Fifth Grade Religion
2000-2001 YEAR
In the sacraments, the Church recalls and carries on the work of Jesus Christ. In Coming to God’s Life, fifth graders will learn that, through the sacraments, we are to become signs of God’s love by welcoming, forgiving, healing, and serving others. We are to live as Jesus’ disciples, sharing his good news with others.  When they use this book, young people are encouraged to ask the Holy Spirit to help them:

09/10/00 - 01 - Jesus Christ Reveals God, pp. 13-18
09/17/00 - 02 - Jesus Christ and the Kingdom of God, pp. 19-24
09/24/00 - 03 - Jesus Christ Blesses Our Lives, pp. 25-30
10/01/00 - 04 - The Church Carries on Jesus' Mission, pp. 31-36
10/08/00 - No CCD (Observation of Columbus Day)
10/15/00 - 05 - The Sacraments and the Church, pp. 37-42
10/22/00 - 06 - Celebrating Reconciliation, pp. 43-48
10/29/00 - 07 - Celebrating Eucharist, pp. 49-56
11/05/00 - 08 - Jesus Christ Brings Us Life (Baptism), pp. 57-62
11/12/00 - 09 - Jesus Christ Strengthens Us (Confirmation), pp. 63-68
11/19/00 - 10 - Jesus Christ Feeds Us (Eucharist), pp. 69-74
11/26/00 - No CCD (Thanksgiving Weekend)
12/03/00 - 11 - Our Church Celebrates the Eucharist (Mass), pp. 75-80
12/10/00 - 12 - Celebrating Advent, pp. 87-92
12/17/00 - 13 - Celebrating Christmas, pp. 93-101
12/24/00 - No CCD (Christmas Holiday)
12/31/00 - No CCD (New Year's Weekend)
01/07/01 - 14 - The Church Remembers (Liturgical Year), pp. 81-86
01/14/01 - No CCD (Martin Luther King Weekend)
01/21/01 - 15 - Jesus Christ Forgives Us (Reconciliation), pp. 103-108
01/28/01 - 16 - Jesus Christ Helps Us in Sickness & Death (Anointing of the Sick), pp. 109-1140
02/04/01 - 17 - Jesus Christ Helps Us to Love (Matrimony), pp. 115-120
02/11/01 - 18 - Jesus Christ Calls Us to Serve (Holy Orders), pp. 121-126
02/18/01 - No CCD (Presidents Day Weekend)
02/25/01 - 19 - We Share Jesus Christ's Priesthood (Ministry), pp. 127-132
03/04/01 - 20 - Celebrating Lent, pp. 133-138
03/11/01 - 21 - Becoming a Catholic (The Marks of the Church), pp. 147-152
03/18/01 - 22 - All People are God's People, pp. 153-158
03/25/01 - 23 - The Gift of Faith, pp. 159-164
04/01/01 - 24 - God Fills Us with Hope, pp. 165-170
04/08/01 - 25 - Celebrating Easter, pp. 139-146
04/15/01 - No CCD (Easter Holiday)
04/22/01 - 26 - The Gift of God's Love, pp. 171-176
04/29/01 - 27 - Sacramentals, pp. 177-182
05/06/01 - 28 - Celebrations for the Year, pp. 183-189
05/13/01 - 29 - Activity at Discretion of Teacher