
Courteney Cox

Biographical Info

Full Name: Courteney Cox
Birthdate: June 15, 1964 (33 yrs. old)
Birthplace: Birmingham, Alabama
TV Show: Friends
Role on Show: Monica Geller
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 105 lbs
Hair Colour: Black
Eye Colour: Blue
Currently Resides: Santa Monica, CA
Mother: Courteney (Homemaker)
Father: Richard (Contractor)
Sibling: three
Started Career: unknown
Movies: Scream 2, Commandments, The Scourge That Never Dies, Scream, Sketch Artist II: Hands That See, Ace Ventura: Pet Detective, Battling for Baby, The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them, Blue Desert, Curiosity Kills, Mr. Destiny, Shaking the Tree, Roxanne: The Prize Pulitzer, Till We Meet Again, Cocoon: The Return, I'll Be Home for Christmas, Down Twisted, If It's Tuesday It Still Must Be Belgium, Masters of the Universe, Misfits of Science
TV Shows: Friends, Family Ties, Misfits of Science, The Trouble With Larry
Guest Appeanrances: The Larry Sanders Show, Seinfeld, Dream On, Murder She Wrote
Pictures (11)
1 Cox 1 Head colour photo 21K
2 Cox 2 Very Sexy!!! 50K
3 Cox 3 Courteney in a silver dress 70K
4 Cox 4 Devil in a Blue Dress 83K
5 Cox 5 A professional shot of her in a red jacket 13K
6 Cox 6 Courteney from Late Night with David Letterman 5K
7 Cox 7 Courteney shows it all 28K
8 Cox 8 A Nice one of a dress-down Courteney 40K
9 Cox 9 Entertainment Weekly Cover 20K
10 Cox 10 NBC Promo 34K
11 Cox 11 Courteney in a black dress [same as profile above] 59K
Lovely Courteney Cox
Courteney Cox was born on June 15 in 1964 in Birmingham, Alabama. She is the youngest of four children. Cox was close to her father, a building contractor, and had a typical mother-daughter relationship with her mom. When Cox was 10, her parents divorced after 19 years of marriage. Cox stayed with her mother, brother and two sisters, but blamed her mother for the divorce. She thought her dad was the most fun person in the world and wished secretly that things were back to the way they were before her parents split. Cox matured and finally realized that her parents didn't belong together forever. Both her father and mother have since remarried, and Cox now considers her mother her best friends.

Cox attended Mountain Brook High, a puclic school in Birmingham, and worked afternoons at a pool supply store. She later saved enough money from that job to buy her own car when she was 16 - a blue Datsun 210. Cox also participated in the usual teenage activities like cheerleading, tennis, and swimming.

In 1982, Cox graduated from high school and then began to study architecture at Mt. Vernon college in Washington. Near the end of her first and last year of college, Cox met Ian Copeland, her stepfather's nephew. They worked together for a New York City music agent. Though Cox and Copeland were 15 years apart, a romance formed.

At that time, Cox wanted to be a model, so Copeland suggested she pursue it, but also try acting. Cox did ads for Noxema and Maybelline and also, had a small soap role on As the World Turns. When Copeland found Cox blossoming into her choice of career, the two called it off.

It wasn't until 1984 that Cox gained mational attention as the girl Bruce Springsteen pulled on stage to dance with at end of his Dancing in the Dark video. The job paid $350, but the exposure was enough to springboard Cox to other work in the industry.

In 1985, Cox was in the NBC series Misfits of Science, which was dropped in four months. That same year, Cox was cast as Lauren, Michael J. Fox's girlfriend on Family Ties. The end of Family Ties brought Cox to a standstill in her career. She did several motion pictures after, but it wasn't until 1994 when she got her next big break. Cox was cast as Jim Carrey's boss in Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. Soon after, Cox won the part of Monica Geller on Friends.

From this point on, Cox is looking towards the future. Success has been a long-time for this thirtysomething young woman, rightly deserved and for Cox, richly rewarded.

Courteney Cox has a new motion picture soon to be in theaters near you called Commandments, co-starring Aidan Quinn. She plays a friend that turns into something more for Aidan, the lonely widower. Look forward to seeing her.


