1 Friday 28th February. 12:23AM. Good morning, I just woke up after going to sleep at 8:30PM. It's raining quite heavily outside right now. Well today is the last day of spring. i'm just watching ABC news and have just made myself a coffee as I was dead thirsty when I woke up. It's really hot right now. 2 Just going to roll a smoke and am doing a bit of surfing. Johan just text. We watched Birthday girl yesterday and it was really good, usually I don't like movies with Nicole Kidman in them but I didn't really mind her in Birthday Girl. Well I'm going to make myself another coffee and head back off to bed I think. Will write later. 3 Good morning again. I've been awake for almost an hour. Have done most of the housework except vaccum and clean the bog. Just been texting Nina. It's raining hardcore and is very windy but it's actually kinda warm. 2:14PM hello again. I've been busy. nina, Damian and Reeve came over earlier and then i took some..
4 washing over to Nina's which she is drying for me, and then i went to the supermarket and then back to nina's to drop off the bag of coffee she loaned me this morning, then home, had a sausage roll for lunch, which has lead me to now. 5 my cold is getting worse. I can't stop sneezing and am having to constantly blow my nose. I'm thinking about having a nap I'm so tired. It's stopped raining and the sun is starting to come out so i let the cats out at about 11AM. 6 Well I think i'll blow my nose and then have a wee nap. Will write later. bye. hi again. 3:29PM, i tried to nap but couldn't. I feel a bit fluey. Need to have a shower, maybe that will make me feel a bit fresher and better. Can't stop sneezing.Nose won't stop running
7 Ears are sore. Oh how miserable. I might have to give dinner a miss, i won't be able to eat like this. i'm just running myself a nice hot bath. i just got the cats in, it's starting to rain again. 8 Hello again. I'm out of the bath now. I don't feel any better though. Infact I feel a bit worse. Am just having a smoke, was supposed to go over to Nina's later to collect my washing but I don't know if I should 9 go now or not. i'd hate to make any of them sick. i'll just text her now. 11:27PM. hello I just got out of bed, I've been in it since about 5PM. I'm really really crook now and have a sore wisdom tooth to boot.


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1 Thursday 27th February. 4:30AM Good morning. I woke up at 3AM after going to sleep at 12AM. I've just made myself a coffee and am about to e-mail a couple of photo's to my Mum. back soon. Hi again, 5:12AM. just rolled a smoke and am watching BBC world. My teeth are feeling better. It's raining and it's cold. It's supposed to rain for the next three days. My glands are up and they hurt too. 2 Johan and i went and hired out 2 DVD's last night. The crimson Code, which was utter shit, and Birthday Girl again as last week when I hired it i never ended up watching it so we have that to watch today. I can't seem to shake this cold even though I am taking echinacea. i didn't end up going to the supermarket last night so I will have to go today. Well I I am going to make myself one last coffee and take it to bed. okay goodnight again, will write later in the day. 3 Good morning again. 10:49AM. Cyba just about slaughtered the meter reader. I had to lock him in the laundry. I woke up about hallf an hour ago and have cleaned the kitchen, fed the pets and made myself a coffee so far. It's overcast and has been raining but isn't raining at the moment so I let the cats out. I like to keep them in..
4 when it rains so they don't get cat colds. Probably sounds quite nuts. It's freezing today. Very cold. Back in a sec will just go and brush my teeth. hi back again. I kinda feel like going back to bed. Wonder if I should? I haven't really got anything else to do today.    


