Lady Une VS Tuberov

After months of preperation, the moment has come. A new arena has been erected on Earth, in the Sank Kingdom. Emereld City, as it is called, is a fantastic place. That, however, is another story to be told another time. Taking place in this arena, is a grudge match. Actually, a Ladder Grudge Match! The wonderfull Lady Une will take on the diabolical Tuberov!

The announcer clears his throat and begins to talk into the microphone, "Ladys and Gentlemen, boys and girls. The moment is finally here, the first battle to ever take place at Emereld City is about to commence!"

< The crowd shouts wildly >

"Now coming to the ring at this time. He's in command of Oz's space force, after forceably removing Lady Une from that position. He ugly, stupid, and has a really wrinkled face, he's....Tuberov."

< The crowd boos overwelmingly, clearly Une supporters >

Tuberov, after slowly dragging himself into the ring, shouts "You better cheer for me or else I'll opress you!"

< The crowd's reaction doesn't change >

The announcer continues, "And now coming to the ring at this time, she's stunningly beautiful, you would faint if you met her eye to eye, if she didn't arrest you first. Its the godess-like LAAAAAADDDDYYYYY UUUUNNNNNEEEEE!!!!!"

< The crowd goes crazy, they throw confetti and ribbons from their chairs, only to find.... >

The announcer, noticably nervous speaks up "Well... we can't really seem to find the dear Lady Un...Oh my Shinigami!!!" As the announcer was talking, Lady Une dropped from the ceiling right onto Tubey's back. Tuberov, being a feeble old man, collapsed under the wieght of Lady Une, even though she is very fit. With Tuberov helpless, Lady Une took the ribbon from her hair and tied his hands together. "HaHaHa, now it's game over for you!"

< The crowd roars again, enjoying what is happening >

With no one to stop her, Lady Une easily picked up the ladder that was lying on the floor. With ladder in hand, she conked Tuberov on the head a few times, but he didnt seem to flinch. Lady Une frowned, but then decided to get the match over with. She stood the ladder up and climbed on top. The dangling gun, hanging from the rafters, was now in her reach. But she stopped at the last step and shouted, "Hey audience, what should I do with it?"

< In unison, the crowd screams "Shoot It Down! >

Pleased with the crowds idea, Lady Une grabbed the gun and aimed right at Tubey's head. She fired three times. The bullets went straight through, but now blood poured out. Instead, his head fizzed and sparked. Smoke poured out, and finally it blew up. The audience was shocked, the announcer fainted, and Lady Une was speachless.

"HaHaHa! Mobile Dolls are always the way to go!"

The voice came from the entrence of the arena. Everyone turned to look. Sure enough, Tuberov was standing at the entrence, gun in hand. "Goodbye, Lady Une." This time, it was Tuberov who fired three times. Lady Une was hit by all three, and collapsed to the floor.

< The audience shouted and screamed. Death threats against Tuberov could be heard, and objects were hurled at his head >

"That's it, I'm gonna opress each and every one of you!" Before anyone could react, Lady Une became visible behind Tuberov. "That is not what my Excellency wants, and that is why you and me will always be enimies"

One shot was all it took. Straight threw his head. No sparks. No fizzes. No smoke. Only blood, surrounding Tuberov's limp body. Lady Une, or whatever you can call it, walked to the ring. She went over to the other 'Lady Une'.

"I told you not to come out. I told you I would be ok on my own."

As Lady Une said this, she moved her hand towards the other Lady Une's face, and grabbed a zipper that was hidden behing her neck.

"I know you love me, but it didn't have to come to this..."

She started to pull the zipper forward, revealing the face of...

"My dear Nikol....."

The End