Sorry, but you're not Your own master.
You're Going to Die.  We all will.  It might happen today.
Sobering, isn't it?  It happens more often than you might think.
Muhahaha!  Sin laughs at us.  Alive one moment; worm food the next.
No, Trust in Jesus and your soul can escape lasting death!

Sometimes we act like we will live forever, and yet, the truth is that we are not even the complete masters of our day-to-day living. There is much beyond our power to change and to control. Our pilgrimage in the world is very brief. In the sight of God even the lifetimes of our oldest people are less than the blinking of an eye. Nevertheless, many people behave as if there is no God and no judgment. It would be best if we were Christ's disciples out of a love for God; however, at least we should be good out of a healthy fear of judgment. Each of us will be held accountable for what we have done with the gifts given us. How do we measure up? Have we as Christians placed our faith in the Lord, the one who died on the cross to rescue us from the slavery of sin and the alienation of death? Have we lived every day as if it would be our last, praising God in all that we say, think, and do? Have we followed the commandments, loving God and allowing that love to spill over in a dynamic charity for our neighbor? Who or what is the Master of our life?


Background Music: edwardscissorhands-theme.mid

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