
Christine Lakin

Biographical Info

Full Name: Christine Helen Lakin
Birthdate: January 25, 1979
Birthplace: Dallas, Texas
TV Show: Step By Step
Role on Show: Al(icia) Lambert
Height: 5'1"
Weight: N/A
Hair Colour: Sunlit-Blonde
Eye Colour: Blue-Green
Currently Resides: Atlanta, Georgia
Siblings: none
Dating: One Interview says she does have a boyfriend, the other says she doesn't
Started Career: 1985 White Water Theme Park Commercial (age 6)
Movies: The Rose and the Jackal
TV Shows: Step By Step
Commercials: White Water Theme Park
Other Performances: Atlanta Workshop Players
Neat Info: She's left handed
Pictures (12)
1 Lakin 1 Lakin sits on a couch (From SBS set) 63K
2 Lakin 2 Lakin again on the couch (From SBS set) 52K
3 Lakin 3 Christine again on the couch (From SBS set) 51K
4 Lakin 4 Christine sips hot chocolate (From SBS set) 41K
5 Lakin 5 Christine stands in disbelief (From SBS Set) 45K
6 Lakin 6 Christine at sunny Disneyworld 53K
7 Lakin 7 Christine again in Disneyworld 50K
8 Lakin 8 Christine in disbelief 64K
9 Lakin 9 Christine tries to pickup the ride operator 69K
10 Lakin 10 Christine laughs (From SBS set) 54K
11 Lakin 11 Another one from the set 51K
12 Lakin 12 Lakin profile [same as profile above] 23K
Interviews & Articles
Lakin Takes Her Celebrity Status 'Step By Step'
Please don't misunderstand her. Actress Christine Lakin, 16, has no problem explaining to people why she might look familiar. And she doesn't mind acknowledging to inquisitive strangers that she's on ABC's popular Friday sitcom Step by Step. But at a recent Ultimate Oldies concert in her native Atlanta, where's she's happily on hiatus for the summer, she just couldn't cop to celebrity status.

"I haven't really been bugged, but the only time I'm embarrassed is when I'm caught doing something really stupid," says the petite actress who plays middle child Al (short for Alicia). "I was at this concert with a bunch of friends and we were being so goofy and doing the swim and other silly dances. I felt so stupid when two girls walked up and asked my name. I was like uh, uh, Samantha! My name is Samantha. The girls responded with a disinterested " 'Oh', and walked away."

Christine laughs. "In L.A. if someone thinks you look familiar or expect it's from TV - since after all, it is L.A. - they usually don't say anything and in Georgia they just don't expect they'll know you from TV. I just look familiar. It's so much more normal here."

Christine explains why she's the only "Step" kid to live away from Los Angeles: "My school's here and our house is here. We just love it. It's beautiful and safe."

The Texas native lived in Maryland, Florida and Virginia before her family moved to Atlanta (mom Karen says they're "corporate gypsies") - all before she even began school. She started first grade at the Atlanta private school she still attends.

At 6, she had already tap danced in several states. Upon arrival in Atlanta, Karen Lakin, who acts as her daughter's manager, enrolled her in tap, jazz and ballet. Then Christine saw a flier advertising a drama class.

"I asked my mom what 'drama' was and she said, 'It's where you pretend to be characters in a story,' and I decided I wanted to do that," says the young actress. "She was reluctant, but I talked her into it." The class led to auditions, which led to a series of both national and local commercials.

"It seemed like every time my mom or dad would say, 'This may never happen again, so let's try it. This could be your five minutes of fame,' " she says.

Those proverbial "five minutes" evolved into 10 years. Christine worked in theater - she was spotted at Georgia's Callaway Gardens by a vacationing talent agent - and then appeared in the 1990 TNT production "The Rose and the Jackal" opposite Christopher Reeve, before landing a role on Step By Step in 1991.

