Sabrina Seggiani |
AKA: |
Sabrina Sianni Sabrina Sellers Diana Roy |
1963 |
Rome, Italy |
Italian |
Sabrina Seggiani is best known for her contributions in the Italian "peplum," or heroic fantasy, film genre. Her range of films carry over into cannibal and futuristic-adventure, while under the direction of such "masters" as D'Amato, Franco, Fulci and Prosperi. Sabrina has such a cuteness about her, that it is almost painful to see her in these sleazy exploitation pictures. However, in her own way, Seggiani brings class and a reason to watch the films she graces.
1. Dove vai se il vizietto non ce l'hai? (1979) dir. Marino Girolami
- Le trou aux folles
- Ein Zwinger voller Verr�ckter
2. Mondo Canniable (1980) dir. Jes�s Franco
- White Cannibal Queen
- Barbarian Goddess
- I Cannibali
- Les cannibales
- La Dea Cannibale
- Die blonde G�ttin
- Une Fille Pour Les Cannibles
- Mondo Cannibale 3: Die Blonde G�ttin
- Cannibals
- Mondo Cannibale, teil 3
- Mangeurs d'hommes
- La d�esse blonde
- La d�ese cannibale
- D�esse Cannibale
- The Cannibals
- L'Emprise des cannibales
3. La liceale al mare con l'amica di pap� (1980) dir. Marino Girolami
4. La dottoressa preferisce i marinai (1981) dir. Michele Massimo Tarantini
5. L'esercito pi� pazzo del mondo (1981) dir. Marino Girolami
- Die verr�ckteste Armee der Welt
6. Pierino medico della S. A. U. B. (1981) dir. Giuliano Carnimeo
- Pierino, medico della Saub
7. Due gocce d'acqua salata (1982) dir. Luigi Russo
- Blue Island
- Die Trauminsel
8. Incontro nell'ultimo paradiso (1982) dir. Umberto Lenzi
- The Daughter of the Jungle
9. Gunan il guerriero (1982) dir. Francesco Prosperi
- The Invincible Barbarian
- Gunan - K�nig der Barbaren
10. Ator l'invincibile (1982) dir. Aristide Massaccesi
- Ator the Fighting Eagle
- Ator
- Ator - Herr des Feurs
- Ator, L'Invincibile
- Ator el Poderoso
- Ator le Conquerant
- Ator - Der Unbesiegbare
11. Sangraal, la spada di fuoco (1982) dir. Michele Massimo Tarantini
- Sword of the Barbarians
- Das Schwert des Barbaren
12. Conquest (1983) dir. Lucio Fulci
- La conquista de la tierra perdida
- B�rbaro, la conquista de la tierra perdida
13. Il trono di fuoco (1983) dir. Francesco Prosperi
14. Texas 2000 (1984) dir. Aristide Massaccesi
- 2020 Texas Gladiators
- 2020 Texas Gladiator
- Anno 2020 (I Gladiatori del Futuro)
- 2020: Freedom Fighters
- Anno 2028: I Gladiatori del Futuro
- Sudden Death
- 2020: The Rangers of Texas
- 2020: Texas Freedom Fighters
15. Dagobert (1984) dir. Dino Risi
16. The Black Cobra (1987) dir. Stelvio Massi
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Mondo Canniable **�
Jess Franco contributes the most inept film in the cannibal genre, and also one of the more enjoyable. Al Cliver takes the family on a safari and loses his wife, daughter and left arm! Sabrina Siani plays the abducted daughter who is taken in by the cannibal tribe as their "White Goddess." The natives are Europeans with black wigs and cheap face paint, the jungle looks like the outside of a tropical hotel and Cliver's severed arm is sloppily held behind his back. Still a fun film featuring the beautiful Siani. Note: the cannibal's catchy chant is more engrossing than the story.
Ator l'invincibile **�
Joe D'Amato's first film in his "Ator" trilogy. A baby is given to a peasant couple to raise as their own. Upon maturity, the baby turns out to be Ator who is destined to free the world from the evil Spider kingdom's reign (of course). When Ator's adoptive parents are killed and his half-sister (who Ator was in the process of marrying!) is abducted, he learns of his destiny. Along the way Ator meets up with a mysterious witch played by Laura Gemser and a thief played by Sabrina Seggiani. A passable film from D'Amato featuring an interesting battle between the hero and a "shadow" warrior.
Texas 2000 **
A mediocre film by the great Joe D'Amato. Al Cliver leads a band of outsiders to save the future from an evil gang. Sabrina Siani plays Maida, a woman who is forced to fight back. Luigi Montefiori wrote the screenplay for this film and directed some of the action sequences (some sources credit the entire film to Montefiori's direction).
Il trono di fuoco *�
An extremely disappointing film from director Francesco Prosperi. This "peplum" tells the story of a mysterious throne of fire that only the chosen one can sit upon. Sabrina plays a princess who gains the help of a muscle man in order to seek revenge on the evil kingdom that killed her parents. Siani looks her best in this ineffective film.
�1997 stickman films