The Elite Four
Thanks for a
very kind person for sending me the information. So here's a
section on the Elite Four.
Lorelei: She is the first person you have to beat of the Elite Four.She is a water and ice pokemon trainer.Use fire,fighting, and rock for her chilling chrew! Lorelei's Pokemon: Dewgong, Cloyster, Slowbro, Jynx,and Lapras.
Bruno: Hope you are ready for this trainer! Bruno is rock and fighting type pokemon trainer.Best Pokemon to use is Flying and Psychic to send them back in the dirt! Bruno's Pokemon: 2 Onix, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee,and Machamp.
Agatha: Oh,No! this triner you can't beat! Agatha uses invisable Ghost Pokemon and Poison Pokemon! No Pokemon can beat the Ghost Pokemon! But Fire can beat the Poison Pokemon. I hope you are ready! Agatha's Pokemon: 2 Gengar, Golbat, Haunter,and Arbok.
Lance: This is the moment of truth!Get your Ice, Fighting, and your dragon Pokemon ready because you are ready to beat the last tranier,and the toughtest of the Elite Four!Lance uses Dragon Pokemon. He even has a Prehistorc Pokemon! If you beat him you will be a member of the Pokemon League Member! Lance's Pokemon: Gyarados, 2 Dragonair, Aerodactyl,and Dragonite.
Make sure you treat you pokemon at the Pokemon Center,and stock up on powerful potions to defeat them!