The Blood of Ra

Dynasty 1
Shesh I, mother of Na'rmer.
and probable wife of Scorpion.
Neith'hetepu, mother of Aha & chief wife of Narmer.
evidence suggest she was a northern princess.
Berenib (Bernerib), sister and chief wife of Aha
Hept, concubine of Aha and mother of Djer.
Herneith, sister and chief wife of Djer
Shesh II, sister and second wife of Djer
Merneith, chief wife of Djet and mother of Den.
Betirset (Betresh), chief wife of Merpibia and mother of Irynetjer.
Tarset, possible wife of Merpibia.

Dynasty 2
Nymaathep (Hepenmaat), either the wife of Khasekhemwy or Sanakht,
and mother to Djoser.

Dynasty 3
Hetephernebty, either the wife or heiress-daughter of Djoser.
Intkaes, possible wife of Djoser-Teti.
Meresankh I, non-royal wife of Huni and mother to Seneferu.

Dynasty 4
Hetepheres I, chief wife of Seneferu.
Merityetes I, wife of Seneferu.
Meresankh II, wife of Seneferu.
Nofret'kau, daughter and wife of Seneferu.
Merityetes II, chief wife of Khufu.
Senti, wife and probable sister of Khufu.
Henutsen, wife of Khufu and mother of Rekhaef.
Khentetenka, chief wife of Redjedef and probable mother of Bakare.
Hetepheres II, heiress and wife of crown prince Kawab
second wife of Redjedef.
Khamerernebty I, chief wife of Rekhaef and mother of Menkaure.
Meresankh III, heiress of Khufu, wife of Rekhaef.
Rekhetre, daughter and wife of Rekhaef.
Hedjhekhenu, wife of Rekhaef and mother of Prince Nekaure.
Per-Senti, wife of Rekhaef and mother of Prince Sekhemkare.
Neferhetepes, daughter of Redjedef, mother of Userkaf and possible wife of Bakare.
Khamerernebty II, chief wife of Menkaure.
Bunefer, second wife of Shepseskaf.

Dynasty 5
Khentkaues I, chief wife of Userkaf, daughter of Menkaure and mother to Sahure & Neferirkare.
Neferthanebty, chief wife of Sahure and possibly mother of Shepseskare.
Khentkaues II, chief wife of Neferirkare and mother to Reneferef & Niuserre.
Reputneb, chief wife of Niuserre and possible mother of Menkauhor.
Nubi, wife of Niuserre.
Khentikus, (another Khentkaues?) wife of Niuserre.
Meresankh IV, chief wife of Djedkare Isesi.
Neb[e]t, chief wife of Unas and mother of heiress Iput I.

Dynasty 6
Iput I, chief wife of Tety and mother of Pepy I.
Sesheset, wife of Tety.
Khuit, wife of Tety.
Imtes'weret, possible chief wife (before disgrace) of Pepy I.
Ankhesmeryre I, II, chief wives of Pepy I (commoners) and mothers of two heirs.
Neith, chief wife of Nemtyemsaf I.
Neith (same?), chief wife of Pepy II.
Ankhespepy, wife of Pepy II and mother of Neferkare I.
Iput II, daughter of Nemtyemsaf II and second chief wife of Pepy II.
Nitokerty, chief wife of Nemtyemsaf II and last ruler.

Dynasty 11
A'oh, wife of Inyotef III and mother of heir.
Henite, wife of Inyotef III.
Tem, chief wife of Montuhotep II.
Kawit, wife of Montuhotep II.
Ashait, wife of Montuhotep II.
Amunet, wife of Montuhotep II.
Neferu II, wife of Montuhotep II & mother of Montuhotep III.
Neferu III, chief wife of Montuhotep III.
Imi, wife of Montuhotep III and mother to Montuhotep IV.
Amunet, wife of Montuhotep III.

Dynasty 12
Neferytotenen, chief wife of Amenemhat I and mother to Senwosre I.
Dedyet, sister and wife of Amenemhat I.
Sobek'neferu, wife of Amenemhat I.
Neferushery, chief wife of Senwosre I and mother to Amenemhat II.
Mereret I, chief wife of Amenemhat II and mother of Senwosre II.
Kema'nub, wife of Amenemhat II.
Nofret, chief wife of Senwosre II and mother of Senwosre III.
(Nefer)Henut, wife of Senwosre II.
Sobekshedty Neferu, chief wife of Senwosre III.
Merseger, second chief wife of Senwosre III.
Nefer'kent, wife of Senwosre III.
Mereret II, wife of Senwosre III.
Meresankh, wife of Senwosre III.
A'at, chief wife of Amenemhat III and mother to Amenemhat IV.
Nubhetepikred, second chief wife of Amenemhat III and mother to Sobekneferu.
Ptah'neferu, wife and possible daughter of Amenemhat III.
Kema'nut, wife of Amenemhat III.
Ta'neferu, chief wife of Amenemhat IV.
Sobekneferu, possible second chief wife and last ruler.

