Witness to a Prosecution (Sai Yuen Lok) |
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Artist Name | Character Name |
Bobby Au Yeung | Sung Chee |
Jessica Hsuan | Tong Si |
Mariane Chan | Lip Fung |
Frankie Lam | Sung Yik/ Fong Jun |
Michael Tse | Sit Dan |
Cha Siu Chun | |
Celine Ma Tai Lo | Ling Ling |
Eileen Yeoh | Lam Choi Dip |
May Kwong | Sum Yu |
Artist Rating:
Plot Rating:
Episodes 1-2:
Bobby is a famous coronor who has written books that are used worldwide...
Flashback to the past...
Bobby lives in a small village where he has been given the nickname "coffin boy" because his mom gave birth to him in a coffin right before she died. The people in the village dislike him and think that he is bad luck. Therefore, he is given the job of announcing the time at night. Everyone tries to avoid his presence.
The village mayor, in particular, treats Bobby poorly and refused to grant him the plot of land that all the "Sung" males should receive when they reach 30 years old. No one would help Bobby except his best friends Michael and "Siu Chun". The mayor disliked Bobby so much that he ordered the new resting place to be built where Bobby's mom was buried. Therefore, her grave was dug up. Bobby was really angry and went to talk to the mayor. The two ended up fighting and the mayor was trying to beat Bobby up.
Jessica is a beggar/pick-pocket. She was just about to steal the mayor's money was Bobby arrived and started arguing with the mayor. Therefore, she was forced to postpone her plans again. Jessica realized that she dropped her jade necklace (something she's probably had since birth) so went looking for it and somehow got entangled in the fight. Frankie's parents also saw the 3fighting but they didn't want trouble so they quickly left the scene.
The mayor ends up dead and Bobby and Jessica are accused of the murder. They are taken into custody by the "cops" and on the way in the building, Bobby is struck by lightning and everyone thinks that he's dead so they take him to the morgue. The man who lives and works in the morgue "Gwai Suk" saves Bobby. Michael and "Siu Chun" find out that Bobby's still alive and plan to ask the new official to further investigate the case.
Frankie returns to the village as the new government official. However, he seems to have forgotten past habits and acts queerly. (I believe that he's not the real Frankie) Frankie promises to further investigate the case. Meanwhile, at the morgue, "Gwai Suk" and Bobby have found that the mayor has a tiny hole in his foot which could have been caused by a nail. They suspect that the mayor stepped on a dirty nail and died from an infection.
The mayor's wife comes to retrieve the body before further analysis can be done on the body.
They think of a plan to scare the mayor's wife into making her let the officials open up and look at the body again. Therefore, Bobby acts like a ghost and goes to see the mayor's wife saying that he's innocent (remember that no one except Bobby's 2 friends and Frankie and his team know that Bobby's alive).
Mariane comes home to see her father. Her dad works under Frankie. She works as a "cop" also but she was recently fired for failing to capture a top criminal.
Mariane accidentally finds Bobby and ties him up and brings him to see the villagers just as Frankie was about to order more tests to be done on the mayor's body to determine the real cause of his death. The mayor's wife is very angry but Frankie insists that the coffin be opened. They find that the mayor's body has rotted already.
Bobby is placed in jail again. He and Jessica cannot be saved. In anger, Jessica tries to strangle Bobby. Bobby's friends bring him lots of food the day before he is going to die. Jessica is alone in her cell. Mariane offers her some chicken, seeing that she's so lonely. Jessica apparently has no family.
Bobby is angry at Mariane because she captured him. Mariane cooked Bobby some fish which caused Bobby's lips to bloat. Because of this "Gwai Suk" realized that there is one more plan to save Bobby and Jessica...the fish's bones are still posioned which means the mayor's bones should also have poison...therefore they must boil the mayor's bones...
Episodes 3-4
Jessica is sad and cries because she has to die the next day also. That night, the two talk to each other and Jessica reveals that she has no family. Bobby, feeling guilty that he brought her into this mess, offers to marry her so that when his friends burn him money after he dies, she can use it too. Jessica agrees and the two get married in prison.
