Chapter 2

"Brak in Chains"

When Brak woke up, he found himslef in a dungeon. A hallway was to the right,
a huge wooden door was locked at the end. He was attached to the wall by
four metal chains with metal clamps holding his wrists and ankles. The dungeon was
moldy and damp, with bugs traveling everywhere. The only light was from a small window, that was painted shut. Some paint had fallen off, and little rays of
light had trickled through.

Brak recalled the events of the last day or so. He rememberd going to the kitchen
to check out a large noise, and being shot at. The first shot missed, so someone
set off a bright light that made him temporarily blind. His kidnapper then grabbed him, and was about to shoot him again. Brak yelled " Let go'a me!" but was shot
and stunned. He found himself here only a little while ago.

A huge door opened at the end of the hallway and out walked...... METTALUS!!
" You rotten meany! Why'd you take me away from my home" Brak yelled.
" I have you hear for a purpose, and you will do as I say when i need you too.
When i am done with you, you will be DISPOSED OF" Metallus said.
The huge armored warrior left the dungeon, leaving Brak in awe.
He had never been really threatened before, only by Space Ghost or Zorak
who never meant to kill him


Something was going on outside, a fight. All of a sudden, the door burst open, and a beautiful woman burst into the dungeon. She was wearing white pants and top,
and a strange teirra on her head. " You have to come with me right now Brak.
... or you will die!" Brak had no time to respond, the woman shot right through the
wall and the chains behind him. She started running on a rainbow-light platform
to a preety-big space ship.

Around Brak, a fight was going on. A knight in shining armor was fighting
A warrior with mettallic wings. An android was fighting a man using psionic
powers. A muscular man was attacking the building that Brak just left
He had just noticed that it was a huge fortress, all metal.

Brak and the girl enterd the ship, she called the android, the knight, and the muscular man back to the ship. As the engines started, we were shot from another
figure, as Brak turned around, he saw it was....................

The Space Spectre? Where is Brak??? Who are those mysterious people? Why
did Metallus hold Brak hostage? Is that REALLY Metallus? Find out all that