Dynasty 16
Nubkhas, chief wife of Sobekemsaf II.
Montuhotep, chief wife of Thuty.
Dynasty 17
Sobekemsaf, chief wife of Inyotef VII and mother of Senakhtenre.
Considered an ancestress of the 18th dynasty.

Dynasty 18
Tetishery, chief wife of Seqenenre Tao I and mother of Tao II.
Ahhotep I, chief wife of Seqenenre Tao II and mother of Kamose & Ahmose.
Ahmose Inhapi, wife and sister of Tao II.
Ahmose Meritamen I, chief wife of Kamose.
Ahmose Nefertari, chief wife of Ahmose and mother of Amenhotep I.
Sensoneb, concubine of Ahmose and mother of Thutmose I.
Kema'nub, wife of Ahmose.
Meritamen I, chief wife of Amenhotep I.
Ahhotep II, wife and sister of Amenhotep I.
Ahmose Tumerisy, chief wife of Thutmose I and mother of Hatshepsut.
Mutnofret, princess who died before husband reached throne. Mother of Thutmose II.
Hatshepsut, chief wife of Thutmose II and co-ruler.
Iset I, wife of Thutmose II and mother of Thutmose III.
Neferure, chief wife of Thutmose III.
Sitioh, second chief wife of Thutmose III.
Meritre Hatshepsut, third chief wife of Thutmose III and mother of Amenhotep II.
Nebetu, daughter of Prince Setum and wife to Thutmose III.
Meritamen (II), wife and possible sister of Thutmose III.
Menhet, Menwi, & Merti, daughters of syrian chieftain and wives of Thutmose III.
Ahmose Meritamen II, chief wife of Amenhotep II and daughter of Neferure.
Sitamen I, second chief wife of Amenhotep II.
Tiaa, wife of Amenhotep II and mother of Thutmose IV.
Yaret, chief wife of Thutmose IV and possible mother of Sitamen II.
Mutemwiya, second chief wife of Thutmose IV and mother of Amenhotep III.
Tiye, chief wife of Amenhotep III and mother of Akhenaten.
Sitamen II, second chief wife of Amenhotep III and possible mother of Smenkhkare.
Tia'ha, princess and wife to Amenhotep III.
Gilukhipa, mittani princess and wife to Amenhotep III.
Taleka, babylonian princess and wife of Amenhotep III.
Nebet'nuhe, wife of Amenhotep III.
Iset II, second eldest daughter and wife of Amenhotep III.
Henut'tanebu, third daughter and wife of Amenhotep III.
Nefertiti, chief wife of Akhenaten.
Kiya (Tadukhipa), wife of Akhenaten and possible mother of Tutankhamen.
Meritaten, daughter and wife of Akhenaten.
Ankhesenpaaten, daughter and chief wife of Akhenaten.
Ipy, only known "named" concubine of Akhenaten.
Meritaten, chief wife of Smenkhkare.
Ankhesenpaaten, second chief wife of Smenkhkare after sister's death.
Ankhesenamen, chief wife of Tutankhamen ( name change).
Tey, chief wife of Ay.
Ankhesenamen, wife of Ay before disappearance.
Mutnodjmet, chief wife of Horemheb.

Dynasty 19
Sitre, chief wife of Rameses I and mother of heir.
Tuia, chief wife of Sethy I and mother of heir.
Bekurel / Bekwerenre, another wife of Sethy I and possible mother of Isetnofret.
Nefertari Meryenmut, chief wife of Rameses II and possible grandaughter of Ay.
Isetnofret I, second chief wife of Rameses II and mother of Merenptah.
Meritamen (III), daughter and chief wife of Rameses II after Nofretari's death.
Bint'anath, daughter and chief wife of Rameses II after Isetnofret's death.
Isetnofret II, chief wife of Merenptah and mother of heir.
Takhat I, wife of Merenptah and mother of usurper, Amenmese.
Tia, chief wife of Amenmese and mother of Siptah.
Takhat II, first chief wife of Sethy II.
Tawosre, second chief wife of Sethy II, regent for Siptah and last ruler.

Dynasty 20
Tiye Mereniset, chief wife of Sethnakhte and mother of heir.
Iset (III) Ta'Hemadjilat, one of two chief wives of Rameses III.
Titi, wife and daughter? of Rameses III and mother of Rameses IV.
Iset (IV), chief wife of Rameses IV and mother of Rameses V.
Tiye, wife of Rameses IV.
Ta'Opet, chief wife of Rameses V.
Neferti, wife of Rameses V and mother of a King.
Nubkhesed, chief wife of Rameses VI.
Baktwernel I, chief wife of Rameses IX.
Tyti, chief wife of Rameses X and mother of heir.
Tentamen I, chief wife of Rameses XI.
Baktwernel II, wife of Rameses XI.

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