The mayor's wife has nightmares that night of Bobby saying that he's innocent. The next day, she rushes to the scene where Bobby and Jessica are about to be killed and stops them in time. She agrees to let them boil her husband's bones. The boiling bones technique proves that Jessica and Bobby are innocent and the two are released.
After Bobby is released from prison, he realizes that his job has been given to an oldman and it was Mariane who recommended the old man for the job. Bobby lets the old man keep the job. However, he's angry at Mariane again. Bobby decides to go and camp out at "Gwai Suk's" place (the morgue) during the day so that he can learn more.
Bobby and Jessica run into each other in the street and both run as fast as they can in the opposite direction...however, they still end up next to each other. Both did not want to be responsible for the marriage. They agreed to forget all about it.
Jessica stole Celine's money in the street. "Siu Chun" who is Celine's husband, ran after her. He caught her but she got away because he thought he gripped her too hard and Jess turned around and poked his eyes instead (the guy's a big softie).
Frankie is really nice to Bobby. His dad took over the position of village mayor so he told his dad to give Boby his rightful land. He also told the people of the village to treat Bobby nicer. Frankie had wanted to hire "Gwai Suk" as the new assistant coroner but he recommended Bobby for the position and Frankie decided to hire Bobby.
"Siu Chun" finally found Jessica. He saw the jade necklace she had on and believes that she's his long-lost sister. He takes her home and treats her like a queen...Celine doesn't like Jessica thought and the two always fight. Bobby finds out that Jessica is his friend "Siu Chun's" sister. (Bobby and Jess are now neighbors...he and Michael live next door to Siu Chun)
Mariane knew Frankie when she was little. Before she left for her job, he left her a riddle to solve...however, Frankie doesn't seem to know about the riddle. She bugs him about the answer.
Because Jess borrowed money from some people that owned a gambling place, Bobby had to give up his land to help her.
Eileen makes her appearance as the richest man in the village's daughter. Bobby is captivated by her beauty.
A girl dies in a restaurant. Bobby was there and deduces that she died from a rat bite...he's afraid there may be a rat epidemic soon...he teaches the villagers how to prevent an epidemic. Bobby is promoted to chief coroner after the other coroner quits.
Mariane's ex-boss shows up in town and Frankie finds out that she was fired. Mariane begs him not to tell and he agrees to help her.
Eileen's cousin challenges her...wants to see if Eileen can get Bobby to like her...
Episodes 5-6
Frankie saw "Siu Chun" in the street telling the little kids the riddle that Mariane was asking him about...he figured out the answer and went and told Mariane.
Eileen finds an opportunity to get closer to Bobby. Since Bobby already liked her the first time he saw her, he was very happy that Eileen liked him. Eileen told him that if he would quit his job as associate coroner, her dad would consider his proposal.
Bobby went to quit his job...his friends urged him not to. Bobby went to ask for Eileen's hand in marriage during a village activity. Eileen ridiculed him in public and said that she'd never fall for a good-for-nothing guy like him. Eileen went off with her cousin and maid. Her maid forgot something and had to go back for it--a man dressed in black killed her cousin and kidnapped Eileen.
Frankie rehired Bobby and he went to the scene of the crime to investigate the body of Eileen's cousin. After an initial wrong guess, Bobby found out that the murderer probably knew kung fu, judging from the deepness and cleanness of the cut. Eileen's maid was told by the kidnapper to send the body--she was killed. Bobby went back to investigate the cousin's body...He found a footprint on the clothing of Eileen's cousin's body and it had a unique sort of dust on it so Bobby figured out where Eileen was being held. Frankie sent his men there and found Mariane, but the murderer got away.
Frankie decides to hire Mariane so that she can stay without having to lie to her father. Frankie told Mariane that he likes her and Mariane accepts him. Eileen is also beginning to like Frankie.
