Chapter 1, by J

Jessie, James, and Meowth stood before their boss, Giovanni. It was a rare occasion that they actually met with him, and today was one of those occasions.

“Have you found any pokemon as I have asked you to?” Giovanni asked with a sinister smile pressed on his lips as he gingerly tapped the tips of his fingers together.

“Uh…” James stampered.

“Hmmm…” Jessie hummed.

“No,” Meowth finally answered, “not yet,” cringing.

“I see,” Giovanni stated calmly, then quickly changing his mood he slammed his fists against his desk, “I want pokemon, NOT excuses!”

Jessie and James jumped as their boss threw his mini tantrum. Jessie had to concentrate on keeping her jaw steady, so her teeth wouldn’t chatter. James squeezed the muscles in his legs to keep his knees from knocking together, and Meowth did as always; hid behind Jessie and James.

Faye-Lynn rolled her eyes. ‘What now?’ She thought, ‘I haven’t done anything… yet.’ She hadn’t heard what her uncle was ranting about, but she knew it couldn’t be good. She decided she wouldn’t bother going out there, at least not yet. Giovanni was still angry about her expulsion from Pokemon Tech. He had invested lots of money into her education there. She had no problem with the classes, the work, or the exams; in fact that all came very simple to her. It was the boys that meant trouble. Her discharge had been due to late night hours in the boys’ dorms. She would have been a senior this year, all that time and she had never been caught socializing. She shrugged, turning back to the mirror. She knew her uncle had sent her there to get her out of his hair and in the hopes that she would be a Rocket Officer her first year out of school. Faye-Lynn knew that it had been her father’s, Giovanni’s brother, dream to start this business. It had all been for the good in the beginning, but ever since her parents disappeared 12 years ago, when she was 4, and Giovanni took over, Team Rocket took a plunge for the evil.

She was sixteen, lovely, and full of life. She pulled her blue pigtails tighter. She had always worn her hair half up, half down in two symmetrical ponytails. Light bangs fell over her forehead, presently she pushed them back allowing them to glide gently around her green eyes. She pulled her powder pink lips back in a smile at the girl across the table in the mirror.

“Ahhh, well now is a good a time as any,” she stated aloud to herself.

She wrapped on the door quietly before entering. “Uncle? You okay?” she asked as she stepped into the lavish office.

“Hmm,” he looked over to her as if she startled him. “I am fine!” He hollered at her.

She drew her head back. He was still angry about something, but not her this time. She noticed that the room had three other occupants. She scanned the girl quickly. ‘Typical Team Rocket girl,’ she thought. She looked over to the male. ‘Typical Team Rocket guy,’ she decided. Then she glanced down to the pokemon, it was, “MEOWTH!” she screamed.

“Faye-Lynn?” His husky, accented voice questioned.

She reached out her arms with a nod. Meowth leapt to her. She squeezed him tightly.