The Top Ten Quirks I Have With Gundam Wing

10. Real bright Tuberov. shoot the bosses lady!. Even worse is
Treize did nothing about it!

9. I admit it, I don't like Relena. But before Noin became the
Imperial Guard Captain, all she had for protection was Pagan!
Doesn't the Sank Kingdom care about their leader?

8. *sigh* Even Lady Une makes mistakes. Who would EVER let a
prisoner go on a mission with his former partner to attack
another former partner. One mistake isn't bad Une, your still cool.

7. No Opening Sequence! All we get are some audio and visual
clips. Just Communications rules! At least it's in Episode 3

6. Wufei, already annoying, really makes me mad. He whines when
he beats Treize AND when he loses to him! Just Shutup!

5. Another Wufei quirk! He calls people cowards all the time,
yet in Episode 4, he bombs the Lake Victoria Base Trainees Building,
(poor Noin!)and at night too! Such a hypocrite...

4. Not even one person seems to care/notice that Heero is
pretending to be Duo. They aren't twins ya know. I guess being
dumb is a "Sank Kingdom Thing" (but not this site!).

3. The whole coma thing. Lady Une got shot IN THE SHOULDER.
She probably wouldn't have collapsed immediatly, and would not
have gone into a coma. Also, noone bothered to enter the
MAIN control room while she was on the floor? Whatever.

2. Quatre the blond Arab?....riiggghhhttt.....

1. Relena. 'Nuff said.