this is my new downloads version since the old one got deleted.
But more stuff will still be added later on! If you would like to
use these for your site, please e-mail me at [email protected] and please credit me at http://www.fortunecity.com/lavender/wildbunch/221/ since I worked very hard in
producing these!
*Thanx! =^_^=
*Pokemon 2001 Yearly Calenders (made be me!)
Jigglypuff 2001 Calender
Bulbasaur 2001 Calender
Charmeleon 2001 Calender
Flareon 2001 Calender
*Pokemon Pinups
Pikachu on top of Ash's head
Fire Pinup
Grass Pinup
A Simple Mewtwo Pinup
Water Pinup
*Pokemon Invites
Clefairy Invite
Poliwhirl Invite
Growlithe Invite