1 Wednesday 26th February. 10:49AM. Good morning. i woke up about 40 minutes ago, have done some housework and am just sitting down to a coffee before I carry on with the rest of it and get ready to go to the dentist. 2 I had a good long sleep and have woken feeling quite refreshed. It's a shitty overcast day today, looks like it's going to rain but I don't mind. I've just got dressed and am heating up my hair straightener. Will just go and clean the bathroom and 3  put a load of washing on. Back soon. 3:56PM. i finally have total feeling back in my face. After 3 injections I didn't have much at all. The work was all done and I have my face back so i'm happy. Just testing out my new teeth on a tomatoe sandwich. I was at the
4 dentists for an hour. Johan dropped me off and picked me up. i got photo's today too, this time i used a kodak 200 instead of a fuji 400 and what a mistake. My skin in the photo's looks all blotchy it's a real pity but at least i guess I know not to use that film again. i'll stick to my fuji 400's. I'm tired. It's been a long day and I still haven't been to the grocery store. Will do that tonight if I can be bothered. 5 In other news... 2 more pics in The Photography. I've just brushed my teeth, they're a little tender. hi back again. Have just fed the pets and done their dinner dishes. Not sure what to have for dinner myself yet. i wouldn't mind spaghetti bolagnaise again, that was quite nice the other night. It looks like it's going to rain, it was spitting when I came out of the dentists. once again i'm bored shitless! feb3.jpg (35904 bytes)
6 I have zero to do. Oh no i'm bullshitting, I could fold washing. Fun! or I could have a nap. that sounds kinda tempting. i've just made myself another coffee. Will just check what's on TV tonight. Cool 200 cigarettes is on TV4 at 9:30 tonight. I haven't seen that yet. 6:46PM just about to have my dinner, vegetable noodles, watching the news on TV.


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1 Tuesday 25th February. 10:38AM. Good morning. I woke up about half an hour ago. I had a broken sleep but a good sleep. i'm just sitting here now having a coffee and a cigarette, joga is sitting on the desk beside me. I've cleaned the kitchen, fed the pets, done their dishes, and set a load of washing going. Oh I'm sneezing again and have a blocked nose. Have to go into town today to do a couple of things, go to the pharmacy, buy some groceries, put my film in for processing and maybe hire out a couple of DVD's.

2 Well the rain has stopped and it's sunny now but the ground and everything is still wet. Hopefully today the washing will dry. hi back again I just got dressed. Still have a bit to do this morning before the house is how I like it. And I have to do my hair. And then i'll probably go over to nina's. She wants me to take my tape over oof the everyday people ad so she can show Reeve. So i'll probably do that soonish maybe. yuck i'm just having aspro. Disgusting. I just put the first load of washing out and got a load in.

3It's actually pretty hot outside. I've just made myself another coffee. I'm bored already but I still have housework to do, I just don't want to do it. I need to vacuum.Hello back again, i just pegged out another load of washing, got changed, done my hair and

4 cleaned the bathroom and my coffee went cold so i'm off to make another one. Hi back again. Shit it got hot fast. Just rolled another smoke. Wonder what new DVD's are out today? Hopefully some good ones. Looking forward to seeing About Schmidt when it

5 comes out on DVD, I don't even know if it's been to the movies yet. I don't go to the movies, although I did make an exception for Dancer In The Dark of course. Just going to roll another cigarette. I can't wait to see how my photo's turn out. Exciting.

6 I need my own dark room. Just taken a calcium 1000 tab. I'm going to take them everday and not slack off like last time. They're just so huge. can't wait until tomorrow when I have fixed teeth. I should be worried but I'm fucking excited. How sad am I?

7 Hello again. 4:09PM now. I've just been mucking about really since I last wrote, housework and working on another website. I'm really tired now though and am ready for bed. Had soup for lunch done three loads of washing, got it in folded it and put it away, nothing of any interest. Dames came over earlier. I'm going to go and see Nina a bit later on. I'm too hot and tired to do anything right now and I have a sore throat.

8 Haven't been into town as yet. Though I really should get up to something, I'm going insane with boredom. I need another film, but I have no money this week. Well none spare to buy films with anyway. 9 Johan has taken my car to put new points and plugs in it for me. I'm just downloading the Mezzanine album by Massive Attack. i've kinda given up on Sinead and Cyndi. Their songs are too hard to find.
10 Here's what my horoscope says for today....
You might have to make your own fun to stave off the boredom at work but more serious or traditional types may not find your sense of humour amusing. Be sensitive to moral issues or a good cause and you'll boost your reputation.
11 I've just fed the pets, I'm calling for Felix to come in for dinner but he's not coming, usually he comes straight away, I wonder where he's got to? Kukl is asleep on the windowsill beside me and Joga is asleep on the bed but no Felix.   I'm going to go and have myself a lovely hot shower soon. After my coffee.
12 Nina's just text. God i'm bored. i could have a nap. I found felix, asleep in the boot of the grey crown out the back. i'll hold off on my shower for a little while. Nina is going to come over for coffee soon. oh I have a headache.