Jessica's brother is sad because the whole family can't read. Therefore, he decides to send Jessica off to school with the little kids. Jessica is embarassed to be in class with little kids so she goes gambling instead. Meanwhile, her brother is working 2 jobs to support her education. He sees her gambling in the street and gets really angry at her...the 2 have a big fight...Frankie sees them in the street arguing. Frankie helped the 2 reconcile and he offers to teach Jessica himself.
Frankie's parents leave a few days to go to a relative's baby's month old baby shower. While they are away, the real Frankie shows up. Apparently what happened was the fake Frankie "Fong Jun" stole the real Frankie's "Sung Yik's" identity. The fake Frankie and real Frankie met while they were in Peking. The fake Frankie went to get money back from a relative that owed his family money. However, that relative refused to pay up. Feeling depressed, he went to hang himself from a tree, but the branch broke and he fell down a hill and ended up next to the real Frankie who was injured after being robbed. The fake Frankie thought the real Frankie was dead so he stole his scroll which proved that he was the newly appointed government official. Anyways, the real Frankie was saved and he went home. He wanted to tell everyone how evil this fake Frankie was, leaving him to die in the hill. The two got into a struggle in Frankie's home and the fake Frankie ended up killing the real Frankie and he buried him in the backyard.
Michael was very nervous again because it was that time of year where he had to take the exam to become a government offical. He was scared of the exam room. This year, the exam was to be held in the town center. Bobby, Jessica, her brother and Frankie decided to help him practice. However, when it came time for the real exam, Michael freaked out again and failed. He tried to commit suicide but Bobby stopped him. Seeing how talented Michael really was, Frankie decided to hire Michael as the "ci yeah", a legal assistant of the town.
Celine went to see the fortune-teller again because she was still having problems getting pregnant. The fortune-teller told her that Jessica was the cause of her problems and he told Celine to marry Jessica off as far away as possible.
Episodes 7
Jessica bought a rabbit in the street. Bobby was scaring her and saying that Celine was probably going to cook it--therefore, Jessica made Bobby take care of it temporarily. Meanwhile, Celine was trying to get her husband to marry Jessica off. He was plotting to marry Jessica to Bobby so that Jessica would still live close by. He went to talk to Bobby about the marriage--only problem was that Bobby thought he was referring to the rabbit so a little misunderstanding occurred.
Mariane drags Bobby along to continue the investigation of Eileen's kidnapper's. She suspected the butler that worked in Eileen's home. Soon the butler was burned to death in his home and he had a knife wound on his neck. Bobby went to the scene of the crime again at night...the murderer was there also...he was about to kill Bobby from the back when Mariane showed up.
Eileen pushed over a pregnant lady and was really rude about it. Frankie arrested her and had her thrown in jail despite protests from her rich father.
Jessica is starting to like Frankie. She has a sheet of paper where he taught her how to write his name and hers. Bobby realized that Jessica liked Frankie from the paper.
Another dead body is found. From the marks on the body, Bobby deduces that a tiger killed the person. The villagers are now on the lookout for the tiger. The restaurant owner went to buy supplies and didn't know about this incident. His wife was worried so Frankie sent his men to go to the village corner to wait for him. The restaurant owner actually knows kung fu--he killed the tiger when the tiger jumped at him. Mariane's dad and the rest of Frankie's men show up so the restaurant owner pretends that the tiger attacked him and falls to the ground, letting Mariane's dad claim that he killed the tiger.
Episodes 8-10
Mariane and the other investigators suspect that the restaurant owner "Kong Zhi Yeung" (played by Anthony Tang) was the murderer and kidnapper. He knows that Mariane is following is following him. Bobby and Mariane thought of a plan to capture him and they were successful. However, his wife "Zing Leung" interfered and she was arrested instead even though she knew nothing of her husband's actions. Anthony Tang went back to save his wife. He captured Bobby also. Anthony Tang only saved his wife because he couldn't find the money from the kidnapping. His wife had unknowingly given away the clothes that the money was stashed in. He started fighting with his wife and Mariane and the rest of the investigators came in and they captured him.
Jessica and Bobby found a dead body.
Bobby bought Jessica's favorite peanuts for her. He seems to like her now. She however, has a crush on Frankie.
