Season 4

401 - "Coming Home" - Pacey and Joey returns from there trip to True Love. (1: Gretchen Witter)

402 - "Failing Down" - Pacey may not be graduating with his class. (1: Drue Valentine)

403 - "Two Gentlemen of Capeside" - A huge storm hits Capeside while Pacey and Jen are sailing True Love. (1: Mr. Brooks)

404 - "Future Tense" - Everyone is stressing about their college plans.

405 - "A Family Way" - Joey is contemplating having sex with Pacey.

406 - "Great Xpectations" - The gang is invited to a rave.

407 - "You had me at Goodbye" - Andie has the opportunity to leave Capeside. (L: Andie McPhee)

408 - "The Unusual Suspects" - Someone pulled a senior prank, but who?

409 - "Kiss Kiss Bang Bang" - Leery Christmas Party.

410 - "Self Reliance" - Feelings about Dawson and Gretchen's Kiss. (1: Tobey)

411 - "The Tao of Dawson" - Gretchen runs into her ex-boyfriend from college.

412 - "The Te of Pacey" - It's Pacey's 18th birthday. (A: Witter Family)

413 - "Hopeless" - Dawson meets Gretchen's friends, while Pacey and Joey assist Drue on a date. (1: Anna)

414 - "A Winter's Tale" - Senior Ski Trip. (L: Anna) (L: Mr. Brooks)

415 - "Four Stories" - Will Joey tell Dawson about what happened?

416 - "Mind Games" - Joey is keeping secrets.

417 - "Admissions" - Joey is accepted to Dartmouth, but can't afford it.

418 - "Eastern Standard Time" - It's Senior Cut Day. (A: Mr. Lindley)

419 - "Late" - Is Joey pregnant? (1: Lily Leery)

420 - "Promicide" - The Senior Prom.  Will it be an enjoyable evening for all? 

421 - "Separation Anxiety" - Now that everyone is single, how is everyone feeling?

422 - "The Graduate" - The Capeside Gang graduates. (A: Andie McPhee)

423 - "Coda" - It's time for Dawson to leave to college, how does Joey feel?