
Icelandic group formed in Reykjavík in August 1983 consisting of:

Einar Örn Benediktsson : vocals + trumpet
Björk Guðmundsdottir : vocals
Guðlaugur "Gulli" "Gud Krist" Kristinn Ottarsson : electric guitar
Birger Morgensen : electric bass
Einar Melax : keyboard
Sigtryggur "Siggi" Baldursson : drums

Originally the group was a project based on an idea by among others Asmundur Jonsson from Gramm Records in Reykjavik. They debuted live in Icelandic radio and played at a "We demand the future" festival in Reykjavik 9/20/83 before "The Crass". Later they played with Psychic TV and in England with "Flux of Pink Indians" and others. Their debut album was recorded in London in January '84. Later the same year they played at concerts in several European countries. In June '85 at the Danish 'Roskilde Festival' and later the same year at concerts in Iceland they played with Megas, the "grand old man" of Icelandic rock. Kukl's music is complex and rhythmic, and a mixture of punk, rock, jazz, and more experimental music, with the lyrics sometimes in English, and sometimes in Icelandic. A powerful and personal band combining qualities from three important groups in Icelandic rock from the beginning of the eighties.

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Pökn (Fyrir Byrjendur)

The Eye
Open The Window And Let The Spirit Fly Free
The Spire
Handa Tjolla

Holidays In Europe
Outward Flight (Psalm 323)
France (A Mutual Thrill) Gibraltar (Copy Thy Neighbour)
Greece (Just By The Book)

England (Zro)
Holland (Latent)
Aegean (Vials Of Wrath)
The Homecoming (The Night)

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