1 Monday 24th February. 11:01AM. Good morning. Nina is coming over shortly, she is coming with me to the dentist to get a quote. the last amount of dental work cost about $300 and i'm picking it'll be the same if not more this time. My appointment is 2 for 12PM. I have taken out all of my piercings as he'll probably need to do an x-ray and now without my tongue piercing my tongue feels all light and funny. I've had it pierced for almost 5 years so I certainly notice the difference. Quite creepy really. 3 Hello again. 6:31PM, I just woke up, I had about an hours nap. i was hoping to have longer. I went to the dentist. I need 8 fillings! Bloody hell! So I have an appointment on Wednesday at lunchtime to have the work done. i'm actually looking forward to it,
4 After Wednesday I'll be pain free. i have toothache right now fuck it all. He put little blobs of ice on each tooth to check I still had feeling in them and I almost shot through the roof it hurt so much. 5 It's been raining while i've been sleeping. i've just made myself a coffee, when i've finished it I'll have to feed the pets. The cats are all sleeping at the moment. They always sleep when I do. 6 i'm sneezing again. Okay coffee's over time to feed the pets and then think about feeding me. Back soon. 7:02PM hi again, the pets are fed, their dishes are done and I have my pasta boiling away nicely.
7 It's just started raining again. Just going to check what's on TV tonight, back in a sec. Hello again. 8:16PM. I've just made myself a coffee and had some aspro clear. i'm watching mitre 10 DIY rescue. Dinner was lovely and now i'm really full. i tried to have another nap but couldn't get comfortable. 8 I just saw myself on TV. Last year I was in the Toyota everyday People TV advertisdement with my car (a 1974 Toyota Crown) and my dog Cyba. It's quite strange to see myself on TV. ER is on next, it looks good tonight too. Nina just text me. ER is on now so i'm going to go and lie in bed and watch it.


1 Sunday 23rd February 1:19 AM. Good morning. i didn't end up going back to bed after all. I decided to muck around a bit in Adobe 7 with a photo of me from 2 years back when i had my black hair. my toothache has subsided after taking aspro so I'm now sitting down to a nice coffee, bored but happy. there's not a hell of alot to do at this hour of the morning. I could 2 have gone down to Odins nightclub with Johan but i'm not really in the mood for socialising. It's still cold. There might be something of interest on TV now so I might go and lie in bed again and see what's on, but I'm sure I'll write later in the day as I usually do. So see you for now. Bye.
3 Good morning. 9:21AM. i woke up at 7:45AM and have fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen, had coffee, cleaned the bathroom, done the ironing, got dressed and set a load of washing going. Still have a fair bit to do but I thought i'd take a moment to write a bit. It's a sunny but chilly day so far. I might go to Nina's 4 after I've finished doing all the housework, not sure but I'm bored already. Will just heat up my hair straightener. Ok now to clean the fucking toilet. urgh. Hello again 11:53AM, I just got back from Nina's and have had a tomatoe sandwich for lunch. It's alot warmer now and I am tired.
5 My lips are numb. Johan bought me some clove oil and cotton buds for my toothache, he was heaven sent I just know it. It's worked like a charm but I accidentally got some on my lips. Nevermind I feel great now. but I have to drink water instead of coffee or coke so I am slightly suffering. i may cheat yet. 6 I have just cut my fringe shorter and plucked my eyebrows, usually i don't pluck i let them grow in thick full glory but I thought it nice for a change. Ok so I admit it I was bored what can i say?. I have made myself a coffee but I will only drink out of the right side of my mouth. Compromise.
7 I'm totally bored, I've just got the washing in, folded it, and put it away plus put the sprinkler on. i will give the pets their dinner soon. For dinner I will have spaghetti bolagnaise. Sounds good. I just adore bolagnaise sauce with the little meat bits in it. 8 Delicious. I could probably eat it by itself. I just ate a tomatoe and now my teeth hurt again and i am suppose to only apply the oil every 4 hours. Fuck it. Back to drinking water. Tomorrow i will go and see a dentist and make an appointment.
9 Back in a minute i'm just going to cut my nails off. Hi back again, i've fed the pets and done their dishes and cut off my long nails, I usually keep them short. Well it turned out to a pretty warm day in the end. Looking forward to bed time, I'm quite tired. 10 These Sinead O'Connor songs are impossible to find fuck it all. As are the Cyndi Lauper ones. obviously they are an acquired taste. old fashioned music I suppose. 4:44PM. I'm bored. maybe I could have an afternoon nap?


