Fuck The Critics, We Loved Your Dress!

Article From Style.com
NEW YORK, March 28 – Some Oscar watchers found Björk's three-dimensional swan dress amusing. Others were confounded, and even slightly irritated, by her attire. But there's one designer who couldn't seem less phased by the pop star's choice: Marjan Djodjov Pejoski, the man who created the frilly feathered thing.

"I saw the photos in the newspaper and a bit on TV on Monday morning," said the London-based designer, who claims to have slept right through the main event. "It was my birthday, so that was a present."

And while some designers, especially the young ones, might make themselves available to the worldwide press after such a coup, Pejoski, 33, took the day off instead.

"I'm usually not very interested in the Oscars," he said. "It's a bit stale and, to me, the people who are supposed to be the best dressed look very old-fashioned."

The designer's kooky Fall collection, his third since graduating from Central St. Martin's two years ago, was inspired by carousels, ice skating costumes and, well, birds. It included not only a prototype of his now-famous downy creation, molded and stitched entirely by hand, but variations on the theme and a whole flock of birdie sweaters.

Of course, this isn't the first time Björk and Pejoski have teamed up to cause a stir. She also wore one of his splashy confections in pink to Cannes last year.

"There aren't too many people who know what they want in their lives," Pejoski mused. "They need to have a million and one assistants to tell them and show them and stitch them and make their personality. With Björk, what you see is what you get. She is herself at every moment."

While he hardly expects to dress anyone for next year's ceremony, Pejoski does seem intrigued by the idea of shaking things up. "I didn't expect the swan dress to shock people," he said with a hint of glee. "I know it's slightly different than a dress that someone else might wear, but if it shocked people, then they should be shocked. 
Maybe it's the beginning of a new era."


(AKA: "Wankers who get their thrills out of picking on other people who unlike themselves aren't afraid to be individuals")

"The People's Choice" hosted by comedian Kevin James got a huge laugh when James came out dressed in a swan dress, and claimed he found he look first. "The truth is that I had the outfit first. I just find it funny that I have to defend myself for a trend I started," James said during the show, as a video clip showed the swan-clad actor shopping, golfing and running down the beach at sunset. What a funny guy NOT!

Well instead of parading around (looking absolutely terrible I must add) and saying things like "well it could be called business-casual", Ellen DeGeneres probably could have thought up a more romantic and creative pick up line for hitting on björk. But we all know from her own show "Ellen" that creativity is not one of her strong points. By the way Ellen you really should stick to 3 piece suits with a tie, it's definitely more you.
Björk likes men darling!!!!