Jigglypuff's Song

Nobody has ever heard Jigglypuff's song. What is she doing that is wrong? Everytime she makes a peep, everyone else just falls asleep. She may look happy on the inside, but on the inside this is what she's thinking... "Nobody's ever heard my song. What am I doing that is wrong? Everytime I make a peep everyone else just falls asleep. My marker's ink is getting dry. All this is making me want to cry. Nobody's ever heard my song. That i've been working on ever so long." Jigglypuff's Song! She's been working on it ever so long. Jigglypuff's Song! What is she doing that is wrong? Day through night she'll sing and sing. Hopeing to  get a crowd thats not dreaming. Ash had fallen right asleep. Right when Jigglypuff sang a peep. She may look happy on the outside but inside this is what she's thinking "Nobody's ever heard my song what am I doing that is wrong? Everytime I make a peep everyone else just falls asleep. My marker's ink is getting dry its all just makeing me want to cry. Nobody's ever heard my song that i've been working on ever so long." Jigglypuff's Song! She's been working on it ever so long. Jigglypuff's song! What is she doing that is wrong? Jig ally puff jig ally ally puuuuff. ZzZzZzZZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZzZZZZz. The next day, little 'ol Jigglypuff ran away. Ash, Misty, Brock, and Pikachu. Jigglypuff dontcha' know they miss you?! Up and down the streets they searched the stage was gone where Jigglypuff pearched. Nobody ever found that ball of fluff. We're going to miss you jigglypuff! Jigglypuff's Song! She's been working on it ever so long. Jigglypuff song! What was she doing wrong????? JIGGLYPUFF'S SONG!
~Jigglypuff herself~