The only child says she's got the best of two worlds - playing one of now seven children on the ABC sitcom and having her privacy at home. "We get along amazingly well, especially Angie [Angela Watson] and me. All of us can get on each other's nerves, like brothers and sisters, but we're very close."

While Al began as the resident tomboy, "she's more feminine now," explains Christine. "She's not a total Miss Priss, but still has an edge. She's feisty and strong-willed." She's proud Al's "a really good role model, since she's straightforward and doesn't back down."
AOL Online
Ready to start Christine?
I'm ready! Hi everyone!
Dr J No:
Are you working on anything else besides Step by Step?
Not at the moment but I'm starting to audtition for other things to work during our hiatus
Christine!!! You're a great actress!!! I was wondering, do you have any nicknames?
First of all, thank you very much. Some of my friends call me Chris or Chrissy. But that's it. My dad sometimes calls me Snick but I don't know why!
How did you become a actress?
I was working in Georgia doing theater and drama classes when an agent spotted me and sent me out to commercials and I started doing theater in Georgia and then an agent in LA spotted me doing theater and brought me to LA to audition.
Will you marry me?
Thank you so much but I'm a little young... Wait about five years ;)
Do you have a boyfriend?
Yeah, I do. But I also have a lot of friends who are boys.
What's it like being a star?
I don't really consider myself a star. If you mean what it's like being popular, I'd say it's incredible and at times it can get to be overwhelming but it's a great experience if you can take it in stride.
Do you like any sports?
As far as playing, I love to snowski and hike and run, but I love to watch basketball especially the Bulls. I don't mind watching football but I hate it when my dad watches golf. It's so boring.
Do you enjoy working on Step by Step with the other characters? Is Brandon Call different off-stage?
Do you mean is he stupid? Yes, he's a lot different on stage. I think everyone is a little like their character in some way. But in real life we're all a lot more normal than we are on TV. I didn't mean that Brandon is stupid... I meant yes, we're all different off-stage.
I would like to know how old you are if I my ask?
I'm 18 years old, just had a birthday Jan. 25!!
Can I be your boyfriend?
I don't know, you got any money?? Ha ha. Just kidding.
What do you like about making a show?
I love being around all the people I work with. It's especially so much fun because in real life I don't have any brothers or sisters and when I'm at work I have a huge family!
What has been the hardest part of being a teen actor?
I guess balancing school and work, especially in high school, has been pretty tough and there's a lot of things about being a teenager that I think I've missed in certain respects. As well, there's a reputation you have to think about.
What is your favorite band?
Dave Matthews Band!! But I also like anything from Garth Brooks to George Michael.
Who do you classify as a great actor?
I think John Malkovich is incredible but I really look up to people such as Jody Foster because she's such an idol to me and a role model for so many young women.
What was your favorite episode of Step-By-Step?
Probably the one where we got to travel to Hawaii. But I also enjoyed the episode where we got to dress in 40s clothes.
Do you know Johnathan Taylor Thomas?
Yes, I met him and I think he knows my name but I see him at different charity events but no I don't know him as a person. Sorry ladies!!
What is it like to be in show biz? Do you have an e-mail? Please respond to this!!!
Show biz can be fun but it can also be a lot of work. I seriously think that the fun happens a lot more than the work does -- which is why I do it.
Do you like your job?
I love my job. I can't believe sometimes that it's really called a job. This is not work to me -- not usually. And up till a couple of years ago I had no idea that people actually made a living doing this because it's so much. It's like playing.
Beatal 1:
How you doing, Just wanted to let you know, that I'm a big fan of yours. And do you plan on doing any major movies?
Hopefully sometime in the future. I'd like to direct my career towards that path. But as of right now, unfortunately, no. :(
Will anybody get married in the future on the show?
No, but there is an episode where someone comes very close. And there's a new unexpected romance that happens this Friday --but you'll have to watch!!
What's new with your character?
Al is in high school, in its prime, and getting tackled with a lot of controversial issues such as drugs, rumors, popularity, etc. But she tackles them all with her usual cyncial self so it's still pretty interesting!