Jessica was going to tell Frankie that she liked him but Bobby dragged Frankie away. Jessica eventually found Frankie and saw him with Mariane. She was saddened by this. Bobby told Frankie about Jess having a crush on him.
Bobby's mentor is accused of touching a girl. That girl ends up dead the next day. Mariane's dad finds Bobby's mentor hovering over a third dead body and they accuse him of rape and murder. He is forced to reveal that he was castrated when he was seven. After investigating the bodies, Bobby realizes that the murderer has six fingers.
Jessica yells at a person in the street and soon the murderer is after her. The murderer has mental problems because his wife always yells at him. Mariane was able to catch the murderer before Jess was seriously harmed. Jess and Mariane became good friends soonafter.
Frankie's parents want to open up the rice store again. Frankie is worried that they will discover the "real Frankie's" body so he urges his parents not to move anything in the backyard.
Frankie went to the park with his parents and saw Eileen there. She fell into the water and he saved her.
A key eunuch in court is passing through the town and sees Bobby's mentor. He orders his troops to capture him. Bobby's mentor hid in Bobby's house and told Bobby the entire story. He was actually a eunuch who worked for the doctor in the palace. However, one day, he found out that the key eunuch wasn't really a eunuch and that he raped a palace girl and she was pregnant. The palace girl begged Bobby's mentor to help her. Just them, the key eunuch arrived and killed the girl and Bobby's mentor was the only witness. Fearing for his life, he ran from the palace and hid in this town.
The key eunuch went to Eileen's house for dinner. Frankie was there also. Frankie senses this eunuch's power.
Bobby finds his mentor's body the next day. He appears to have hung himself.
Episodes 11-13
Frankie somehow played a role in helping that key eunuch kill bobby's mentor.
Bobby is sitting at the morgue becuase he believes his mentor didn't commit suicide. Jess was sent by her brother to go and console Bobby. Instead of urgin him to go back home, she ends up sitting next to him because she too feels that Bobby is right and that his mentor didn't commit suicide. Next. Micael was sent to bring them home. Instead of urging them to go home, he helps them finds another piece of evidence. Now, all three at sitting and staring at the wall. Next. Jessica's brother "Siu Chun" went to find them. He too helped them find another piece of evidence - hand prints on the coffins and they realized that the gravestone plates (?) were all in the wrong order. Apparantly, someone had knocked them over and very hastily put them back on the table. So now all 4 sat there thinking of how Bobby's mentor really died. Finally, Celine comes and gets them and forces them to go home.
Bobby finally figured out how his mentor died and went to tell Frankie. He believes that his mentor was killed by the key eunuch. Frankie pretends that he wants to help Bobby, but he really doesn't. (Frankie's character has pretty much turned evil now). Bobby talks to Jessica and she tells him to take the body to the king and try to seek justice. Therefore, Bobby and Jessica take a trip to the palace. On their way there, Bobby and Jessica meet the king's brother who's a big practical joker. He plays numerous jokes on them but does get them into the palace.
Jessica pretends to be a maid and Bobby pretends to be a eunuch. Bobby ends up working under the key eunuch. The key eunuch likes Jessica and tries to rape her. Luckily, Bobby was able to divert his intentions.
After hearing that Bobby and Mariane went to find the king, Mariane and Frankie head off to find them. Bobby saw Mariane in the street when he came out to buy things with the other eunuchs and told her the entire story.
Jessica is hiding in one of the king's concubine's closets and finds out that she's 3 months pregnant with the key eunuch's baby. The concubine ends up dead the next day. Bobby went to see the body and realized that she was poisoned.
Bobby and Jessica came up with a plot to capture and key eunuch--it was successful and they king had him killed. The king was pleased with Bobby and Jessica so they were free to return home. He admired Bobby's ability to seek the truth through a dead person's body. Soon, Bobby's name was all over the nation as a well-known coroner.
Frankie is jealous that Bobby is more successful than him. Frankie is having problems getting a higher official to approve his recommendation to fix a bridge. Eileen decides to help him because she likes him.
