The Spell of the Unown

When I went to go see this movie, it was amazing stuff! Even though I didn't get a Entei card, it is still worth seeing. Here's a summary to let you know some stuff!

Your taken to a beautiful place in the world known as "Greenfield." It is like a dreamland for life, and seems like no problems erupt the place. There, in a big house, a father and daughter share a special moment. Professor Spencer Hale and his daughter, Molly, are looking at a book full of artistic Pokemon. Once the Professor goes on a job investigation for a suspicious Pokemon called the "Unown", he disappears, living Molly alone in the giant mansion. Molly's heart is full of loneliness, as she only dreams of being with her father, in which she says, he looks very much like a powerful Entei. The Unown sense Molly's wishes, and they grant them. Suddenly, outside the mansion, Molly's dreams begin to fill up. Beautiful, yet deadly crystal hills form drastically around the mansion.

In the sudden where crystal hills begin to form, people outside of Greenfield get curious as well. What was happening to beautiful Greenfield? Professor Spencer Hale returns to Molly in Entei form, once again fulfilling Molly's wish. Things turn worse once Molly longs for a mother, since she only had a dad. But that's not it!

Ash, Misty, Brock and friends are having a picnic, also involving Ash's mother, Delia. When Molly says she wants a mother, Entei speeds out of the mansion and finds a mother for his daughter, which is Delia. Ash is devestated once he sees his mother out of his view. The group frantically chases Entei, and once they enter Greenfield, they see the crystal nightmare. Ash won't give up though, as he gathers up courage to go into the mansion to save his mother.

Once they do get a chance to enter the mansion, things get a little, "weird!" Molly dreams up many scenerios. There was one where she dreams that she was an older girl so she would be able to train her own Pokemon. Of course, being older, and prettier catches the heart of Brock. She wishes she had such Pokemon like Flaffy, in crystal form. She also dreams up that she is battling underground with Pokemon such as Mantine.

But then of course, the movie wouldn't be complete without Team Rocket either! The mischievous three make surprising entrances in the movie, plus they would give you a laugh! Although Team Rocket didn't get as much parts as they did in the second movie, they made their small appearance last. They actually helped Ash! There goes there bad reputation, but it would be nice if they did get bigger parts! ^_^

That was a short summary, but seeing the real thing? It's the best plan!