Are you an Arielholic? If so, there's a fan group just for you. The Arielholics Mailing List unites Ariel fans around the world in an e-mail forum for discussion of the movie and TV series, opinions, trivia contests, hot news about new merchandise and Disney's plans for "The Little Mermaid," and much more! The mailing list is run by Deborah Pickett in Australia and is free to join. Just send an e-mail to the following address:
[email protected]
and include the phrase "subscribe (your e-mail address here)"in the BODY of the message, not the subject header. Don't use the parenthesis in your real e-mail message. When the mailing list server receives your subscription request, you will be automatically be e-mailed a copy of the mailing list's instructions, and soon you will begin receiving messages from fellow Ariel fans around the world! Don't be afraid to jump in on conversations and send messages to the other "Mermaid" fans via the mailing list; that's what it's there for!