Jessica and Mariane are talking on the roof. JEss reveals that she is not really "Siu Chun's" sister and she feels guilty for lying to him. She decides to leave her brother and returns to her old house. A few kids set her house her fire and her brother when to find her. Thinking that she was still inside, he rushed in to save her. Luckily, he got out okay. He told Jessica that he still thought of her as his sister.
Frankie is late on a date with Mariane and she gets upset. The next day, he gave her a note saying that he would meet her somewhere. However, Eileen dragged him somewhere else. She accidentally fell down a hill and he had to save her. The two ended up spending the night together.
Eileen forces Frankie into marriage. Frankie has to tell Mariane this and she slaps him.
Bobby felt really bad for Mariane.
Episodes 14-18:
A new body, actually a set of human bones, is found in the village. Bobby is trying to determine who it is. Jessica goes to see him and while they were playing around with the ink, he thinks of using ink on the bones to see if there are any fractures on it. The idea is a success and the identity of the body is revealed. Jessica's other brilliant idea is telling Bobby that he should write a book about his experiences as a coroner.
It's Frankie and Eileen's wedding day. Jessica and Bobby ask Mariane out to eat to make her feel better. With their friendship, Mariane soon recovers from her heartbreak.
Bobby went to the peanut store to buy Jessica's favorite peanuts for her. Unfortunately, a group of little kids bought the last bag. Bobby had to buy a bunch of toys to trade with them and Mariane saw the entire scene. Bobby gives Jessica the bag of peanuts but lies to her, telling her that someone else gave them to him. Afterwards. Mariane tells Jessica that Bobby likes her but she doesn't believe Mariane. Jessica puts Mariane's words to test. She tells Bobby that she lost her jade rabbit that she wears around her neck. Bobby went all over town looking for it and when he couldn't find it, he had a similar-looking one made for her and told her that he found it. Little did he know, Jessica followed him all day. She was touched by his actions.
Mariane urged Bobby to profess his love for Jessica. Jessica went back to her old house and Bobby went to found her. Just as he was about to tell her, part of the wall in the house collapsed and a box could be seen inside the wall. Jessica and Bobby took the box out and inside the box was a big jade rabbit and a note from Jessica mother telling her that she was the king's brother's daughter, a "kwun zhu". They went back to tell everyone the story. Jessica decides to go and find her father. Her brother goes with her.
In the city, Jessica and her brother ran into May Kwong in the street. Someone stole May's wallet and blamed Jessica for the crime. Jessica denied stealing the wallet and yelled at May.
Later at the hotel, Bobby showed up to see them. A body was found in the hotel and after the people found out that he was the well-known coroner, they asked him to examine the body. Bobby helped them solve the case.
The next day, Bobby, Jessica and her brother went to her dad's home. They met with her dad's wife, a "wong fei". She told them that her husband had died already. She told them to leave the jade rabbit and letter so that she could investigate Jessica's identity. Therefore, they returned home and awaited for her news.
Eileen was wasting a lot of money. Frankie;s parents didn't like her squandering personality.
The restaurant owner, "Zhing Leung" (from a previous case), was sick and Mariane's dad helped her out. He was actually starting to like her. Mariane's tries to help her dad out.
After months without any news from the "wong fei" (Jessica's stepmom), Jessica and Bobby decided to go back and ask her for news. When to got there, the "wong fei" pretended that she didn't know who they were and threw them out. May returned home and they found out that she was a "kwun zhu" (princess) and therefore, Jessica's younger sister. Her mom was the evil "wong fei". May urged her mom to let Bobby and Jessica leave unharmed.
Bobby was later forced to quit his job as a coroner. May went to find her sister, Jessica, and brought her the jade rabbit. However, she hired the wrong group of men to pull her carriage and Michael rescued her. Unfortunately, she broke the jade rabbit while they were running. Bobby figured out a way to prove Jessica's identity. If Jessica's blood could seep into her father's bones, then she was his daughter.