  • Commandments 1996 Movie (Rachel Luce)
  • Scream 1996 Movie (Gale Weathers)
  • Sketch Artist II: Hands that See 1995 TV Movie (Emmy)
  • Friends 1994 TV Series (Monica Geller)
  • Ace Ventura: Pet Detective 1994 Movie (Melissa Robertson)
  • The Trouble with Larry 1993 TV Series (Gabriella Easden)
  • Battling for Baby 1992 TV Movie (Katherine)
  • The Opposite Sex and How to Live with Them 1992 Movie (Carrie Davenport)
  • Blue Desert 1991 Movie (Lisa Roberts)
  • Curiosity Kills 1990 TV Movie (Gwen)
  • Mr. Destiny 1990 Movie (Jewel Jagger)
  • Shaking the Tree 1990 Movie (Kathleen)
  • Roxanne: The Prize Pulitzer 1989 TV Movie (Jacquie Kimberly)
  • Till We Meet Again 1989 TV Movie (Freddy)
  • Cocoon: The Return 1988 Movie (Sara)
  • I'll Be Home for Christmas 1988 TV Movie
  • Down Twisted 1987 Movie (Tarah)
  • If It's Tuesday, It Still Must Be Belgium 1987 TV Movie (Hana Wyshocki)
  • Masters of the Universe 1985 Movie (Julie Winston)
  • Misfits of Science 1985 TV Series (Gloria Dinallo)
  • Misfits of Science 1985 TV Movie
  • Family Ties 1982 TV Series [Lauren Miller (1987-1989)]
  • Dream On 1981 Movie

    Other guest stars include:

  • The Larry Sanders Show
  • Seinfeld
  • Dream On
  • Murder, She Wrote

    Biography written for PepsiMax's Tribute To Friends.
  • Mr. Showbiz Biography
    Will Monica ever get a job (and will she ever date anyone under forty)? Will Phoebe ever learn to sing? Will Ross and Rachel ever marry? Will Chandler ever date a normal woman (or will he come out of the closet)? Will Joey ever get a clue? These are the questions for the ages--burning questions that occupy the minds of a nation, and each week, that nation tunes in to witness the unfolding saga of these most famous of mildly neurotic twentysomethings. But another question begs an answer: Is Courteney Cox as maniacally tidy, controlling, and efficient as her neatnik sous chef alter ego Monica on TV's Friends? Or is she more akin to the fresh-faced concertgoing girl-next-door we first met when Bruce Springsteen plucked her from obscurity in his 1984 music video for "Dancing in the Dark"? Despite her best attempts, it has been darned near impossible for Courteney Cox, a.k.a. Monica Geller, a.k.a. Bruce Springsteen's All-American Valentine, a.k.a. Michael J. Fox's girlfriend, to deflate either image. As it usually does, the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

    The raven-haired, waspishly thin Cox was born the youngest of four children to an affluent suburban Birmingham, Alabama, family, and was raised accordingly--she joined all the right clubs, attended all the right cotillions, and was inculcated with all the proper mannerisms of a well-bred Southern belle. But as in any Southern tale, all was not well beneath the surface: her parents divorced when she was ten, and both remarried partners who had plenty of children of their own--the extended stepsibling brood grew to a baker's dozen. Cox, now the youngest in an even longer line, got attention by indulging in mildly rebellious antics and by learning to play the drums. She bailed out after her first year of architecture studies at her mother's alma mater (of course), Mount Vernon College, in Washington, D.C., and headed for New York City to pursue her dream of becoming a model (you would imagine that, at 5'5," the dream wouldn't have even made it past airport security). Cox cashed in family connections to take a job as an office assistant to stepfather Hunter Copeland's nephew Ian Copeland, a New York City music agent of some repute (and brother of the Police's Stewart Copeland), with whom she subsequently began a romantic relationship. Copeland encouraged his much younger girlfriend to chase down her modeling aspirations, and further inspired her to dabble in acting; under the auspices of the Copeland clan, Cox landed a contract with the prestigious Ford modeling agency, and began taking voice lessons to hack away at her honey-dipped Alabama drawl and acting lessons to conquer her stage fright.

    Shoots for magazines like Teen Beat and Young Miss, and for romance-novel covers led to bookings for Noxzema, Maybelline, and Tampax commercials (Cox was the first actress to say the word "period" on television, and not mean a punctuation mark), which led in turn to a two-day, walk-on part as a debutante named Bunny on As the World Turns. Basically, she only had up to go. Armed with this scant r�sum� and decked out in jeans and sneakers, Cox turned out for a cattle-call audition for a part in a Bruce Springsteen music video. The video's director, Brian DePalma--you may have heard of him--selected the sylph-like Cox from a swarm of over three hundred contenders for the $350 job; the video rocketed Springsteen to even loftier heights of fame, and when he snatched that fresh-faced slip of a girl out of a sea of anonymous faces, it was like the hand of God had designated her the Chosen One.

