they do their happy dance)
Kouji: You saw me before!
Genrou: Did I?
Kouji: You didn't notice me? How cold!
Miaka: What the hell's with these guys?
Keisuke: ``One of Suzaku Seishi, Tamahome, was in Kutou, thinking of Suzaku no Miko.''
Yui: Tamahome?
Tamahome: Yui.
Yui: Look at these clothes! What do you think? I think they'll look good on you!
Tamahome: I...it's okay, I have these.
Yui: Do you want me to bring you something?
Yui: Are you hungry? Anything's okay.
Yui: Oh, do you want alcohol? That's so bad!
Tamahome: It's alright, you don't have to wait on me.
Tamahome: You've had lots of troubles of your own.
Yui: Lots of...
Yui: Could it be... you know what happened?
Tamahome: No..
Yui: I see. So that means Miaka knows.
Yui: I was attacked by men. When I woke up, Nakago was with me.
Yui: When Nakago brought me here I was just a shell of a person.
Yui: When I realized what had happened, I tried to... (she looks at the scar on her wrist)
Yui: But...I healed.
Yui: I still wonder why I didn't die.
Tamahome: That's enough! Stop it!
Yui: I should have died!
Yui: Died...
Yui: I'd rather be dead, than have you endangered this way.(hugs Tama)
Tamahome: Yui...I can't...
Tamahome: ...I can't do anything for you.
Tamahome: What can I say to her?
Tamahome: Tell me, Miaka.
Miaka: Huh? You were supposed to become the Leader?
Kouji: Sorta.
Kouji: When our former Leader died a month ago, Eiken took over because you weren't around.
Kouji: The former Leader worried about you until he died.
Genrou: Leader..
Miaka: Okay! I'll help you!
Kouji and Genrou: Huh?
Miaka: You absolutely have to have the position!
Miaka: And I want to help Hotohori and Nuriko.
Genrou: Hey, you...
Miaka: No problem! Don't mention it!
Miaka: Since I'm helping you, if we're successful, will you help me find Tasuki?
Genrou: I didn't mean...
Miaka: We're decided, so let's go!
Miaka: Genrou! Kouji!
Kouji: She doesn't get it that she's a hostage.
Genrou: Looks that way..
Eiken: (talking to bandits) Listen up. Genrou and Kouji will move on us tonight for sure!
Eiken: Don't be careless! (the men cheer, miaka cheers as well, and gets hit on the head)
Genrou: Don't get carried away!
Genrou: In any case, they're listening to Eiken.
Kouji: What wusses! So weak before the former Leader's little keepsake.
Miaka: What?
Kouji: Halisen.
Miaka: What? You're afraid of that?
Genrou: You've got it wrong. We're talking Tessen.
Kouji: An incantation will make it throw flames.
Kouji: It was specially made to incinerate enemies.
Genrou: We must get it.(takes out papers)
Miaka: Oh, those are what made the wolves appear.
Miaka: Lemme see, lemme see! Are they magic?
Genrou: It's sorcery. They were given to me by a Taoist when I was traveling.
Genrou: You write what you want on it, it becomes an illusion and appears.
Miaka: If I write something I like, it'll appear. (Miaka takes them)
Kouji: I'll sneak in from this side.
Genrou: What're ya doin'?! Give 'em back!(takes the papers back and crawls out)
Hotohori: (puts sword to Genrou's throat)I've been looking for you, you bastard.
Hotohori: What have you done with Miaka?
Miaka: Hotohori, Nuriko! You're okay!
Hotohori: Miaka...
Nuriko: (beating up Kouji in the background.) You took the words out of our mouths.
Hotohori: I understand. Miaka, are you sure about helping them?
Miaka: Yes. Because of Tasuki, and I just want to.
Hotohori: That's what's so good about you.
Guy: (hugging Hori with starry eyes) I was looking for you.
Hotohori: Nuriko!
Guy: There they are!
Kouji: Damn!
Genrou: Leave this to me!
Genrou: Appear, wolves! (junk food appears)
Genrou: One more time! (more food)
Genrou: Appear, wolves! (mmm cake�)
Genrou: What are these?!
Nuriko: Miaka.
Miaka: (trying to hide) I'm not here!
Genrou: You did this?!
Miaka: Yeah, I guess...
Hotohori: Watch out!
Eiken: Welcome back, Genrou.
Eiken: Won't the wolves come out anymore?
Nuriko: Hotohori-sama.
Hotohori: No, Nuriko, we can't fight them.
Hotohori: Tasuki might be among them.
Genrou: Shit! Do we have to fight our own people?
Kouji: That's the problem.
Eiken: If you don't make your move, I will.
Miaka: Give me the halisen! (runs up to Eiken)
Eiken: What ARE you doin'?
Miaka: This belongs to Genrou! Give it back!
Hotohori: Miaka, stop!
Eiken: Is this girl a moron? She just made herself a hostage!
Kouji: She's made things worse.
Eiken: Hey, Genrou, if you move a muscle, I'll choke her. (holds Miaka by the neck)
Genrou: You're a fucking nasty guy.
Miaka: I'll be...okay.
Miaka: Don't do it for me...
Miaka: (talks to bandits) Don't you feel any loyalty to your former Leader?
Miaka: Just because you're afraid of the Tessen, you'll fight your own men?
Miaka: Is that...Is that...
Tamahome: Is that what a man does? (Tamahome proceeds to kick ass)
Miaka: Tamahome is...
Miaka: ...so close to me.
Miaka: He's protecting me.
Eiken: (reaches for the Tessen) Halisen.
Genrou: (grabs the Tessen) You're just a little bit too slow.
Kouji: It's all over now, Eiken.
Miaka: Tamahome.
Miaka: Tamahome! (runs towards Tamahome)
Tamahome: Miaka. (she falls through him and he disappears)(a piece of paper falls to the ground, and we see that it says "Tamahome"
Keisuke: ``Suzaku no Miko had written Tamahome's name on the card.''
Keisuke: ``She held on to it... and cried.''
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