1 Saturday 22nd February. 9:44 AM. Good morning, I haven't been awake long, about half an hour, have fed the pets done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen and made myself a coffee. 2 I'm sneezing again and have a blocked nose, my cold thing or whatever it is seems to be bad in the morning and then disappears by lunch time. Cold feet, need socks. hi back with socks. 3 It's actually a really cold day even though the sun is out. I feel like going back to bed to my electric blanket. I have sore teeth again. I'm just gonna have to see a dentist real soon. This is bad.
4 Nina just text. I've just cleaned the bathroom, got dressed and set a load of washing going. Time for another coffee soon I think. Damn it's cold today. I have to mop the floors and clean the toilet soon. Hi back I've just mopped the floors. I hate that job. 5 now I only have the toilet to clean and the vacuuming to do. Oh and the washing to peg out when it's finished it's cycles. I hate house work I really do. I'd love a maid. Have just made myself another coffee. I might have to have some aspro.
6 Well one load of washing is finished so I'll go and put that out and set another going. Back soon. hi back again. Slowly getting there. Will just go and prepare myself some aspro clear. The taste of that stuff makes me dry reach. It tastes like fizzy... 7 lemons and aspirin mixed together. Utterly disgusting, but it works in about 15 minutes. Ok back in a sec. Hi back, just waiting for it dissolve. Just checked my dailies. No updates. Sneezing again. Gees I'm a sad sack of shit today aren't I?
8 Ewwww, okay here goes the aspro. Gargle, swish, gulp. Fucking disgusting. Man, god, fuck that! Will just check e-mails. 11:30 AM, just downloading more Sinead O Connor and talking to my Mum on MSN. 12:18PM, hi again, I just pegged out the third load of washing and pruned the tree's. The punga's especially needed it. I came out of the punga jungle with about 10 moths on my trousers. I'm puffed now.
9 And tired and my hands are all scratched. time for another cigarette I think. I'm starting to feel a bit hungry. What to have for lunch? I still have to clean the toilet and vacuums and I have no energy. Here's my horoscope for today..... 10 You risk over reacting unless you stick to purely practical matters today. You tend to either cast a spell on people or completely confuse them but if you want to make a more favourable impression simply keep your cool.
11 Well I'm not quite sure what to do now, I've vacuum and clean the toilet later, I can't face doing that right now. it's hard to find those songs on the Sinead album. oh I'm tired I feel like I hardly slept at all but I think I got close to 8 hours sleep so I shouldn't be complaining. might have some noodles for lunch, vegetable flavour. I love my noodles. 98% fat free too. I've just made myself another coffee. HUNGRY!
12 Hello again. 4PM now. I had an hour and a half's nap earlier went and lay in bed just to get warm and ended up falling asleep. I've just sent mum and e-mail and have spoken to her on the phone. 13 Yum, just finished a chipie sandwich. Dave and Sioux have a little baby kitten who Johan says looks just like Kukl who I'm allowed to do a photo shoot with so that's groovy...
14 always on the look out for new subjects. Not that I have any film left right now. Looking forward to getting my latest film processed on Wednesday. Hopefully the photos are good enough for the... 15 monthly me project. 4:37PM I've just given the pets their dinner, done the dishes and set the sprinkler going on the back lawn. I have a headache and I'm cold and tired still.
16. Hello 5:00PM, I've just made myself some vegetable noodles for dinner, nice. Hello back again. Dinner is over and now I'm having a coke and a smoke. I'm tempted to go and lie in my nice warm bed actually. fuck it I will. 17 Hello I just woke up about 2 minutes ago. I had an hour and a half's nap again. It's hot I've just skulled back a glass of coke all in one go. I've just moved the sprinkler. oh I had a good sleep. I'm still in a bit of a daze. A smoke should wake me up.
18 Hello again,. I've just had some more aspro for my toothache. I think I'll go to the dentist on Monday and get myself sorted out. 11:37PM, hello again. I ended up going to sleep at 9PM and just woke and hour ago. I have sore fucking teeth again. So I'm about to have more aspro clear and have made myself a coffee to wash it down with. yuck. I think I'll have one more smoke and then go back to bed.


