Episode one: Alias; Kodoshi

'For heaven's sake, what's taking them so long?'
thought Rae, sitting on the steps of the temple with Luna Artemis, Meena, and Ami.
'Serena being late I can understand, but Lita is usually punctual.'
She then spoke her thoughts aloud.
"Serena's been corrupting the scouts. Now Lita's gonna start coming late too!"
Luna, ever the peacemaker, came to the absent leader's defense.
"She tries as hard as all of you, you know, Rae."
Rae scoffed.
"But I don't know what on earth could be keeping Lita."


Lita, meanwhile, was being held at gunpoint.
She had been walking down the sidewalk, on time for the meeting, and heard a crash. She instantly thought 'the Negaverse!' and rushed into the nearest alley wth the intent to transform into Sailor Jupiter. But her efforts were thwarted by the barrel of a gun, right on level with her head. The voice behind the gun was a cool, dark voice, male quite obviously, and seemed to come from a few inches above her. All it had to say was this;
"Keep quiet."


Serena, however, was running late and running fast, ranting aloud.
"Oooh, why did there have to be a scout meeting on a day like this! I'm soooo late this time! They're all gonna----"
She ran smack into something black, and fell on her butt. Expecting to see Darien, she raised her head and said with a smile,"Hello, my prince!"
The figure in black tossed his braid flirtatiously and replied, "Hey, babe, didn't know you felt that way!"
Serena jumped to her feet, almost apalled by the vision before her.He was a bit taller than her, and clad entirely in black, with the exception of a priest collar. His flaxen hair was at least 4 feet long, minus the bangs, and fell past his waist in a long braid. He was also wearing a black baseball cap and a broad grin, almost devilish.
"You're...not Darien."
The braid-boy smiled.
"That's right."
"What's that supposed to be, an insult?"
He walked over to Serena and said, "Nice hair, babe!" He was of course referring to the yellow meatball-pigtails that were the girl's signature style. "Which reminds me...have you seen a tall guy, unusually skinny, with the world's worse case of unibang?"
"Never mind. What about a blonde arab in a pink shirt?"
"What the heck are you talking about?"
The boy sighed. "Forget I asked. Nice meeting you!"
He grabbed Serena's hand and shook it feverently, then took off down the street.Serena, meanwhile, stood right where she was, and felt something in the palm of her hand. It was a small, folded piece of paper, which she proceeded to unfold.
"What the Heck?!"
It said; 'Call Me! -Shinigami (851-1691)'
'The Negaverse!'
She rushed to the temple, with a new purpose; to warn the scouts. Obviously the American procedure was new to her.


A boy, about 5 foot 3, with unkempt dark hair, was nearing the temple. He was wearing a green tank top, black bike shorts, and a gun (loaded) in the band of the shorts. An old habit of his, he never used a holster. Perhaps it was the cool feeling of steel against his skin. Made him comfortable.
'So, this is my homeland. Interesting place.' he thought, glancing at the surroundings.
Back to practical mode. 'I'll need a codename, place to stay, and some sleep, in that order.
He saw the temple, and the three girls sitting out in front, all about his age. One with short, blue-green hair, one with a blonde ponytail, and one in temple dress with black hair about as long as Duo's.
'She's the one to approach.'


Rae was tapping her foot impatiently, and annoyed.
"They're half an hour late!"
Amy quietly stated, "Maybe they're in trouble...?"
Meena suggested trying the scoutlinks. As Ami proceeded to do so, the boy approached the temple. Meena stared. "Wow, he's cute!" Rae turned around. Heero was nearly at the top of the stairs.
"Welcome to our temple!" she said with a smile. "Have you come to leave an offering?"
The boy shook his head, not looking up. It didn't seem as if he was shy, more that he didn't want to look at her. "I need a place to stay where nobody will look for me."
Ami, who had gotten no answer from Serena (she had left her link at home again), looked up at him from where she was sitting.
And she couldn't see his face either.
Rae continued to stare, trying to keep the smile. "Who are you hiding from?"
He looked up. The glare in his cobalt eyes was so intimidating that she didn't expect an answer.
"You may stay. What are you called?"
He looked directly at her and said "Aleph. Aleph Kodoshi."