Hello from Arkansas...My question is...where are you calling from and do you get on the internet very much?
I'm in LA right now working on the show and yes, I do "surf the net." For school, I get my assignments through email -- as well as all the gossip from my friends (which I couldn't live without! :))
Have you taken any acting classes?
Yes, I take acting class every Monday night because I think it's important to do other things and explore other characters while you're working. And it's something that's always been a way to relax for me.
You're the greatest actress in the world, my name is Shawn and how long is Step By Step going to stay and what are you gonna do after that?
Okay, Shawn, I love you, first of all and Step by Step is going to be on this year and hopefully will be returning next year. But if not, don't worry. I'll be around doing something else, I'm sure!
How did you get the part on Step by Step?
I came out to LA to do the audition with my mother and, to tell you the truth, I was really really skeptical. I just thought it'd be fun to come out here. And to my surprise, I landed the pilot!!
Christine? is it really you?
Hello? Yes!! I promise! If anyone's wondering, I'm a senior in high school now so I have a pretty slack schedule right now, except for pre-calculus which is tough for me. I've just applied to colleges and I'm waiting to hear from my number one choice here in California.
Do you like showbiz?
It can definitely be interesting at times -- and you meet kooky people. But I think it's been pretty educational for me.
Is Cody going to be back on the show?
Well, no he's not. His character has gone to Russia to do something crazy and wild. But he have a great new character -- if you remember Balki on Perfect Strangers who's going to be Carol's hairdresser.
Is there any special way that i can help my wanting to be an actress?
My advice to you would be to get involved anywhere you can -- if that's through school or local acting classes. The more experience you have can only help you out in the long run. Through that, you can figure out if that's something you want to pursue. It takes a lot of dedication.
HI did you enjoy working (making out) with Andrew Keegan? Will he be back?
Yeah, Andrew and I had a good time. It was fun because we knew each other before he starred on the show so it wasn't too awkward. Sadly to say, I don't think he'll be back this year but I have some other sticky dating situations that prove to be pretty funny. :)
What are your favorite hobbies when not acting?
I like to rollerblade or to the gym for some exercise. I love going to the beach, dancing, out to dinner and going to concerts with friends.
I think you are a very unique actress who knows what she is doing unlike others
Thank you very much! It means a lot! :)
Were you popular before you started acting?
I hate the word popular. I'd rather say well-liked. I think there's been times when people have wanted to be my friend just because of who I am. But I think it's times like this when you realize those people aren't true friends anyway. And in that case, I think it's better to stick with people who really love you than to be "popular."
Are all you guys really close?
Yes, we actually are. It's so funny because we're all just like a big family. We cut up on each other and laugh and make fun of each other just like anyone else.
Christine, there are a lot of websites about you on the Net. Have you seen them and what do you think about em?
I have seen quite a few of them and I think they're awesome!! And I'm having my own official website in a month on celebrity sightings! It's the only place where I'm actually involved.
Have you ever met Jaleel White, if so what is he like?
Yes, I have met him. He works two sets down from us and he was also on a show with us where Al took him to a dance! And he is NOTHING at all like his character! He's so nice an and if anything, I'd say he's more like Stefan.
Abby J976:
Do you get good grades in school? What types of classes do you take?
I guess I get pretty good grades. I ended up with a 3.8 last year which is good for me. Right now I'm in 5th year Spanish as well as some regular classes. Last year I took physics which is horrible! But I study pretty hard for school.
When "Step By Step" will be on.
THIS FRIDAY AT 9:30!! Watch!! Eastern Standard time.
Last one coming up!!!
i love your show what kind of clothes do you like?
I like everything. I have a lot of basic clothes in my closet and a few trendy things, as well as a few dressy things. JCrew is great but mostly I just like to be comfortable.
Thanks Christine for visiting. We all had a great time having you here!
Thanks, everyone!! I really appreciate all your support for both myself and the show. And make sure you watch this Friday! Thanks and I'll see you around! :)