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1 Friday 21st February. 10:03AM. Good morning. I woke up an hour ago. Have fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen, got dressed and made myself a coffee. I still have alot to do. I have toothache again so I am going to take 2 panadol. They usually help. It's a chilly overcast day today which I am finding to be rather nice. God my teeth hurt. I think toothache could literally drive you insane. Well it could me anyhow. Ouch fucking bastard ouch! Grrrr. Ouch.I got 8 hours sleep last night but I can't remember any of my dreams. I love to dream. Hi back again, just cleaned the bathroom and set a load of washing going. Now I'm bored again. Sigh!

2 Oh yeah, I finally got Nina's song for her last night which is cool so I'll have to put it on a CD for her. Hello Nina and Reeve have just arrived so I'll go and make coffee. 1:53PM. Hello again. I've just finished doing the house work. It started raining and has stopped again now. I'm just about to write a letter to my 8 year old nephew Lloyd. Hi again. 3:40PM now. just finished writing to Lloyd. I'll have to and post it later. Now I'm having some cheese and onion chips. I'm quite hungry so I'll probably have an early dinner. It's raining again now so I've just got the cats in. Need another coffee.
3 Duh I just took 3 photos of me in the mirror and forgot to focus the camera. What a fucking bright spark I am. I've just made myself another coffee. I'm in the process of downloading the Sinead O Connor album The Lion and The Cobra although at the moment my downloads are pretty slow. It's pouring with rain right now, which always gives me a warm snugly feeling. Oh hungry, tonight I'll do American hotdogs, I never got around to doing those last night. oh great Kukl brought a cicada inside.
4 I'm tired. I could go and afternoon nap. Yuck, got pins n needles in my right foot. Eww. Just going to go and feed the pets, back soon. hi again, pets are fed and I'm bored yet again. Just checking e-mails. It's all shit. The sun's just come back out, just going to move the sprinkler. I have the greenest lawns in the street. oh victory *smiles* Damn my toothache has come back. I've just drawn a tree and poured myself a coke so I can take another panadol. 5:09PM. Still bored, I'd watch TV but there's only shit on it. It's cold, my teeth hurt like crazy and I'm tired and hungry.
5 Hello again. 11:47PM. I just woke up about half an hour ago. I ended up having about a 2 hour nap after my shower. I had a photography session with Johan earlier for the monthly me project so I'll get that film developed next pay-day being Wednesday. I've woken up to toothache again. I really need to see a dentist they fucking hurt like a mofo. Just going to upload, one moment. hi again, yay I finally got to upload after all this time. I'm in the process of downloading the Cyndi Lauper album A night to Remember. I know it's 80's music but it brings back alot of memories. It's fucking cold tonight, not that I mind really. But when autumn comes around I'll be wishing it was summer again. Well I think I'm going to go and jump in bed and watch M2 on teley for a while. Might write later. Cu for now. Bye.


1 Thursday 20th February. Good morning. I'm way tired and feel hung over. I've just finished doing all the house work. I had alot of sleep but it doesn't seem to have helped any. It's a sunny day but rather chilly inside so I have dressed up warm. no plans once again. just mucking about.Finding basically anything to do. I should do the gardens I suppose really
2 I don't feel like myself right now and things are taking a while to register, like putting my phone on charge all night only to realise this morning that the charger wasn't plugged in. Just one of those days I guess. I'm bored already. not much to do. I could scout around the house and clean every nook and cranny but I don't really feel like it. I might go on a little photography odyssey later. Right now I don't think my composition would be too artistic. I'm all cruddy and weird today. Urgh. 4 Today I have groceries and a couple of other things to do in town. Also have to do my hair and peg the second load of washing out Plus I have to check my e-mails. To me checking e-mails is like doing the dishes. A pain in the arse but it needs to be done. I have toothache again. I really need to go to the dentist, I just don't have the money right now. I have 3 teeth that are broken. Ouch ouch ouch fucking ouch and ouch again 5 Postie has just been, will check the mail. Back in a sec. Just a telecom bill. usually when it comes to the mail, no news is good news. oh I need to do my hair and attempt to look half human. maybe that will make me feel half human too. I feel as if I've been on the plonk all night which I haven't. L E T H A R G E D !