Lita was looking, in vain, for the body of the voice who silenced her, and saw nothing but the barrel of that gun. The only light in the alley was on her.
"Who are you?" she asked.
"That will be made clear soon enough."
'Damn!", thought Lita, 'if that voice wasn't behind a gun I'd find it sexy.' "What do you want from me?"
"At present, nothing but your silence. I have no wish to harm you."
The figure stepped into the light, lowering the gun in the process. "But I can't have you running about telling people you found me here."
He was over 6 feet tall, with almost white hair hanging into his eyes and down his back. He wore a grey trenchcoat.
Lita gasped. "Malachite!"
The man raised an eyebrow and the gun. "Malachite?"


'Nice choice of codename on my part. Good thing I know some hebrew,' thought Heero, following the raven-haired girl through the halls of the temple. 'Dr. J was right to make a point of teaching me a few words in every language. "Holy One" Hn. That should do for now.'
They turned the corner, and she showed him into a room that faced the courtyard. He could see the other two girls sitting on the steps. The raven-haired girl left him to do his unpacking. He stared after her.
'Although it doesn't suit me at all.'


Serena was within vocal range of the temple, running like the god of death was after her. She rushed up the street, panting, and tripped over something. Not wanting to be shocked again, she got to her feet as quickly as she could.
It was a space helmet.
She had tripped over a Space Helmet.


Ami looked up from her scoutlink. "Hm. Sounds like Serena." She went back to contacting Lita.


"Malachite? Who is Malachite?"asked the long-haired man.
Lita's scoutlink blipped. She reached into her pocket and took it out.
The man fired.


"Huh? I've been cut off!" Ami looked down at her scoutlink. just as Serena tore up the stairs, shreiking.
"They're here! The Negaverse is HERE!"


Lita's scoutlink was lying on the concrete floor of the alley, sparks and smoke tumbling out of the bullet hole in it's center.
"Seeing as I already asked you to keep quiet..."
"You'll never get away with this, Malachite!"
"Who is this Malachite?"
Lita paused for a second. "You...aren't Malachite?"
He shook his head, lowering the gun.
"Who are you?"
He poised the gun again.


"Calm down Serena! What do you mean, they're here?" Meena was trying to calm Meatball-head down.
Serena, out of breath and petrified, tried to explain; "I was running....crashed into this guy...all in black...with a braid...he....he gave me this....calls himself...."
She handed Meena the paper.
They screamed in unison.


Heero, from inside the temple, saw and heard the whole thing.
'That moron is going to blow our cover. S---.'
He shut the window and the blinds. He then walked over to the door, made sure nobody was outside, then shut and locked it.


Duo was grabbing a bit to eat at a little burger joint when his cell phone rang.
"Talk to me."
"Duo...omae o korosu."
"What's up, Heero?"
"Seriously, buddy, what's up?"
"Pigtailed freaks."
Duo almost dropped his french fry. "How'd you....?"
"You are going to get us killed."
"Hey, she was a cute girl with cool hair! You know the thing with me and hair!"
"All too well. What phone number did you give her?"
"This one."
"You are a fool!"
Duo rolled his eyes and whined. "I know, I know! The phone is for business only."
"I love it when you say that. So where are you?"
"At a temple just outside the city. Your meatball-headed acquaintence is here now, talking to her friends about you."
"We-he-hell, didn't think it'd be so soon! What are they saying?"
"They're scared sh--less."


Lita stared at the white-haired man. "Peacecraft, huh? Not very appropriate." "What do you want here?"
Peacecraft tossed his hair over his shoulder, keeping the gun poised. "I'm looking for a few people."
Lita raised her eyebrows. "5 individuals who are very powerful, and integral for the future."
Lita had to stifle a gasp. 'The scouts! He's after the scouts!"
"Do you know where I may find them?"


To Be Continued....

The other G-Boys are in varied locations throughout Japan. Quatre and Trowa recieve word about their latest mission and take codenames. Meanwhile, Heero Yuy, under the codename Aleph Kodoshi, encounters a very different kind of Fighting Force when the girls surprise him at the temple in.....

Gundam Wand Episode Two; The Sacred Fire