Interview from March 5/97
Interview questions/ABCDiane Comments altered.
Original Transcript: http://www.serve.com/clakin/aolinterview.html
ABC Online
Welcome Everyone! I will be your host for this evening's auditorium with Christine Lakin! And now, ABC Online is pleased to welcome...CHRISTINE LAKIN!!!
Hello all!!
Hi Christine! Thanks for joining us tonight! Let's get right to the questions...
Christine- I'm 14. Have you met any other child actors close to your age like Jonathan Taylor Thomas or Brad Renfro?
Yes-- at different events for charities and such, i have met a lot of the other kids on TGIF and we have been able to go out on the weekends and stuff.
I love the show! I was wondering, how long do you plan to stay in acting?
Well, hopefully, I would love to stay acting after i am out of high school and after the show. Hopefully in movies and other projects like that b/c that is what i really love to do.
Cool, Juicer and Effx here....Just wanted to say what a super-beautiful and talented actress you are on Step-by-Step!! As big fans we have watched you grow along with all the other kids on the show. Who is the most fun to work with and whats da' funniest moment.
well, i really get along quite well with Angela Watson who plays Karen but in the school room i mostly hang out with josh and chris who are great kids and always keep me entertained.
Do you have a boyfriend?
Well, i have a lot of friends that are boys, but currently i am not dating anyone exclusively.
Did you ever have any objections to some of your more mature lines in Stpe By Step when you were younger?
Recently, i have spoken up more whenever there have been lines that I am not comforable with and i am really happy that our producers are very open to all out feelings and listen to what we like and don't like
Do you like working on the Set?
Yes, working on the set has been the best experience of my life so far, mainly b/c i am an only child in real life, and on the show, i have 5 brothers and sisters so i love it!!!!
Hi. What grade are you in? I was wondering if you practice a lot.
I am currently in 11th grade and in reference to the "practicing" i do expand my acting roles through a wonderful acting class i take during the week.
What do you do on a typical weekend?
I love to sleep in into the afternoon, go to the pool or beach, SHOP, and go to concerts with my friends.
Christine tell us about what kinda tunes ya like to listen to.....We like Rancid, Black Flag and stuff. Into underground at all, punk, country , or what????
I am really into every type of music there is, depending on my mood, but my absolute favorite is Live and The Dave Matthews Band, if you've ever heard of them.
Carol L50:
What made you start acting?
I started when I was in 1st grade with theater, mainly because i have always loved performing in front of people and i begged my mom to leat me take drama classes.
Well, then we have to thank your Mom!
Do you play any musical instruments?
I play a varity of instruments very badly ranging from the piano, to the drums, but now i am into the guitar (accustic).
u listen to DMB? been to any shows?
Not yet--had great tickets to show this summer but i couln't go. AHHHHHH!
Hi there, just wondered what your favorite broadway production is? I liked Les Mis and Phantom a lot...
I actually have seen many musicals b/c we have had season tix to the theater but my favorite so far had been Miss Saigon, Phantom, 42Street. West Side Story is great too.
My son, Matt wants to know - what's your favorite sport?
I loooove to ski and play tennis-- i also like to watch baseball, tennis. I went to Wimbledon this summer and got addicted!! go Aggassi!!!!!!
Speaking of broadway. Have you done anything on the stage? or do you aspire to?
I have done a lot way way way off Broadway and in school, but i love to get into that after the show ends.
what is a typical day like for you on the set?
I go to school on the set for about 4 hrs. a day and rehurse throughout the day until we have a run-through with all the producers at the end of the day.
What's your favorite episode of Step by Step?
