Previously, in Gundam Wand; Episode Two,
An attempt to Discover the true identity of the boy calling himself
"Shinigami" leads to destruction as Heero Yuy intervenes. Concerned about the
safety of the mission, Heero inadvertantly destroys Rae's temple. The scouts,
in turn, must reveal their identities to a confessed assassin.
Meanwhile, the other Gundam pilots are in varied locations throughout
Tokyo, and Lita is leading Peacecraft to meet with the other people he seems
to need to see. But who does he mean, really?

Episode Three; The White Stallion

Wufei was glad to be out of the city. He was even more glad (rather,
relieved) that he had brought Nataku.
Otherwise he may have never gotten that message.
Zechs is in Japan looking for you. Kill him or bring him to us.
We'd prefer the latter, if it isn't too much trouble. The others will help,
if you can find them. Codenames should be relayed back to Headquarters.
Winner; Daled Seicle
Barton; Gimel Minore
No confirmation of Maxwell's alias
No confirmation of Yuy's arrival
Relay back with your choice of name, and other missing information.
: Drs. and Co.

"Hei Ring."
Duo very nearly paraded down the street, as usual. For some reason he
always got noticed.
'Hm. Maybe it's the braid.' His cell phone rang. 'Yeah! Must be that babe
with the pigtails.' "Shinigami here. Talk to me!"
"Hey, Duo!" The voice was old and weathered, but perky.
"Howard! What's up?"
"Nothing, buddy. You in public?"
"'K, man, it's code time."
"The stallion is roaming the plains."
"The white one or the gold one?"
"The white one.
Duo stopped in his tracks. "Damn, Howard! What's he after?"
"Looks like the 5 lost sheep."
"Well, then the black sheep is gonna get rowdy."
"Great, man. What's his name again?"
Duo thought for a while. 'Hmm...Hebrew, huh?' "Teller. Vet Teller"
"Great. I'll send some help with the search."
"By the way, Howard, what should we DO to the stalltion?"
"Try to bring him to the stables, but if you have to put him to pasture,
do it."
"And also, Vet, is the wolf in sheep's clothing with you? The walrus and
the carpenter haven't heard from him."
"Yeah, he's here. I found him out back eating communion wafers."
"His name?"
"Kodoshi. Aleph Kodoshi."
"What is that, hebrew?"
"Yeah. The black sheep, too"
"You kids are getting too damn creative."
"I'm missing three sheep. Have you seen them?"
"The dancing sheep and the lamb are together on the hill. The ram is in
the plains with the hidden shed."
"Good. Head count complete. By the way, I left the polecart at the waller
in the east, outside the barn. If you feel like thrashing the wheat, just
look for a little clipping."
"Got it. See ya, Vet!"
"Right. Love to the walrus and the carpenter!" He hung up the phone.
You know those moments in anime shows when all of the people in the
vicinity just stand there blinking at an offensive character for a good five
minutes? Visualize that.
'Shite. We've got to get a new code.'
--------------------------------- Heero stared at the girls, slightly bewildered. "I have some explaining
to do. So do you. And since I'm the guest, you go first."
Meena and Rae exchanged a glance. Serena picked up Luna. Ami jest stared.
Rae spoke first. "You mean, you don't know who we were?"
"We are, or rather, will be, the Sailor Scouts, protectors of love and
Meena continued. "I'm Meena, or Sailor Venus, she's Rae..."
"Sailor Mars."
"....that's Sailor Mercury, you can call her Ami..." Ami smiled, but Rae
"And Meatball-head here is Sailor Moon herself, and is SUPPOSED to be our
leader. She's a princess, if you can believe that. Her name is Serena."
Serena stuck her tongue out at Rae.
Ami continued the lecture. "There's also Lita, Salior Jupiter, but she
isn't here."
Rae tried to expalin the whole thing.. "We're from the future, and use
magical powers to defeat this evil alternate-universe called the Negaverse
and prevent Armageddon."
Heero just stared. From what he could gather they were either dillusional
teenagers or biomechs with an attitude problem.
Quatre's pager went off while he and Trowa were checking in at the Rising
Sun Hotel, under their new codenames. The receptionist was a strong,
regal-looking woman with red hair and a kind of evil lilt to her voice, but
she was quite congenial. In fact she was having a rather lengthy conversation
with Trowa about the Eve Wars, and monopolizing his attention, which made
Quatre fell slightly offended. It wasn't that he thought Trowa would break
ID; Trowa was by far the most professional of all the pilots. 'Yeah. Wufei is
too emotinal, I'm way too kind, and even Heero would break orders once in a
while for the "greater good". And Duo....oh by Allah, forget about Duo!' Quatre
laughed quietly to himself. 'It makes me wonder why I love Trowa so
much...he can be so cold to other people...but never to me. He makes me feel
special. He makes me feel...really human.' He sighed. 'No wonder I'm a bit
jealous of that lady...' He checked her nametag. '....Beryl. Such a nice
name. Oh right, my sister Beryl is on that L4 sattelite...'
He remembered the pager. This pager was for "Gundam Team" business only,