They decided to sneak into the coffin room. Unfortunately, the "wong fei" returned home and caught them. Luckily, the king's "10th brother", who had previously helped Jessica and Bobby sneak into the palace, showed up and saved them. He was also able to force the "wong fei" to allow Bobby to use his method. The method worked and Jessica was given her identity as a "kwun zhu" (princess). Jessica now has to go to court to meet the king. Before she left, she gave Bobby the little jade rabbit as a present and told him that she would return.
The king sent a group of men with his official scroll and promoted Bobby to a position even higher than Frankie's.
Bobby finds out from the King's 10th brother that the king wants to marry Jessica off to a Mongolian Prince because the "wong fei" suggested it. Bobby thinks that Jessica likes this Mongolian prince because she sees the 2 of them together happily. In reality though, Jessica only thought of the Mongolian Prince as a good friend. Bobby threw the jade rabbit that Jessica gave him away, thinking that their relationship was over. Mariane sees this and tells him that Jessica wouldn't leave him. However, he's very discouraged. Mariane jumps into the water, hoping to find the jade rabbit for him.
Bobby and Mariane ran into a eunuch from the palace (he sued to work under the evil eunuch). Bobby gave him some money. The eunuch told him that the evil eunuch who had killed Bobby's mentor had a spy among Bobby's group. Mariane and Bobby thought back and couldn't think of anyone other than Frankie who knew the truth and had a motive to tell. Therefore, they became suspicious of Frankie and decided to go and question him. Frankie denies all accusations and acts all innocent.
A dead body is found in water and Bobby examines the body. He had scratched himself before touching the body and had an open wound. He and Michael soon end up with an unknown disease which looks kindda like chicken pox or measles. However, Bobby's case is a lot more severe. The doctors say that there's no cure and that Bobby will die.
Eileen's parent's owed people a lot of money so they left town. Frankie goes to visit Bobby and he's jealous to see Mariane taking care of Bobby. Mariane stayed to take care of Bobby she wasn't afraid of contracting the disease. Mariane soon got the disease too. However, while she was cooking something with flour, they discovered that flour can cure this disease. The two soon got better and their relationship became even better because of this incident.
Fearing for her sister, May told Jessica that the king planned on marrying her off to the Mongolian Prince. Jessica decided to act like her previous raggedy, loud self in order to thwart the Prince's love towards her. The Prince told her openly that he thought of her as a friend and already had a girlfriend back in Mongolia. The two went to the king and asked that they not be married to each other. The king accepted their decision. The 10th king's brother told Jessica that Bobby thought she was dating the Mongolian Prince. Jessica was very disappointed in Bobby. Jessica asked the king if she could return home to fix her mother's grave The king told her that she could.
Frankie and Eileen are constantly fighting. He slapped her during one incident so she ran out of the house. She got drunk and Bobby tried to help her but she hit him instead. However, they soon became friends because Eileen saw how nice Bobby really was.
Everyone gathered together for dinner. Bobby and Mariane tried to help her dad get together with the restaurant owner ("Zhing Leurng"). They were successful.
Eileen went to find Bobby and Frankie's mom saw. Bobby urges Eileen to become a better wife. Eileen begins to treat Frankie better now. Frankie's mom tells him that she saw Bobby and Eileen together.
Bobby moves into a new home. Jessica comes back and sees Bobby with Mariane. She gets angry and leaves. She breaks off her friendship with Mariane.
Jessica urges May to find her own love. She urges her sister to be with Michael.
Bobby went out drinking because he wasn't sure how to handle his relationship with Jessica and Mariane.
Jessica and May went to see the construction of her mom's new grave. They ran into Michael and Frankie. Frankie's surprised to how nice Jessica looks now that she's a princess.
Eileen's parents are arrested in another town. She wants Frankie to bribe the officials there so that they can be freed. Frankie refuses to help her. The two get into another big fight.
