Bobby's Death / Dream Season

One thing Dallas will always be famous for is the infamous "Dream Season" of 1985-1986 in which Bobby was killed as the cliffhanger for the end of the 1985 season, only to return at the beginning of the 1986 season during which we find that the entire previous season had been dreamt by Pam.  This set the show back a year in real time and caused the severing of all ties between Dallas and it's spinoff "Knot's Landing".

Here is Bobby just moments before he is run down by the deranged Katherine Wentworth.

Bobby "died" at the hospital just after saying goodbye to his family.

Bobby's funeral was at Southfork which is also where he was buried.

JR and Bobby had there differences, but JR was deeply hurt by his death.

Here is Bobby's tombstone used only once on the show.

In an interesting side note, Mark Graison was found to indeed be alive during the dream season.  A fact that Pam had fought hard to prove before Bobby's death.  Unfortunately for John Beck, who played Mard Graison, he was back to being dead again when Pam awoke from her dream.