the fav would have to be the one where we got to go to Hawaii for a week--wonder why??
What is your favorite subject in school?
English is good but VERY hard, Spanish4 is pretty easy for me so far, and Physics is hard.
How many more seasons will Step by Step be on (please say many more)?
We are picked up for this year and next year definately, and maybe another will follow. We shoot 24 episodes a year and season premiere is tomorrow--MAKE SURE TO WATCH!!!!!!
What is it like to work with Patrick Duffy?
Patrick is one of the funniest and nicest men I have ever worked with. He brings a wonderful chemistry to our set that makes working such a pleasure.
What can we expext to see from Al this season?
I have heard from inside sources that Al may be getting a boyfriend soon. ---Hmmmmmm also, she gets a job in the mall and bombs big time!!
Any film projects?
None in the making yet, but hopefully something will be coming up in the next few months as we approach our big hiatus at the end of our filming season.
I think you are the funniest on the show. How much fanmail do you get a week?
My mom keeps track of it in the computer and it's enough to keep us busy--but I always like hearing from new people since i put all the pictures i get from my fans on the wall in my dressing room. That's the truth!!!
Hello Christine! I just want to thank you for making Step by Step enjoyable for me.
Thanks so much for watching--it means a lot to all of us!!!!
Where could I get a current photo of you?
Write to Step By Step Fan Mail, with MY name of course, at-- 2040 Avenue Of Stars, Los Angeles, CA 90067
How did you get on the show?
I was at my family's current residence on the east coast when i got a call to come to L.A. for an audition for the pilot from an agent i had met out here while i was on spring break (i was in 6th grade at the time) and i was fortunate enough to get the job that turned into the wonderful experience i have now!!!
Do you like the changes they have made to your character "AL" over the past few seasons?
Yes i do very much. i like that fact that thhey have made Al grow up into a young woman but yet she hasn't totally lost all that great attitude that is so much fun to do!!!
Duh 2118:
Do you plan to stay with the show?
Yes of course, Duh!! Just kidding--i do however plan on going to college part time when i graduate (from high school).
My kids want to know. 1. Do you get along with Cody. And 2 Do you hate JT.
1. Yes I get along with Sasha very well- he is a great guy and 2. Brandon and I tease each other a lot but by no means do i hate him!!!!!!
Now my youngest wants to know. Does she really like snakes?
Uhhhhh..... i don't mind holding snakes, but i don't think i will be getting one anytime soon!!!
Ok! We were having so much fun we forgot to look at the time! We'd like to thank Christine for being with us tonight. Thanks Christine. You were GREAT!
Thanks ya'll for coming and asking all your great queastions!!! i really appreciate it. See everyone on the tube tomorrow night--and by the way, thanx for all your great questions. Bye everyone!!
Good Bye!
Interview Date Unknown
Interview questions/ABCPrimeSC Comments slightly altered.
Original Transcript: http://www.serve.com/clakin/abconline.html
Likes/Dislikes & Interests
Favorite Color:
Favorite Food:
Vegetarian and Fish
Collecting Hard Rock Cafe Pins
Favorite Sports:
Tennis, Snow Skiing, Soccer, Golf
Favorite Bands:
Dave Matthews Band and Live
Favorite Actor:
Tom Hanks
Favorite Actress:
Jodie Foster
Favorite Movies:
"When Harry Met Sally", "Ghost", "Father Of The Bride"

Info from CLFC
Top 5 Links
T1 Christine Lakin Fan Club e-mail: [email protected]
Join the Club or just check out the info
T1 Christine Lakin a.k.a. Al Lambert on Step By Step e-mail: [email protected]
Great Site with tons of Info, pics and more
T1 A Christine Lakin's Page e-mail: [email protected]
Another Unbelievable Site of Christine
4 The Ultimate Christine Lakin Homepage e-mail: [email protected]
Another Great site with pics, bio and links
5 Christine Lakin (Beautiful & Talented) e-mail: [email protected]
Just a few pictures
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