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6 This photo here to the left is of one of my Punga ferns growing in the back yard. I've just taken a photo of the front of my car to post in the photography section once the film is developed. Just heating up my hair straightener. Hi again, hair's done and I'm all ready to go and face the world so I think I'll go into town and do the few things I have to do and I'll write more a bit later. CU. 3:17PM, hello again. I've been into town and done all those tedious tasks. Now I'm just making myself a well deserved coffee. I am so unbelievably tired at the moment. I need some thing to perk me up and I've got too much of a tolerance towards coffee so that won't help. Will just go and pour it.
7 Well it's that time of the day where things get rowdy with kids going home from school. Kids make so much noise. I'm never having kids, they annoy me to be perfectly honest. Oh what can I do to stay awake. Oh Nina's just phoned so I'll talk to her now. hi again, I'm back. Nina's going to come over tonight some time later. 8 I might get her to take a couple of pics of me for my monthly me project, made up, not made up, sunglasses, no sun glasses, different hair styles etc. usually I don't photograph well. I'm not very photogenic unfortunately.
9 just listening to the Tori Amos album Little Earthquakes. Actually we had an earthquake yesterday, don't know how big it was though. here's my horoscope for the day...........................
A bubbly mood could be the result of having a promotion or pay rise to celebrate as a more prosperous astrological cycle begins. You could charm your way into realms previously off limits but use logic for best results.. Well that's a bunch of shit. it always is really I suppose.
10 damn my toothache has come back. I've just given the pets their dinner. For my dinner I'll do American hotdogs. Have just made a coffee so I can take another panadol. Nina and I might have a couple of bourbons together tonight at my place. Just checking e-mails. back soon. I've just sent an e-mail to my mum.
11 I'm just downloading a few songs, 2 by Cyndi Lauper and 1 by Cake. now I'm downloading another napster called edonkey. I usually use winMX but it's good to have options. Looks like it's going to take a while to install. I'm trying to download a song by Cyndi Lauper for Nina called I don't want to be your friend, but I can't find it anywhere. Nina's just phoned she's going to come over after dinner, have a bath here and then we'll have some drinkiepoos. my ear still hurts even though the doctor said he could find nothing wrong with it so I don't know. Download 67% complete. Hurry up!!
12 Hello. I'm just eating some chippies while Nina is in the bath. I'm dead hungry. I'll cook dinner later. Just been listening to music and playing cards plus I've had 3 bourbons. 11:00PM. Hello again, Nina has just left and I just received a phone call from Zowie which was nice. So I've just e-mailed him with my URL. I'm sober again now.... 13 Not that I got pissed, just a bit tidley a bit swayey. now I'm sitting here at the pc having a coffee and a cigarette no music playing just total quietness. I'm quite tired, I'll probably go off to bed soon I think. Trying to upload. But no
14 Time for another cigarette, Oh I'm tired but I don't want to go to sleep yet. I've had a long day and not enough sleep last night. Will have to make another coffee soon I'm thirsty after those pesto chips. it's kinda cold right now. I've just put the electric blanket on for when I finally go to bed. I'm tired but I don't want to sleep. I uninstalled... 15 edonkey. it was too strange and weird to use and am now downloading Overnet. 46% complete. 11:54PM, coolness download complete will just go and install it. back soon. Hi again, it's installed and working well.
16 Kukl has just come and curled up on my lap. Well I think I'm going to go off to bed now as I'm feeling pretty tired. I'll leave my songs to download though. Okay goodnight.


