
	Arsinoe & Phillip II of Macedon
Ptolemy I m.  Eurydice, daughter of Antipater of Macedon (regent)
	4 Children of which none are named. She would be put aside for a lady-in-waiting.
		m.  Berenice I, daughter of Arsinoe & Lagos (half-sister)
	3 Children by first husband + Ptolemy II.  1) Magus,  King of Cyrenacia,  2) Lysimachus  
3) Arsinoe II  m. Lysimachus of Thrace

Ptolemy II  m. Arsinoe I of Thrace, daughter of Lysimachus of Thrace
	3 Children.  1) Ptolemy III  2) Lysimachus  3) Berenice  m. Antiochus II of Syria
		m.  Arsinoe II of Thrace (widow & sister) childless
Ptolemy III  m. Berenice of Cyrenacia, d. of Magus
	2 Children?  1) Ptolemy IV  2) Arsinoe III
Ptolemy IV  m.  Arsinoe III
	1 Child:  Ptolemy V  
Ptolemy V  m. Cleopatra I of Syria (d. of Antiochus IV)
	3 Children?  1) Ptolemy VI  2) Cleopatra II  3) Ptolemy VIII
Ptolemy VI  m. Cleopatra II
	3 Children.  1)Cleopatra Thea  2) Cleopatra III  3) Ptolemy VII
Ptolemy VII - killed by his uncle while yet a child.
Ptolemy VIII  m. Cleopatra II
	1 Child: Memphites, killed by his father
		m. Cleopatra III, his wife's daughter. First PTolemy to have 2 wives.
	3 Children?:  1)* Ptolemy IX  2)* Ptolemy X  3) Cleopatra IV
	1 Child:  Ptolemy Apion of Cyrene (illegitimate)

*These two brothers were to rule concurrently until one was driven away.

Ptolemy IX  m. Cleopatra IV
	2 Children?:  1) Cleopatra-Berenice III  2) Cleopatra V Selene
		m.  Greek-Alexandrian Concubine
	2 Children:  1) Ptolemy XII  2) Ptolemy of Cyprus  (both illegitimate)
Ptolemy X  m. Cleopatra III, his mother! First known case in egyptian history.
		Unknown Concubine
	1 Child:  Ptolemy XI  (illegitimate)
Ptolemy XI  m.  Cleopatra-Berenice

*Had her murdered and he in turn was murdered by the mob.

Ptolemy XII  m. Cleopatra V Selene
	3 Children:  1) Cleopatra VI Tryphaena  2) Berenice IV  3) Cleopatra VII
		m. Unknown Queen
	3 Children:  1) Ptolemy XIII  2) Arsinoe IV  3) Ptolemy XIV
Cleopatra VII  m. Ptolemy XIII
	1 Child:  Ptolemy XV Caesarion
		Mark Anthony
	3 Children:  1) Alexander-Helios  2) Cleopatra-Selene  3) Ptolemy Philadelphus

*The end of Egypt's independence, it is now the private estate for Roman Emperors.
Down the african coast, Cleopatra VII's line woud continue thru her daughter.

Cleopatra-Selene m. Juba II of Numidia
	2 Children:  1) Ptolemy  2) Drusilla I
Ptolemy of Numida murdered by his cousin, Caligula
Drusilla II  m. Agrippa I of the Jews
	2 Children:  1) Berenice  2) Agrippa II
Agrippa II  m. Berenice, his sister

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