Christopher Robin Walt Disney's 22nd full-length animated movie masterpiece brings the world of Winnie the Pooh to enchanting life. Like Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty, The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh was born in literature. Ever faithful to the wonder and whimsy of A.A. Milne's classics, Disney gathered the Poohstories and the moments and wove them into the joyous feature-length film first shown in theaters.
  nd now, for a limited time, you can own Walt's original version ~ and watch such famous stories as 'The Honey Tree', 'The Blustery Day' and 'Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too' unfold seamlessly efore your eyes, chapter by chapter, uilding to the heartwarming scene where Christopher Robin says good-bye to Pooh.
        So journey through the 100 Acre Wood with that huggable bear of every little brain for a wonderful time ~ filled with adventures, thoughtful spots and honey pots!
        Complete with Academy Award-winning animation and magical music score, Disney's timeless tale has been beautifully restored to its original brilliance for your entire family's delight!

* This informaition was taken from the back of the Masterpiece:
    The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh movie case.

Click here for a sound clip of "The Hundred Acre Wood" song

Piglet & Pooh