The man who saved the "real Frankie" the year before is passing through the village and decides to go and visit Frankie. Frankie plays it off nicely. However, he has some business to take care of, so he leaves for a few minutes. In that time, Frankie's mom started talking to him and she found out that the real Frankie was at this man's house during his last birthday Frankie's mom freaks out and starts thinking about all the behavior changes in Frankie since he returned home this time. She even pulls out one of his letters and compares it to one of the old letters that he sent before and noticed that the hand-writing was different. She tells "Siu Chun" (Jessica's brother) to go and find her husband, who's currently in another village.
Michael and May's relationship is improving also.
Mariane decides to step out of her relationship with Bobby. Jessica is angry at Bobby and Mariane. Michael and May try to help Jessica and Bobby get back together again. However, their plan goes all wrong. Mariane gets injured and Bobby goes to see her instead. Jessica sees Bobby with Mariane and gets even angrier.
Episodes 19-22:
Frankie's mom was sick. Frankie makes her some herbal medicine. Frankie's mom finds out that Frankie isn't her son. Her real son has a scar on the top of his head. She asks the "fake Frankie" what happened to the real Frankie. Just then, she realizes that the "fake Frankie" had poisoned her.
Bobby is out with Eileen and the 2 get caught in the rain. They go and hide out on a little boat to avoid the rain. The next day, Jessica's brother "Siu Chun" sees Bobby and Eileen together and thinks that they're sleeping together.
Frankie's mom is found dead in her home. Eileen is accused of the murder. She can't tell that she and Bobby were together talking because she knows that no one will believe her. Bobby tries to help Eileen. Jessica doesn't believe Eileen is innocent.
A dead, burned body is found it's the guy who was visiting the "real Frankie" no one knows this though.
Bobby tells Mariane that Eileen had been with him that night. That's why he knows that she's innocent. Frankie tries to act like he's been emotionally hurt by Eileen so that he can get Jessica's pity.
Celine (her husband "Siu Chun" told her) with Bobby the night of the murder. Frankie accuses Bobby of being the real mastermind behind his mom's murder and Bobby's thrown in jail.
Mariane appeals to Jessica for help but she refuses to help Bobby. Jessica however, did allow for Bobby's case to be delayed 1 month so that he could investigate and find proof. The restaurant owner tells Bobby that she recalls seeing a man that looked exactly like Frankie but he had a limp. Mariane remembers that the real Frankie has a scar on his head from childhood so they ask Frankie's dad. He believes his son though. And the "fake Frankie" created a scar on his head now
Eileen is found pregnant. They accuse Bobby of being the father of the child. Frankie pretends that Bobby hits him. Bobby's friends are beginning to have their doubt about him too now.
Eileen threatens to commit suicide. Frankie doesn't believe that she will though.
Jessica is starting to fall for Frankie again, partly because she knows that she and Bobby will not be together.
Bobby is unable to find solid proof against Frankie. Frankie's dad is beginning to get suspicious of Frankie too. Just as he's getting closer to discovering the real Frankie's body, the fake Frankie has him burned to death.
Frankie sweet-talks Eileen into saying that Bobby is the mastermind behind the murders.
Bobby and Mariane believe that this isn't the real Frankie. They plan on using the bone test. Surprisingly, Frankie's blood seeped through his mom's bones. Bobby is thrown into jail again. He still can't understand what happened with the bone test. As his sentence, Bobby will die
When Eileen finds out, she tries to hit Frankie but he pushes her and she falls into a coma. Mariane rescues her by lying and saying that she died.
Bobby realizes that the fake Frankie's blood seeped into the bones because his so-called mom was poisoned and anyone's blood will seep through.
Bobby discovered handprints on the clothes of the burned body.
With Jessica and the 10th king's help, got handprints of all the people in China and that was used as their proof against Frankie. Frankie was put to death and Eileen died before giving birth to her child but her child, a son, was still born. Bobby and Mariane showed Frankie his son before he died.
Both Jessica and Mariane were planning on leaving Bobby. However, he found them in time and was going to marry both of them!
My opinions of the series:
The series was pretty interesting in the beginning. I enjoyed the cases because we actually got to see Bobby examining the bodies. The cast did a pretty good job. Overall, a good series.
Updated 3/23/2000
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