1 Wednesday 19th February. 10AM. Good morning. I have just taken 2 panadol for this nightmarish toothache I have. I'm sort of tired but can't go back to sleep. I woke up about half an hour ago. Just checked my dailies. 2 It seems I now only have have half a cold. it's a good day, the sun is hiding. I hope it doesn't get any hotter. I've just fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen, and made myself a coffee which tastes a bit yuck. 3 I still have 1 DVD to watch today. I was too tired to watch it last night even though I didn't get to sleep until about 3:30AM. I suppose I should still be sleeping. The inside of my mouth and my nose are itchy.
4 I have a busy day ahead of me. Groceries, bill paying, an appointment with the doctor, all sorts of crap to do. I've just made myself another coffee and am heating up my hair straightner 5 I think I'll go around and see Nina after this coffee. i'm bored. 12:33PM. Hello again, I just home from Nina's. I had 2 coffee's with her. It's boiling hot and i'm feeling really tired. 6 Hello I just got home and I went bought the pets their groceries for the week but couldn't be bothered hanging around for long so I'll finish the rest off tomorrow. I also bought myself a film.
7 thought i'd try a different film, this time a kodak 200 speed diferrent to the fuji 400's I usually use. So anyway, my camera is all loaded and ready to go. i'm extremely letharged. 7 yellow submarines later. I'm tempted to go back to sleep. I have to read up on auto focus on my camera. 8 Oh I'm hot and cold and hot and cold and i can't figure out which it truely is. i think it's actually cool. I've just put my skivvy on. Well I think I might go and have a wee nap. I'm fucked. might write later tonight. See you. Hi again. 8:58PM. I'm too restless to sleep. I've just worked out the auto focus feature on my camera so now I can take photo's of myself..
9 for my Monthly Me project. I've just made a coffee. i had a piece of fish for dinner but i'm still hungry. Might make myself a tomatoe sandwhich I think.


1 Tuesday 18th February. Good morning. 1:41 AM. I've been trying to go to sleep for the last 2 hours but to no avail. I'm just watchig BBC world. Bored and tired. And in need of coffee. Having a cigarette.

2 Just made a drink. i'll probably go into town today and get a couple of DVD's out. But other than that I have no plans. oh and I may call in on Nina too. Ok back to bed again for me.

3 Good morning. I just woke up not so long ago, have fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen and made myself a coffee. i'm still sneezing and have a runny nose. i think I have....
4 the beginnings of a cold. Bad news! I never get sick! Well obviously that's not quite true. My eyes are stinging and my ears ache. Piss flap! I've just had an echinacea hopefully that will help somehow. I don't want to be sick. 5 I've just text Nina and warned her to stay away from me. I've just got dressed and cleaned the bathroom and set a load of washing going. I'm bored already. Have the toilet to clean and then I've done all the housework.
6 I still have my hair to do. Have to go into town today get DVD's plus buy milk and dogroll, oh yes and put my film in for processing. Time for another smoke I think. I wonder why I have got sick? I haven't been around any one sick that I know of. 7 And my immune system shouldn't be low I haven't been eating less or getting any less sleep. I dunno. Will just heat up my hair straightener. Have just put the recycling out for collection. Sneeze. 8 My mouth is itchy. The recycling truck always makes Cyba bark. Hi again, i'm back hair is done and I've just made myself another coffee. Washing machine is beeping. Sneeze again. 9 i've just set another load of washing going. I'm tired and feel like going back to bed but I shouldn't really. BOREDOM! Well it's a sunny day again. Supposed to be a hot one with a high of 27degC. I might also go to the library today. i'll probably be bed ridden in a couple of days....
10 So I may as well have something to do while I am. Back in a minute, will just peg the washing out. Hi back again. I'm bored, what can I do? 11 Hi again, 11:38AM. Still bored, have put the second load of washing out and have mucked around till now. 12 I have absolutely nothing to do, I can't even think of anything to do on the net. I've just text Nina to see... 13 if she wants to go to the library. My cold feels like it's gone now. Strange. Maybe it's just a pollen reaction or something? I'm cold. Sun's gone. Nina's out. She just text.
14 hello. 6:09PM. I've just finished scanning my new photo's for the photography. I went to the library earlier and got out 4 books on photography and then went to nina's, then home, then back into town to get a few groceries, then to collect my photos then to ninas and then 15 back home again. It's super super hot, i've just fed the pets their dinner. 7:08PM, i've just added 8 new pics to
The Photography. My cold felt like it went away for a while there but now it feels as if it has come back. nina gave me some Polarimine syrup to take which i am due to have now
16 i've made myself a coffee, i'm tired. I hired out 2 DVD's. Birthday girl which I have to go back soon and collect as they didn't have it, and The Sum Of All Fears which I'll watch later tonight. i have a sore belly.  


