Chapter 4

"The Elementals"

Terrian, the rock man attacked the White Queen, in hopes of stoping
her spellcasting abilities with his power. Ice, the ice woman, went after
Metallico, thinking she could freeze and than shatter his armor.
Firelord, the fire man, decided it was best to try to fry Androids circuits.
" Come here preety lady!" said Terrian.
" Why don't you come here, for THIS!" retorted the White Queen as she
fired a barrage of laser beams from her hands.

"My armor will carck if I dont think fast" Thought Metallico.
He touched his comm badge and shouted, " Android, duck infront of me!"
Android heard him and did as he was ordered. Firelord went after him,
and as he shot, he hit Ice and Metallico. Ice collapsed, and Metallico's
armor de-freezed. Android and Metallico quickly defeated firelord, and raced
over to help the White Queen.

Brak, standing in the corner was watching the attack, while Lokar was fending
off the attack of the Space Spectre and Air Hawk, the man with metallic wings.
" Get away you big lug! shouted the spectre. Those two defeated Lokar, and went
to get Brak.

"Hold it right there!" yelled the White Queen. She was standing with Android and
Metallico, ready to fight.
They fired lasers and shot both of the villans down.

With his collapsing breath, the spectre pointed at Brak and said "I have
failed you my master"

"What does that mean Metallico?" Asked the recovered Lokar.
"Something I've been dreading. Come my love" He replied.
" Ok dear" said the White Queen.

Metallico walked away, he needed to plan. Before he went, he told everyone to
prepare for a fight tommorow, and that he was sorry he didnt want to say more
He walked away hand in hand with the White Queen, as a cold and lonely
figure watched them walk away, and he departed to his quaters,
thinking of his love

Brak was the only one left in the main room.
The robots were repairing the ceiling, and Lokar went to drop
the villans off at galatic ploice.
He thoght of his day, and of the Space Spectre pointing to him,
and saying he failed him.
Even Brak, who is very stupid, knew something was deathly wrong

TO be contiued on Friday, than angain next tuesday, and will be concluded on