Australian Horror TV Schedules

(May have an east-coast bias. Anyone in WA want to start one??) Cinema Release Dates

This page was started because's design your own TV guide (MY TV). Was not picking up films from the horror genre (it is great for personalizing your own TV guide to an extent.. But many horror films list as thrillers and sometimes guides do not list genres at all).To get them to appear on the weekly/daily Email was almost impossible unless I listed 3000 horror titles and hoped one might show up.. So my stress is your gain I hope. I have found these by tediously going page by page across TV guides to find HORROR.. COMING SOON TV synop history file file. Special thanks to J.F.S. you can send him a thankyou to if you want (for FOXTEL guides)..


Free to air coming soon..

T.V guide
 JULY 1999.



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Deadly Friend (1986) (M) ++CABLE PREMIERE++
A young boy brings his best friend back to life using a computer chip, after her untimely death. Stars Kristy Swanson. 16 17 27

Kindred, The (1988) (M)
Vampires run the city's underground crime world and other little franchises.
3, 13

Mars Attacks! (M) 1996
Well it does in this film.. Tim Burton has captured the 50s conception of aliens and brought it to life in the 90s with a very glossy and sometimes funny effect. 4,9,15,20,21

SPAWN (MA) (Directors Cut)1996 ***CABLE PREMIERE**
From the comic by McFarlane comes the rather indifferent story of a superhero that comes from HELL.. Sent by satan to do the dirty work and lead his army to defeat the angels in heaven.. Spawn rebels and becomes in his own way a "fallen devil" come angel... (TBC)

Where Sleeping Dogs Lie (M) 1991
Tom Sizemore is the new flatmate of a writer.. And is feeding him the story for his next novel about a serial killer that murdered the old occupants of the house they now live in. 17.







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Deadly Friend (1986) (M) ++CABLE PREMIERE++
A young boy brings his best friend back to life using a computer chip, after her untimely death. Stars Kristy Swanson. 22

Kindred, The (1988) (M)
Vampires run the city's underground crime world and other little franchises.

Spaced Invaders (G) 1990
It's Halloween and the Orson Welles broadcast of "War of the Worlds" is getting air play again.. But this time the aliens have landed.. And they are pretty damned funny. 1,5,10,16,21,28

Spellbinder (M) 1988
Witches or nonsense.. These are the choices one man must make after interfering with a domestic dispute.. This is slow starting but it thickens out in the end.. To something of a Wickerman based horror film. 4,8,12,17,27,30.

SPAWN (MA) (Directors Cut)1996 ***CABLE PREMIERE**
From the comic by McFarlane comes the rather indifferent story of a superhero that comes from HELL.. Sent by satan to do the dirty work and lead his army to defeat the angels in heaven.. Spawn rebels and becomes in his own way a "fallen devil" come angel... 17,28

Where Sleeping Dogs Lie (M) 1991
Tom Sizemore is the new flatmate of a writer.. And is feeding him the story for his next novel about a serial killer that murdered the old occupants of the house they now live in. 1,5,11,23,24,27






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Dracula: Prince of Darkness (PG) 1966
Dracula is bought back to life after the poor Australian actor Bud Tingwell has his throat slashed over his ashes.. Well Christopehr Lee is back in this carriages that turn up whne you need them Hammer film.


Magnetic Monster (PG) 1953 ++FINAL PLAY++
Some kind of diabolical magnetic force is travelling around in a suitcase.. 15,16,25

Near Dark (MA) 1987 ++FINAL PLAY++
The vampire film that was released in the shadow of Lost Boys.. But has a large cult following.. It is the about the struggle of not wanting to kill to live.. But having to or you will die.. The movie follows Caleb into the world of nasty blood transfusions. 3,11,30.

Rollerball (M) 1975
The director is not the only controversial thing about this film.. The sport Rollerball.. The Audience keen for blood.. It is kind of reminicent of CNN and ABC War coverage.. Where when it bleeds it leads.. At least we can leave this film knowing that it was just a movie.

Tarantulas: The Deadly Cargo (M) 1977
A plane bringing back Coffee beans has an extra pay load of Tarantulas.. It crashes into an area in the the US... And the residents begin dying.. When they figure out it is the 8 legged Death beasts doing the job.. They than hunt them down and kill them in a most entertaining way. 7,8,20

Theatre of Blood (M) 1973 ++FINAL PLAY++
Give Vincent Price a bad review and he'll come after you.. He will quote Shakespeare and kill you.. So take this advice and you'll find the movie to be quite nice. or Thous d'ost protest to much!! 8,9

Twilight Zone- The Movie (PG) 1983 ***NETWORK PREMIERE***
Wanna see something really scary??? Well not so much scares but a nostalgic warp back in time.. That revitalised the great TV series... Espeacially John Lithgow on the Plane.. 3,4,15,16,27






Tabitha: Host of @rena's Friday night show. "Graveyard Shift.". Expect horror overload this night.

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 Please go to for these guides online.. I do not have them at my disposal..

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Please go to for these guides online.. I do not have them at my disposal..


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 Please go to for these guides online.. I do not have them at my disposal..


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The City of the Lost Children (M) (France)
A very Grimm like fairy tale set on an Oil Rig in a world not unlike our own.. much..

Collector, The (Finland) (R)
What a lovely hobby.

Gamera: Guardian of the Universe (PG) 1995 (Japan)
How does the saying go.. "Fights, Gamera, Action.." nah.. Well this is in the style of Godzilla.. The Japanese made monster.. With some very classy effects.9, 10

Gamera Vs. Barugon (PG)1966(Japan)
How does the saying go.. "Fights, Gamera, Action.." nah.. Well this is in the style of Godzilla.. The Japanese made monster.. With some very classy effects.23, 24

Gamera Vs. Guiron (PG) 1969 (Japan)
How does the saying go.. "Fights, Gamera, Action.." nah.. Well this is in the style of Godzilla.. The Japanese made monster.. With some very classy effects.16, 17

 Man Bites Dog (R) 1992
Don't ask me why I think this movie is horror worthy.. It could have something to do with the way it tries to be integral about killing.. The way a film crew would rather film murder than prevent it.. I guess it may be based on the viewer.. This mocumentary is more likely meant to be a thought provoking comedy. 3,4




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Bewitched (PG) 1945

Devil Doll, The (PG) 1936
A mad scinetist has minature folk do his bidding.

House of Dark Shadows 1970 (PG)






LINKS for TV stations..



I hope this will sufice for some time.. Gb. Anything I missed Email me [email protected]