J.R.'s Offices

The first offices in the Ewing Building were also home to Dallas's greatest character, JR's daddy, Jock Ewing.

The Ewing Building

Many of Dallas's best years took place while JR was in his first office here in the Ewing Building.
This is also the office in which he was shot.

This is JR's second office, still in the Ewing Building, after they moved to newer and better offices shortly after Jock's death.

This is the building JR moved into after the Ewing Oil name was taken by the government and Weststar's Jeremy Wendell got his hands on the Ewing Building

It is here at JR's third
office, that JRE Enterprizes was formed.  A few years were spent here, until JR was finally back at Ewing Oil.

This is the third building that JR was in.  It is were Bobby regained the Ewing Oil name, and eventually allowed JR to return to Ewing Oil.

Here is JR in his fourth office.  He stayed here until Bobby sold Ewing Oil.  JR then moved back to the second building shown above, with Sly of course.

JR's second secretary Sly was with him throughout his entire trip through the offices and burildings shown above.