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15. 12 . 2002
Bj�rk turns the page

Next year, Bj�rk is going to release live versions of her albums and she'll also give a new serie of tourdates. In a recent interview in the Morgunbladid, she explained the method for her Greatest Hits. Peter from Iceland kindly translated the article for BEP.

She admitted she had fears when it came to selecting songs for the Greatest Hits album.

But Asi had helped her to choose between different songs for her forthcoming live tour album, like between 81 versions of Human behaviour.

Bj�rk says that the greatest hits had in the beginning just been a small piece of work but things got more complicated when the record companies urged her to have Oh So Quiet on the album and Bj�rk became very angry as that song is not made of her rather from somebody else.

The solution to this problem was an agreement with Derek at Oli to have an internet voting for the songs. Fortunately, Oh So Quiet turned out be the song number 16 on the list so Bj�rk didn�t have to have that on the album. Phew, I was so happy because otherwise all these 10 years would just have been my singing one song made of somebody else.

Bj�rk is moving to New York as you know and will be living somewhere between the Meat-Packing District which is from the 17th Street to the Little West 12 street, which is now one of the biggest fashion area in New York with many discos and restaurants.

Bj�rk will tour Europe next summer singing with 8 people Kammer music orchestra in the background.