    But Cox had to wait out a fallow season or two before reaping the benefits of her lucky break. In 1985, the twenty-one-year-old Cox made her television debut as a geeky delivery girl with telekinetic powers on the pilot for the doomed comedy Misfits of Science. Neither the show, nor Cox's first two feature-film outings--Down Twisted and Masters of the Universe--left an indelible mark on the pop-culture landscape, but she subsequently made more of an impression on the long-running sitcom Family Ties, in which she played Lauren, the psychology major who uses the overachieving Alex P. Keaton (Michael J. Fox) as her guinea pig and winds up dating him. Apart from her fictitious significant-other duty on that show, Cox became the longtime lover of the significantly more mature actor Michael Keaton, whom she first met in 1989 (their relationship lasted five-and-a-half years and came to an end in late 1995). After Family Ties closed up shop, Cox made a halfhearted attempt to build a career in films, enduring the typical vagaries encountered by most green actors: Cocoon: The Return, Mr. Destiny, Blue Desert, Shaking the Tree, and The Opposite Sex and How To Live With Them passed with nary an honorable mention. The Bronson Pinchot series The Trouble With Larry, in which Cox succeeded in landing a role, was D.O.A., as was the pilot for Sylvan in Paradise. Cox explains away the sluggishness of this period by saying that her relationship with Keaton was far more all-consuming than any thoughts of her career. But fame was to ferret out the reluctant actress nonetheless.

    In 1994, after a modestly praiseworthy turn as Jim Carrey's girlfriend in the hit film Ace Ventura Pet Detective, the thirty-year-old Cox landed the twentysomething role of a lifetime as neat-freak Monica Geller on Friends. The show's producers originally envisioned her in Jennifer Aniston's role of Rachel, the pampered rich girl who gets a dose of working-class reality by taking a job as a java jerk, but Cox successfully lobbied for the tailor-made role of the fetchingly anal-retentive, culinary minded Monica, a character as capable, sarcastic, and controlling as many claim her originator to be in her own life. From the moment of its debut in the fall of 1994, Friends (in case you've been living under a rock for the last couple of years, the show chronicles the mundanities of a six-pack of friends living in improbably large New York apartments) quickly became an out-and-out TV phenomenon, and the cast--Cox, Aniston, Lisa Kudrow, David Schwimmer, Matthew Perry, and Matt LeBlanc--just as quickly earned a reputation for their incorruptible esprit de corps. Cox, the only big name, relatively speaking, in the ensemble cast, fell naturally into the role of the take-charge, advice-spouting den mother to the others, both on and off the screen. Lest you think the show has been just one prolonged summer camp, the six Musketeers recently banded together to strike for higher wages. Narrowly averting a sitcom disaster, the execs got up off their wallets and plumped up the cast's per-episode paychecks from the original contract sum of $22,500 per show to $85,000, with built-in raises for subsequent seasons.

    From all we've heard about Cox, we're to infer that she applies a fastidious, perfection-seeking zeal to all facets of her life: from her romantic relationships to removing stains to diagnosing engine trouble to refurbishing houses, her family, friends, and co-workers attest to her ability to tackle any task, to solve any problem. In other words, she makes Martha Stewart look like an incompetent layabout. Never one to sit idle, she has a notable compulsion to buy homes, renovate and redecorate them, and then sell them; she has already succeeded in selling three such labors-of-love at huge profit, and is looking to unload a fourth. Cox went a long way in debunking her neurotic-next-door image with her role in Wes Craven's psycho-thriller horror flick Scream, in which she played bitch-royale Gale Weathers, a tabloid-style television reporter investigating a serial killer's handiwork, and with her role in the "strange, dark religious fable" Commandments.

    Top 5 Links
    1 The Premiere Courteney Cox Site e-mail: [email protected]
    with links, a bio/FAQ, and images
    T2 The Lovely Courteney Cox e-mail: [email protected]
    Biography and Filmography and more....
    T2 My Homage To Courteney Cox e-mail: [email protected]
    Grrrrreat Site!!!
    T2 Scott's Courteney Cox Page e-mail: [email protected]
    Tons of pics and even movies!!!
    5 World of Courteney Cox e-mail: [email protected]
    Pictures, biography...Well, the World of Courteney Cox
    More Links....

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