

"Money Dash!"

working title "Take the money and run.". Written by Shane Gavin.(C)1998
Music is the Costello Falls, by 'me' press stop if it pisses you off.



This episode opens with a car chase... Through the streets of Brisbane in Australia.. The Police in their VT special Holdens and GT Fords are shifting up and down gears pursuing a bank robber.. His name is Costello... Wanted for the theft of over 3 million dollars in 2 seperate robs. Costello's Maroon Chrysler Charger is gearing up and down faster than the police and is gaining a wide gap between himself and the nearest patrol... The Rain is pelting down around them making the Brisbane roads that bit less inviting for driving upon.. Lightning strikes City Hall as they power up Adelaide Street and around George.. Costello is purpose driven.. He is headed NORTH..




Maid- What are you thinking about?


Now internal of the house at Saqual RIDGE..


Daphne- My fiancee.. (runs a finger across a tear that is sliding down her cheek).. I'm never going to see him again.. Am I?.

Maid- My husband would have died of old age by now...

Daphne- You don't know that..

Maid- Actually I do... It was on T.V... He was in a car accident... He would have died of old age had that not have happened.... You might see your husband again on the TV.


The Television turns on


Daphne- How'd you do that?

Maid- Just by thinking it on.. Think it and it happens.. Anything.. Or at least almost anything.. You can't think your way out..

Daphne- (looking at the television) Is that Australia?

Maid- Yes.. looks like it..

Daphne- Why are we getting Australian news?

Maid- Saqual RIDGE must be in Australia today... Lovely car chase... Reminds me of that OJ one.. But this guy is speeding..




In the Chrysler again.. Just in time to see Costello get out and run into the scrub surrounding Mount Cootha.... The Police soon loose him.


Costello is standing outside a police station in Perth.. He has a Polaroid camera in his hands.. He holds it up to take picture of himself making sure to get the Police station in the background of the shot.. <CLICK> the photo is taken as the photo exposes Costello writes on the base of the photograph.. "Wish you were here?".. Then leaves the photograph in the police letterbox.

Costello walks across the road looks back at his master piece to see only a sign that reads "WELCOME to Saqual RIDGE.". He squints and wipes his eyes then looks forward but that area to has changed into bush and scrub. COSTELLO is now in Saqual RIDGE.




Daphne- I just got this weird feeling..

Maid- Same here.. It means someone has entered Saqual RIDGE.. We have to kill him.

Daphne- Him?

Maid- Yes.. Call it a hunch.. I'd say the bankrobber..

Daphne- How?

Maid- Just think and you'll find him.

Daphne- Okay.. (closes her eyes almost immediately opens them) He's by the sign.

Maid- You must kill him..

Daphne- What?... Can't someone else...

Maid- If you don't you will never see your husband... You must kill him.

Daphne- I don't think I can..

Maid- You did it before..

Daphne- But that was in self defence..

Maid- That was in COLD BLOOD.

Daphne- I can't!

Maid- Then be killed yourself... Because that's how it will be...



Costello starts walkinh along the road.. In the distance he can see a house.. He walks toward it.. The sun beating down a little hotter than it usually would at 2 pm in the afternoon.. Costello wipes sweat from his brow with his forearm.. At the end of that arm is a hand holdind a .45. Daphne approaches from the dorection of the house, she holds a knife in her hand, not exactly the best weapon to take to a gun fight.


Costello- Where am I?..

Daphne- You're nowhere.. I'll have you out of here as soon as possible..

Costello- how?

Daphne- I'm the tourguide for these parts.. I know how..

Costello- Sorry.. Your American accent threw me.. Not to many Americans know Australia..

Daphne- Not to many Australians know Saqual RIDGE.


Daphne is now standing toe 2 toe with Costello... She raises her knife and in an effort to cast a mortal blow strikes at Costello... Costello takes the knife from her hand and throws it away.. He pushes Daphne back about 5 meters in the same action.


Costello- You bitch...


Daphne remembering what she was taught closes her eyes.. "THINKS" and another knife appears fresh in her hands.


Daphne- Well I didn't want you to love me skip..


Daphne Lunges at Costello... Costello points and aims the gun at Daphne. Daphne closes her eyes. "THINKS". Costello fires 3 shots into Daphne's chest pushing her back onto the ground. Costello kicks her limp body to check if is dead.. Convinced it is he turns his back to walk away.


Costello- Shouldn't have fucked with me.. Not today..


Daphne sits up behind Costello.. Undoes her shirt to reveal what she had "THOUGHT" of.. A bullet proof vest.. But she was still in pain.. She scratches her head.. and moans.. Costello hears the moan and turns around gun cocked..


Costello- Don't you Americans ever die.. You all have some RAMBO gene.. This one's for the brain...


Costello points the gun at Daphne.. Daphne points her right index finger at Costello and closes her eyes.. When she opens them.. She is holding the .45 and Costello is holding a flower..


Daphne- For me... You shouldn't have.. I mean that...


Daphne fires the .45 till it runs dry.. Costello's body littered with bullets falls to the ground... Daphne walks over to the body grabs the flower from his hand and sniffs it.


Daphne- Ashes to ashes.. Dust to dust..


Daphne drops the flower and gun on the top of Costello's body. A Hobo appears from Daphnes's left of vision.


Hobo- You have a vicious streak girl.. You'll fit in here..

Daphne- Who are you..?

Hobo- I'm just a Hobo.. Like you're just a tourguide.. I was something else once... But what?? I can't remember. A friendly tip.. Remember anyone who enters Saqual RIDGE obtains the power we have.. Even like the robber you just killed... If your enemy can be as powerful as you it makes survival a little harder.

Daphne- Thanks for the tip..



NEXT TIME IN Saqual RIDGE we will explore the terrain.. And find out why Survival is the only way out, or at least one of the theories..


If you have any illustrations that you think would fit this episode Email them to me [email protected], and I will post them giving you full credit.