Two Year Confirmation Program
(Year One) 2000-2001 YEAR
New Testament - An Introduction - Young Catholics need to rub shoulders with the culture of Jesus and his times. Likewise, they need to know that in Scripture things are not always what they appear to be. Scripture presents so much more, and young people should never be afraid of the truth as presented in Scripture. This text will introduce them to questions people have asked over the ages: Were the Magi historical figures? Did Jesus really raise people from the dead, or were they just asleep? Did Jesus really die, and did his body really come out of the tomb? By tackling such questions, this course will help young people to appreciate the contemporary Catholic understanding of Scripture and give them tools to avoid fundamentalistic leanings that distort real Catholic doctrine and Scripture itself.

09/10/00 - 01 - Alive in Christ, pp. 6-13
09/17/00 - 02 - Unlike Any Other, pp. 14-21
09/24/00 - 03 - The Divine Word, pp. 22-29
10/01/00 - 04 - The Church's Book, pp. 30-37
10/08/00 - No CCD (Observation of Columbus Day)
10/15/00 - 05 - More Than History, pp. 37-45
10/22/00 - 06 - Getting at the Truth, pp. 46-53
10/29/00 - 07 - Jesus and His People, pp. 54-61
11/05/00 - 08 - More About Jesus and His People, pp. 62-69
11/12/00 - 09 - Jesus and His World, pp. 70-77
11/19/00 - 10 - Jesus and His Times, pp. 78-85
11/26/00 - No CCD (Thanksgiving Weekend)
12/03/00 - 11 - The Good News About Jesus, pp. 86-93
12/10/00 - 12 - Four Points of View, pp. 94-101
12/17/00 - 13 - Human and Divine, pp. 102-109
12/24/00 - No CCD (Christmas Holiday)
12/31/00 - No CCD (New Year's Weekend)
01/07/01 - 14 - Christ the Lord, pp. 110-117

Liturgy and Worship - A Course on Prayer & Sacraments - It is in the Church’s liturgy, especially the seven sacraments, that Catholics celebrate all that God has done for us in Christ Jesus through the working of the Holy Spirit. Our salvation was made possible through the paschal mystery of Christ’s passion, death, resurrection, and ascension. This mystery is made present to us in the sacred actions of the Church’s liturgy. As members of the Church, we are called upon to enter into this mystery of faith and truly people of both word and sacrament. This is where our lives of faith are proclaimed, formed, and nourished. If young people are to be strong and faithful followers of Christ, they must make the liturgical life of the Church their own.

01/14/01 - No CCD (Martin Luther King Weekend)
01/21/01 - 15 - More Than Meets the Eye, pp. 6-13
01/28/01 - 16 - The Prayer of the Church, pp. 14-21
02/04/01 - 17 - God's Masterpieces, pp. 22-29
02/11/01 - 18 - The Sacrament of Sacraments, pp. 30-37
02/18/01 - No CCD (Presidents Day Weekend)
02/25/01 - 19 - Celebrating the Eucharist, pp. 38-45
03/04/01 - 20 - The Sacraments of Initiation, pp. 46-53
03/11/01 - 21 - Our House of Prayer, pp. 54-61
03/18/01 - 22 - Seasons of Praise, pp. 61-69
03/25/01 - 23 - A Year of Glory, pp. 70-77
04/01/01 - 24 - The Sacraments of Reconciliation, pp. 77-85
04/08/01 - 25 - The Anointing of the Sick, pp. 86-93
04/15/01 - No CCD (Easter Holiday)
04/22/01 - 26 - The Sacrament of Holy Orders, pp. 94-101
04/29/01 - 27 - The Sacrament of Matrimony, pp. 102-109
05/06/01 - 28 - Mary and the Saints, pp. 110-117
05/13/01 - 29 - Paths of Prayer, pp. 118-123