That's What You Get

A look inside the mind of a Gundam Pilot

That was a close one.
He almost got me. Right down the center.
Wait a minute...
Holy crap!
I did it!
I actually did it.
I defeated him.
....killed him...
I didn't want to do it....
What the f--k are you saying, Wufei? Of course you wanted to do it!
You've wanted that bastard dead since last May!
The man was your enemy!
Treize Kushrenada defeated you. Treize Kushrenada demolished your colony.
Treize Kushrenada sent that damn Tallgeese and killed your Meiran.
I miss you.
I was beginning to love you....
You had to go and fight! In that damn suit!
The one that evil bastard Zechs would later pilot!
The one that Treize is using now!
I have destroyed your murderer, Meiran! Your death is Avenged!
This isn't justice.
It wasn't justice killing you, Meiran, but killing him now isn't either.
You could say it was friendly fire, almost.
In killing Treize...
....I've let the White Fang win.
I've helped the enemy win.
That was NOT justice.
But they were unjust.
Milliardo Peacecraft is unjust.
Treize Kushrenada is unjust.
Between them, they have taken the lives of billions. Billions of innocent
Treize without ever using his hands.
Zechs with a single shot.
And that is why they will always be enemies to me.
I killed Treize Kushrenada! I killed him honorably. I killed him legally.
I killed him morally.
Just like.....
....he would have done.
Damn! That's a rude awakening.
Like he would have done.
HE didn't do it!
I asked him to, and he wouldn't do it!
There I was, with his sword at my neck, begging for euthe-f--king-nasia,
and he wouldn't do it.
Are you a faggot, Treize? Was I too cute to let go?
Well, sorry, rosy-boy, I don't go there.
.....No, despite the rose-fetish, you're probably not gay.
I've seen the way that lady went crazy over you. Your pretty little secretary has a two-sided mind! What a surprise.
You're surrounded by lunatics. Dermail, Mr. mecha-philiac Tsubarov, that
little witch Dorothy, Zechs....
Well, I can sympathize.
I'm stuck with a poor-little-rich-boy who can't fight to save his
sheltered little life, a silent stalker who works in a f--king circus, that
talkative KISAMA Maxwell, with his little pet death-god dreams, and an
overemotional sadomasochist who is being stalked by the ex-leader of the world.
They're one big f--king bunch of loonies, that's what they are.
Not to mention your good old friend Lucreczia Noin, the resident hero-worshipper.
Wait a second....
You gave him Epyon, didn't you?
Why not me?
Didn't think I could handle it?
Didn't think I could handle it?!
So give it to the reckless one! You had to disarm the f--king self-det
device just to let him use it in the first place!
I'd never have used it!
I've never tried to self-destruct in my life. I never plan to.
My life will not end until justice is served, and I certainly don't want
to take my own.
That is the epitome of injustice.
A person so weak that they could take their own life....
Didn't deserve to live in the first place.
That's what you're doing now, Treize, isn't it.
Using me to help you commit suicide.
Making it look real.
Lying to the entire world. Make it look like I killed you when I didn't
even want to.
But I did want to.
I wanted your damn Aryan head on a f--king mu-shu pancake.
I wanted to see those silly forked eyebrows burning!
I wanted your immaculate blue coat turning purple with your blood!
I WANTED you pushing up daisies!
Hmph. With my luck, they'd be roses.
I WANTED YOU DEAD, Treize Kushrenada.
And I got it.
But I didn't think I would.
I Am So....
I wanted you to kill me then.
I wanted you to kill me now.
That makes me weak.
The greatest crime of all.
The punishment for suicide.... death.
And a nice trip to visit Maxwell in Hell.
I bet he'll see you there. Ten to one our little Shinigami will be the
one giving you your sentence....hmm, let's check the list....
The slaughtering of 100,009 people--
Excluding yourself, that is--
Oh, make that 100,010--
The driving of others to murder billions, namely one Zechs Merquise with
a shot to western Russia....
And one Sally Po with the attempted biochemical extermination of L5-0200....
And one Quatre Winner with a few good beam-cannon shots....
And one Trowa Barton with a hail of bullets...
And one Duo Maxwell with a swipe of the scythe....
And one Heero any way he could....
And one Chang Wufei....
No. You didn't drive me to do it.
I drove myself to it.
Justice drove me to do it.
I will decide justice.
I am the judge, jury, and executioner!
And I, Chang Wufei, proclaim that Treize Kushrenada was unjust in his
attempts at global domination and mass murder.
I sentence you... death.
That is justice.

"Milliardo...I'll be waiting on the other side...."

Justice without mercy.

"No, Treize!"




"....I didn't think I'"

That's what you get.