Well, this is my new downloads version since the old one got deleted. >_<
But more stuff will still be added later on! If you would like to use these for your site, please e-mail me at
[email protected] and please credit me at http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/wildbunch/221/ since I worked very hard in producing these!
*Thanx! =^_^=


*Pokemon 2001 Yearly Calenders (made be me!)

Jigglypuff 2001 Calender
Bulbasaur 2001 Calender
Charmeleon 2001 Calender
Flareon 2001 Calender

*Pokemon Pinups

Pikachu on top of Ash's head
Fire Pinup
Grass Pinup
A Simple Mewtwo Pinup
Water Pinup

*Pokemon Invites

Clefairy Invite
Poliwhirl Invite
Growlithe Invite

Click this link for roms!