Ares' Domain

Ares, God of War

Ares, the son of Zeus and Hera, King and Queen of the Gods respectively, was the Greek God of War. He and his twin sister Eris (Goddess of Discord) would go around inciting trouble wherever they went. In some stories, it was his sister that sparked the Trojan War, for she created the golden apple engraved "to the most beautiful goddess" and gave it to the unsuspecting Paris. But that's another story.

Anyway, Ares was seen as a handsome, arrogant and a not very-well respected god amongst the Greeks. He represented offensive war whilst his half-sister, Athena symbolised defensive war. Ares delighted in the brutal side of war, the killings and the freely-flowing blood thrilled his immortal soul. He was a master warrior but sometimes his hot-headed personality and temper would cost him the victory of a battle.

Ares relaxing

However, in Xena and Hercules, Ares is seen in slightly, different light. Ares is a strong, aggressive and clever opponent, who loves to torture his half-brother, Hercules and tries to win back his favourite warrior princess, Xena. He knows he's a god and likes to flaunt his godly powers. Ares is also seen with his nephew Strife, an annoying lesser god who wants to be more like his powerful uncle. Ares is very good-looking and you just know Xena has thought about going back to him at least just once.

Ares is also manipulative, a deceptive liar, cruel and has no morals about cheating to get whatever he wants. But when he does give his word, he honours it, so that's something in his favour, besides his dark, good looks. Ares is often brooding on how to win back Xena or how to kill Hercules without incurring the wrath of Zeus. In his many attempts to reclaim Xena, you have to admire the god's patience. Ares always thinks "Next time Xena. Until next time..."

More to come (hopefully).

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