
Birthday~ May 28th 1970 (she's 17/18) in the series
height~ 168 cm
Weight~ She's not tellin'!
Eyes~ blueish~ green
hair~ brown

Mia is the grandaughter of Professor Koji. After he died she took over in showing the Ronins their powers. She met up with all of them when she showed an interest in bringing thr Ronins back to the University so her Grandfather could explain the extend of their powers. She tags along with the Ronins and is a valuable help at times. But sometimes she gets caught and it makes more work that the Ronins have to save her. The only one who seemed to not like her in the begining of the series was Sage. He got over that after he reliazed that she could help them. After Episode 12, Mia learns how to stay out of the way of the warlords and it makes it easier for the Ronins to fight. It was also mentioned by some that she has a boyfriend in France, but I don't know his name.


Birthday~ June 30th 1979
Height~ 118 cm.
Hair~ brown
eyes~ black

Yuli gets involved in the battle kinda by accident. He's just kinda there. His parents get kidnapped along with everyone else in the city and there's a pretty sad part in the episode where Mia's Grandfather dies. Yuli asks Mia to stop at his house, because he thinks by some miracle that his parents escaped the clutches of the evil Dynasty. So when he goes into the room that his mother used for a garden and he starts to cry. It was really sad! He also is the one who usually gets in trouble. Then when the Ronin Warriors save him they learn more about their powers.

The Ancient

Hair~ White
Special Weapon~ The Staff of the Ancient

Long ago when the Demon Tupla inavded th world, the ancient was the one to defeat him. After defeating him, he divided the Demon's Armor into 9 seperate ones. The armors where each triggered by nine basics of human traits~ Virtue, Wisdom, Trust, Justice, Life, Loyalty, Peity, Obedience, and Serenity. He tries his best to sheild the Ronins from Tulpa and the 4 Dark Warlords, but in the end he sacrifices himself so that the Ronins can make an all out assult on Tulpa.


Ryo's faithful companion. He's always willing to risk his own safety for his friend. He likes Yuli too. He and Ryo are in-seperable. White Blaze can also become Black Blaze. White Blaze seems smarter and stronger than an average Tiger. He can also come in handy because he has that Animal's sixth sense thing. He can sense things, like when Ryo is in trouble. He is fierce in battle but when he's around Yuli he turns into a little kitten like cat... ^.^ How cute! (like in the picture)

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