My favourite Disney Characters

Terk's Page is here!
Note: Since there is no english script of "Tarzan" available on the net (yet) I have to translate my favourite quotes from the german version, so don't be angry if they're not all originally. Or better, mail and correct me!

About Terk
Like Tarzan, we meet Terk in three growing steps: A little gorilla's cub at the size of baby Tarzan (she looks so CUTE then, doesn't she?) a cheeky kid when Tarzan's about 6-7 years, and after all a strong young adult gorilla, but cheeky all the time. Whenever I'm asked of my favourite "Tarzan"-Character, I say: "Terk! Terk's just the coolest one!" and that's it! Her mother is about the only one who calls her with her true name Terkina but she and her friends prefer the short form Terk.

What's it about Terk's character?
Terk's the leader of the young gorillas, and excellent at that. Always deciding what they're gonna do, she can afford being bold and always one step ahead in argueing with her best friend Tarzan. To Tarzan, however, she is a lot of "Big Sister" figure, telling him what to do to get along in the jungle. After all, he is better at fighting, able to pin her anywhere! Terk loves the spotlight and living hilarious, has a bit of bossy attitude, but behind that there is a caring best friend who would do anything for Tarzan, and she sometimes really cares for him like a big sister. Remember the scene when Tarzan is off to the "Elephant hair"-operation and swims over to the lagoon? Keep a close left eye on Terk. While the two other gorilla buddys are enthusiastic and encouraging him all the way, she acts in a very unexpected way. "No, no no no! Come back! Come back!!!!" She really is worrying sick about him then, and earned much sympathy from me. And after all, she was right, since Tarzan nearly drowned.

Reasons I like Terkina
She's...well, cheeky.
As a baby, she's SO cute...
You can (nearly) never put her down
She loves fun and spotlight
She's one of the few (and I mean very few) female sidekicks
Have you ever met anyone who can made so groovy music through a typewriter?? (I laughed so much, you have no idea..)
She is bossy, but caring.

A single very little change comes into Terk when these new animals arrive on the island, and constantly keep chasing Tarzan away from the crowd. Once again, she's worrying about him, but this time with a slight tending to jaelousness. Whenever is spoken about Tarzan and the humans, she gets insensible and rough. And somehow you can understand, looking through her. A very crass scene is this one when Tarzan just sailed away to the humans ship, and she and Tantor appear on the beach - too late. Tantor and Terk both are getting sad, but Terk is hiding that behind a wave of sudden anger and madness. "Yeah, get off! Get off, you naught, you bald naught! Get off! Who needs you? I don't need you!! Go with those humans if you want!" throwing rocks into the water. I really felt with her, as Tantor did.

Top Ten Terk Quotes: 10: I had to get away from the little grasshopper, but everything's set up...WHOA!
9: Really? I thought it was kinda revealing myself...
8: And erm, what are you gonna name him? {Kala: I think I'm gonna name him...Tarzan.) Tarzan? *pulling a face* OK, he's your baby...
7: What?! He is no piranha! He's...He's ALIVE! He's alive! He's alive! He' jerk! I nearly got a heart attack, are you satisfied??
6: *throwing herself on Tarzan, tossing him away, then greeting Kala* Hello, aunty! You look SO nice today!
5: Hello! Are you thinking ahead?! [Tarzan: What?] If ya want Kerchak to like you, you gotta STAY AWAY from 'im!
4: Tarzan! Oh, am I glad nothing happened to ya! Kala and I were so WORRIED *a really good fake-cry* about you! Ah, thanks. Thanks for finding him, Kerchak, you're such an intelligent and wise family leader! *quietly to Tarzan* Run...
3: Tha's rweally freaky lookin'... That's what tha' is!
2: 'Scuse me, best friend coming through! And you... Don't make a habit of it, okay? There are other ways of getting attention! [Tarzan: I'll try remember that.] Good, 'cause, y'know, I was right behind ya...
1: Naah. Naaaaargh, this face! And these eyes and the...oh ALLRIGHT! But I warn you, if I'm going to blame myself...*one moment later* OH I'LL KILL HIM!!