so it had to be urgent.
He tapped Trowa on the shoulder and motioned to the phone booth. Trowa
nodded and went back to his conversation with Beryl.
As he walked briskly to the booth, Quatre read the pager. [Seicle; Chang
here. Call Mech]. 'Seicle!! he must have spoken with the Drs.!'
He entered the booth and, as instructed, left a message on Nataku. "Hi,
Wufei! We're here at the Rising Sun Hotel, if you need us, under those names.
The you-know-whats are hidden in the rural area, so you'll have to use the
pager or a public line. I'll call back with the room number. Bye!" He decided
to call the Drs. as well, to check in...
"I'll call back with the room number. Bye!"
A forked eyebrow raised as those fateful words were picked up on the
transmittor in a golden limousine.
"Those names...Oh, the boys are using Codenames!" sarcastically stated
the breathy, almost insane-sounding voice. "But why would my little Quatre
Raberba Winner need a Codename?" Dorothy tossed her long, yellowy hair with a
maniacal smirk. "Perhaps it has something to do with Mister Milliardo." she
paused, recalling the message. "And your Trowa is with you, oh no, that just
won't do! My kind, sweet Quatre Raberba Winner, it just won't do."
Lita led Peacecraft along. A few of her classmates smiled when they
passed eachother 'I know what they're thinking. "Oh, cool! Lita has a new
Boyfriend! And she only dumped Hikaru last week! I'll bet he's cute, too!!
Hee hee!" Idiots. If only they knew how much my arm was starting to ache.'
They passed a few larger buildings. 'Actually, after I got to know him a
bit, he'd probably be a great guy for me. We're both tall, and DAMN! that
voice is SEXY!'
When they got to the Rising Sun Hotel, Lita stopped, sensing evil.
Peacecraft stopped too.
"Young lady, is this the place?"
"No. But I have to do something. Here."
"I can't let you go. You know that."
"But, Peacecraft..."
"No. You know what I'm after, so take me there."
Lita thought to herself. 'God, if only that was an invitation...' Her
thoughts went back to the right place. 'Those people...they're gonna be hurt.
And I can't help...Damn you, Peacecraft. DAMN YOU!!' And with that thought,
she broke free.
"Room 47-8. Go up to the 47th floor, and down one hall. It's on the
left." said Beryl, after all of the registering was completed.
"Thank you, Beryl."
"Have a nice stay, Mr. Minore..."
Trowa nodded. Something was...different about her tone of voice now...
"...or should I say, Mr. BARTON!!!"
There was a flash of fiery, white light just as Quatre exited the phone
booth. He saw where Trowa had been, and there was only an image of him,
slashed with shadow and Trowa, standing in pain. The light faded suddenly,
and Trowa and Beryl were gone. Quatre screamed.
"So, you fight against evil, huh?"
"That's right!" said all of them at once.
Serena piped in. "So what are YOU?"
Heero smirked. "Me? I'm a killer." All four girls gasped. "But since
you're 'fighting evil', I guess you're not on my list."
He walked over to the ruined temple, dug his suitcase out of the rubble,
and stood up.
"And I'm going to need a place to stay."
"Where.....where am I?"
Trowa looked around. Everything was slate grey, with the exception of a
black, starless sky and dull, orange glow. However, the place was furnished
as a throne room, and in the throne was a woman.
"Do you like what you see?"
Trowa saw Beryl, but it wasn't Beryl. It was a crowned woman with firey,
red hair let down, and bare shoulders. He saw the likeness between the
receptionist and this lady, and took the hint. He merely glared. She continued speaking.
"Because, if you don't, all of my efforts have been in vain, and you
shall die."
Trowa cocked his head so that only one deep, green eye was visible behind
his bangs.
"Yes, die. Do you not know who I am?"
"The truth? No."
She smiled. "I am Queen Beryl, ruler of the Negaverse. And you, Tertiaite, are a soldier of my front line."
Trowa passed out, under a wave of black smoke.
"TROWA!" Quatre sank to his knees, clutching at his heart. The tears
rolled down his face like so many raindrops. "" 'It was that
woman, wasn't it?'
"Are you alright?"
Quatre looked up through his tears at the voice. It was a girl, tall,
with brown hair pulled into a ponytail and sympathetic coffee-colored eyes.
Lita spoke again.
"What happened? Are you hurt?"
Quatre tried to stop crying. "No.....I'm fine..."
"Freeze, Zero-4."
Lita turned around as Quatre looked up...right into the barrel of a gun.
"Zechs Merquise!..."
Lita stepped away from Quatre, who's eyes were almost dry. The gun,
however, remained where it was.
"Not Zechs Merquise."
Lita took one more step backward. The voice, again.
To be continued.......
Rae is sent with Heero/Aleph to make sure he doesn't bring his work too
close to home. Neither is very happy about it.
A new twist takes place as the Negaverse's Warriors begin to awaken
starting with a young man called Tertiaite, and he is presented with a rather
exuberant gift.
And the chaos still reigns in the lobby of the Rising Sun Hotel, but
who's on the right side? Find out, in
Moon Suit Gundam Wand: Episode Four; Massive Destruction