Crystal icicle was an average Kid living in the Pokemon world. She was ten with beautiful brown hair and and icey blue eyes. Crystal was a kid who needed to know answers to everything,
One night she even thought she saw a Mew. and from that night on she was searching for evidence and the Elusive Pokemon. She had never even thought of owning a Pokemon let alone become a Pokemon master.
Crystal had set out on her journey looking for Mew.

She was lost somewhere in Viridian Forest. She looked around listening to the Pidgey sing. She finally sat down to rest her feet when, RIIPPPP! Crystal had found her self hanging up-side down in a net.
"Oh yeah.." Said Crystal. Then two strange figures walked up to Crystal, They were two people! and a cat, Meowth. Crystal did not need a Pokedex to know what the Pokemon were and stats, She knew all 150 Pokemon by heart. Then one of the poeple stared at Crystal, he had blue hair and had a rose in his hand. "H...H...Helllooooo.." said Crystal not really sure of what to say. "Prepare for trouble," said the woman with read spirely hair said all the sudden. "And make it double," said the man with the rose. Suddenly out of nowhere la spot light went on them.
"Wierd," Crystal thought" Then, the cat-like Pokemon Meowth went and smacked the two People with R on their shirts.
"OOOOWWWW!" said the one woth hair."De's people are Jesy and James, and of course me, MEOWTH!" said the cat with a dreamy look in his eye. "let her go!" he yelled. Jessie and James just stared. "Grrr" Then Meowth just used his slash attack and let her out.

She fell to the ground. "Thank you Meowth." she said while getting up."Are you in love with her Meowth?" said James. "How can you tell?" he said sweating. "Well due to we're cartoons hearts are around you're head." Jessie said almost laughing. Then all the sudden a cry of a pokemon let out as a SNAP! sound went off. "WE CAUGHT SOMETHING!" James yelled dancing. They quickly ran behind a bush. Crustal was conserned, she had heard about Team Rocket, not nice things, but evil things. She quickly ran after the two geeks and the in-love cat. When she got there the two Rockets were laughing in joy and A blue mouse like Pokemon was crying, trying to pull his leg out of a bear trap. It almost made Crystal cry.

The rockets were so happy they didn't seem to be looking. Crystal opend the trap and expected the Pokemon to run away. It couldn't. It leg was bleeding bad. Poor thing..She said. Here let me help you. She took the Pokemon in her arms and cradled it like a baby and walked away on tip toe. Once she thought she was a good while away from the Rockets. She sat down abd cradled the Pokemon. It wasn't a baby but Crystal knew it needed comfort.
"Luckily I carry a first aid kit you poor little thing, I can't believe even criminals would be so evil to set traps for Pokemon to be injured," She looked down a moment and opend up a case with with a red cross on it. Sheopend it and took out a couple of thing and put a little achol on his cut and put a white bandage thing to help him. "Now you need rest. I'll look out for those rockets." she said smiling at the Pokemon. Crystal didn't know but a Rocket was watching her. Meowth was watching behind a bush.
"I wish i were dat Marill," he said blushing thinking about it. " Meowth! Did you find her?!" Jessie asked. "N..noooo I dink I saw her go dat way!" He said pionting completely in the different direction. He wasn't about to betray someone he loved. Sooner or later Crystal fell alsleep and when she awoke she saw a tray of breakfast and flowers. "What..the?" she said looking at the beuttiful feast. She looked at Marril expecting it made it. But no, it was asleep. Then the Pokemon opend its eyes slowly and yawned. Crystal was still searching for a note someting for a clue. Then she noticed a golden plate, a Meowth plate. She smiled and knew who it must have been. "He's not like the other Rockets, I can tell," She said looking at the glimmering light of gold. She ate half of the breakfast of pancakes ans eggs and gave the rest to Marill.
"You look better Marril," she said noticing the pokemon could walk again. "Mariil!!!!" it replied hugging her. She smiled, but it quickly faded when she heard something in a bush nearnby. "Oh..Come on team Rocket I know your there!" she said knowing. They stepped out and said " OH POOH!" they said "H..hii" saud the Meowth blushing. "We want that Mariil! It will be a GOOD gift to the boss!" James said. "NO! I won't let you!" Crystal said holding on to Mariil. "Oh yeah?! GO ARBOK!" Jessie yelled as throwing a pokeball. A white light came from the ball and out poped an Arbok. Crystal looked down. "I...i don't have any pokemon." she said. "WHAT>?! THEN WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" they screamed. "Its a long story." she said. Then the Marill tugged at her jeans. "Marril! you can't fight!" she said," your still injured." But the pokemon went right in front if the arbok. "Arbok! Poison sting!" the Snake Pokemon let out his fangt to bite the mouse but Marril dodged quickly."Uhhhh.....WATER GUN NOW!" crystal yelled.Marril took a deep breath and let out a mighty blast of water. But it not only hot the Pokemon but it hit Team Rocket too. The blast sent them flying in the air."Wow," Crstal said looking at them turn into specks. She felt happy, she had never battled before,It was fun!

Then she looked down and knew what to do. "Guess you better go Marril,"She said. "GO ON! YOUR NOT MY POKEMON!" the litle Marril looked at her almost going to cry. Then it jumoed into her arms as if telling her he wanted to stay. "But Marril, you belong in the wild. I'm not a trainer,:" But Marril held on tighter to her. And Crystal hugged the Pokemon back. "OK,"' I love you too Marril. And I hope you stay. That was the beggining of the story of Crystal and many adventures await.
By: Dan Mac

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