Weird Habits

Trowa looked around.
No one was in the near vicinity. He stuck his tongue out and licked one cheek,
then put his tongue back in his mouth.
He blinked slowly.


Heero pulled out his cell phone as it rang.
Well, it wasn't ringing, it was playing I Don't Know How To Love Him**, from
Jesus Christ Superstar as some phones now sing instead of ring.
He hums to the tune for a minute before answering.
"Yuy here."


WuFei turned on the tv.
Martha Stuart Living was on.
He was about to change it, but then the onna started to describe how to make popourri.
He sat, entranced.


Quatre put on the music and pulled on his tights.
Followed by a tank top.
He began warming up. The show started in half an hour.
And he had the lead, in the Nutcracker ballet.


Duo sat in stunned silence as he watched the video footage. He had never
known the other Gundam pilots were so....weird. It was kinda scary. These
guys had created peace for the world?
He shrugged, got up and ran up to the upstairs. He got a blanket, tied it
around his neck, pulled on a pair of underwear, and went outside to his moped.
It was five o'clock, and the old lady down the street was getting home.
Time to terrorize her.
He pulled on a shower cap and sped off down the street.

**(if you don't know, it is a song where a whore loves Jesus Chirst but can't tell him. Very un Heero)