Luciana Ottaviani |
AKA: |
Jessica Moore Glida Germano |
08/08/1967 |
Urbino, Italy |
Italian |
Though Luciana has only appeared in a handful of films, she remains an unforgettable presence in European Exploitation films. She is best known for her appearances in Joe D'Amato's films. In fact, of all of D'Amato's works, the two entries of the "Eleven Days, Eleven Nights" trilogy that feature Ms. Ottaviani have been among his most successful (I can assure this success has nothing to do with any of D'Amato's cinematic contributions). What sets Ottaviani apart from all other exploitation actresses is this look she has. It is indescribable, but cannot go unnoticed by anyone who has seen one of her films. When Luciana is onscreen, it is virtually impossible to focus on anything else. So why is she in so few movies? In the British fanzine "aka: Joe D'Amato," the director reports that Jessica has ceased making movies to appease her jealous boyfriend. A cinematic robbery, indeed.
1. La monaca nel peccato (1986) dir. Aristide Massaccesi
- Convent of Sinners
- The Convent
- On L'appelle soeur desir
2. Eleven Days, Eleven Nights - 11 giorni 11 notti (1987) dir. Aristide Massaccesi
- Eleven Days, Eleven Nights
- Undici giorni, Undici notti
- 11 Days, 11 Nights
- Onze jours, onze nuits
- 11 Jours, 11 Nuits
3. Top Model (1988) dir. Aristide Massaccesi
- Eleven Days, Eleven Nights, Part II
- Eleven Days, Eleven Nights 2
- Tendre Libertine
- Elf Tage, Elf N�chte 2
4. Riflessi di luce (1988) dir. Mario Bianchi
5. Non aver paura della Zia Marta (1988) dir. Mario Bianchi
- The Murder Secret
- Aunt Marta Does Dreadful Things
6. I fantasmi di Sodoma (1988) dir. Lucio Fulci
- The Ghosts of Sodom
- Sodoma's Ghost
7. Fuga dalla Morte (1988) dir. Enzo Milioni
8. Un gatto nel cervello (I volti del terrore) (1990) dir. Lucio Fulci
- A Cat in the Brain
- Nightmare Concert
- I volti del terrore
- Nightmare Concert - I Volti del Terrore
- Un gatto nel cervello
- A Cat in the Brain: The Face of Terror

1. Casanova (1987) dir. Simon Langton
- Il Veneziano, vita e amori di Giacomo Casanova
2. Classe di ferro (1989) (mini-series in 12 episodes) dir. Bruno Corbucci
3. Lezioni di amore (1991) dir. Aristide Massaccesi
(clips of La Monaca nel Peccato and Top Model are featured in episode #2, and clips of La monaca nel peccato, Top Model and Eleven Days, Eleven Nights - 11 giorni 11 notti are featured in episode #3.)
- Love Appurtenance
- Lezioni d'amore
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La monaca nel peccato **�
Eleven Days, Eleven Nights - 11 giorni 11 notti **�
Joe D'Amato directs this tale of author Sarah Asproon (Luciana Ottaviani) who is writing a book about the 99 political figures she has had sex with. To conclude the book, Sarah decides to make number 100 be an average guy. Her sights are turned to Michael, a nerdy architect who is going to be married in twelve days. Sarah says that she wants him every night until his wedding. The author plays a slew of sex games, but only succeeds in playing with his mind. Michael's fiancee starts to detect something, Sarah starts to fall in love and Michael finds out that his fling is just the final chapter of a book. This is one of D'Amato's most successful films at the box-office. Deservedly so, this is an entertaining effort featuring the gorgeous Ottaviani and a cameo by Laura Gemser.
Casanova **
Top Model **
Here Luciana plays writer Sarah Asproon again, and is now researching for a book on prostitution. Being the perfectionist that she is, Sarah decides to sport the pumps and tube tops (which isn't a far stretch from what she wears when she's not doing research), figuring that to write a best-seller she must become a best-seller. She ends up falling in love with Cliff, who despite his homosexuality, becomes obsessed with the undercover author. In the end Cliff must choose between her and his ex-lover. The result: Is there really any doubt? D'Amato's comment on the age old dilemma of letting your emotions come between you and your career. A watchable film due solely to the presence of Ottaviani.
I fantasmi di Sodoma **
Un gatto nel cervello (I volti del terrore) ***
�1997 stickman films