Pokemon Jokes

Can you send real funny jokes that are funny enough to make Pikachu fall over?

*Here is a little section where you can send your Pokemon jokes to me. Here's an example...

"Why didn't Psyduck cross the road?"
"Because it didn't know what a road was."
Now that was probably the most DUMBEST, LAMEST joke you probably ever heard, but once people start sending them in, you'll read much better jokes!*

Click on this Pikachu to send me your Pokemon jokes!
And remember to tell me your name or nickname!

Why Psyduck always holding its head?
Because Psyduck scared its head will came off!!
-By: Sabrena

Q:What is Pikachu's favorite candy?
-By: Luna

Q:How do you fit 5 000 Charizard's on a bus?
A:You "poke em on!"
-By: ???

Q:Why did Misty say that Ash and Psyduck were alike?
A:They are both very dense in the head.
-By: ???

Q:Why don't Jynxes get dates very often?
A:They are said to be as cold as ice.
-By: ???

Q:What Pokemon do you get if you put a parrot in a washing machine?
A:Poliwhirl (polly whirl)
-By: water_pkmn_trainer_andy

Q:What do you get when you cross a Psyduck, Ash, and Misty?
A:One mad little girl.
-By: Mew8283

Q:Why is Flareon covered in flames?
A:It would look silly dressed in plastic bags.
-By: Mystery Man

Q: What happened when Charizard ate some "Dentene Ice?"
A: His flame twitched.
-By: Cally

Q: Which Pokemon can count to 3 in Spanish?
A: Arctic-uno, Zap-dos, Mol-tres.
-By: Bryan and Claire

Q: What do you get when you cross my brother and a sloth?
A: A Slowbro.
-By: pokemonmaster22mew

Q: Why did squirtle use water gun?
A: He thought it would be a blast!
-By: Lindsay

Q: How do you get an Electabuzz??
A: Zap Buzz Lightyear with a Pikachu!
-By: Mich Sempf(Pokemon Expert)

Q: What song did Tracey sing on the holidays?
A: We wish you a Maril Christmas.

Q: What do you get when you cross Charizard, Venusaur, and Blastoise?
A: I don't know but it's crawling up your back!
-Pokemon Master 4778_Arcticuno

Q: What do Team Rocket and an air balloon have in common?
A: They're all full of hot air!
-Nikki M.

Q: Why didn't kadabra have his spoons?
A: Because he was to busy eating cereal!

Q: Why Psyduck is a good sailor?
A: Because it always say Psy "aye aye(sir)"!

Q: What does Snorlax and my father have in common?
A: They always snore.

Q: How can Brock see when his eyes are always closed?
A: He follows the scents of Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny!

Q: What do you call a chocolate Pikachu?

Q: Which Pokemon lives in the arctic and says no?
A: Articuno!
-Eric Master Trainer

Q: How do you make a Pikablu?
A: Make a Pikachu hold its breath!

Q: What is the difference between my dad and a Snorlax?
A: Absolutely nothing!

Q: Why would a Golduck be a good soccer player?
A: Because it's always kicking goals! (goal-duck)

Q: What is the difference between Snorlax and a pillow?
A: One sleeps a lot and the other gets sleeped on a lot!