Abra and the Psyhic Showdown

Ash and his friends accounter a mischieveous girl that almost make them fall off a cliff. But they did make it to a city called Saffron City where Ash will battle Sabrina, the Psychic Gym Leader. When they enter the gates that lead through Saffron City, two strange Hawaiian girls greet them saying they won a big prize. The two girls take Ash and his friends to a weird building, but they are fooled and the two girls were TEAM ROCKET! Jessie and James hastily take Ash's Pikachu. The mischieveous girl that Ash and his friends met before again shows up, and gets back the Pikachu from Team Rocket. Outside the Saffron Gym, an old man warns Ash not to battle Sabrina, because she was so powerfu! The stubborn Ash ignores his warnings and goes off to battle Sabrina anyways. He loses from her powerful Kadabra and is sent off to a doll house. The mischieveous girl was actually one of Sabrina's psychic dolls. She rolls a ball on the ground almost killing Ash and his friends, but thanks to the old man from earlier, they are still alive. He says that the only way to beat Sabrina was to find a ghost Pokemon from Lavender Town. That's where they are plotted to head in the next episode!