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1 Monday 17th February. Good morning. 10:49 AM. i just woke up about 20 minutes ago. Have fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen, made myself a coffee and got dressed. I am still tired

2 I dreamt that a group of doctors had cut a square chunk out of my back and then had stitched it back in with 4 stitches. And when I woke my back was sore but it was the way I was lying. And infact I probably dreamt about my back because it was sore. Well it's a sunny day but it's cold in my room. I want more sleep. 3 i've just put a load of washing on. Well I have no plans for day except housework, and i have to go to the pharmacy a bit later on. But for now I think I'm going to go and lie back in bed for a little while. Will write later in the day when I feel more awake. See u.
4 Hello again. 2:32PM. I just woke up not so long ago. I had a wee nap. maybe just an hours worth, and now it is horribly hot and i hate it with all my energy. I've just made a coffee. I wish it was cold! 5 I'm bored now. Have nothing to do. 5PM I've just fed the pets their dinner and done the dishes. i'm tired again. Might have a nap I think with Felix. 6 Hello again. 7:27PM. I just woke up. I slept for about 2 hours. Have just poured a coke. It's patheticly hot still. I need a free standing fan for my bedroom. 7 oh what to get up to? There's only shit on TV tonight, well there is ER that's ok but other than that its all crap. Have to do the ironing soon, might make myself a coffee first. Yes I'll go and make one now.
8 Hello I'm back with coffee, I've started sneezing again. Hot hot hot. Even the cats are hot.



1 Sunday 16th Feruary. Good morning. 2:38AM. I just woke up after dreaming that a gay guy was writing on my thigh in blue vivid. I've just made myself a coffee and have text Johan. I'm still tired. 2 And I'm sneezing alot. Kukl has just woken up after sleeping beside me since 10PM. Time for another cigarette I think. Just doing some surfing. Will try to get into my FTP site soon. Hopefully. Still sneezing. Today is supposed to be fine. A high of 19 degrees so it's will be nice not being so hot. I need to buy more skivvies for the winter. I am obsessed with skivvies. i'm going to make a monthly me page. I have been inspired Still sneezing! Hope i'm not getting a cold. I actually never get sick I'm really lucky. Time for another coffee I think. 3 Hi again. Back with coffee. It's cold. My feet are like little icicles. Ok going to work out a layout for my monthly me page. Back soon. hi again, Ok page is made and looking pretty good too

4 Oh gee it's freezing. And I'm still sneezing. And making rhymes. Kukl is hassling me for nuggles and pats. He is so adorably pushy. It's so cold.


Here's my horoscope 4 today.
You have friends in high places but be selective about who you choose to spend time with. You can make a real difference by joining social clubs or a worthy cause. You simply don't have time to waste on relationships going nowhere.

5 Just uploading back in a minute. hello. I'm uploading into my second FTP site. Hopefully i'll be able to incorperate my second site without too many problems. But I'm uploading photo's so it's going to take a little while yet. Have just made myself a coffee. It's cold. Nice change.  

6 i've got my big green fluffy dressing gown on that my mum gave me. Reminds me of winter. Have just put the electric blanket on 3. Yum.

7 Yay! Second site successfully incorperated into first site! Yeeha. Just talking to Cyn. back in a minute. Starting to feel tired now. Will finish my coffee and then head off to bed I think. Or maybe i'll make one more?? Yes maybe one more and then bed. Back soon. Ok off to bed Gdnight 8 Good morning, almost afternoon. 11:52AM. I had a intensely deep sleep with strange dreams. I just woke up about 20 minutes ago. Have cleaned the kitchen, fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the bathroom, set a load of washing going and made myself a cup of coffee.
9 Just checking my dailies and having my first smoke. Well it's a sunny day, quite warm already. So the weather report was wrong for third day in a row. I still feel tired. Will probably nap later in the day. wakey wakey Joga.
10 I've started sneezing again. Must be something in the air bothering me as I'm not crook. I should really get dressed I suppose. Oh but bed looks so tempting. Sleepyhead. Sleepyhead. Sleepyhead. Sleepyhead. Sleepyhead. Sleepyhead. Sleepyhead. Sleepyhead.


11 Hi again. I've just got dressed and made another coffee and now time for another cigarette, Kukl just brought a cicada in and ate the whole thing. Crunchy! Oh I should think about doing my hair and attempting to look human. I feel like a sloth. Washing machime is beeping.
12 Hello again. 1:56PM. I've just put out 2 loads of washing and am listening to Pink Floyd, my favourite song, Wish you Were Here. Now Comfortably Numb. I'm bored, got nothing to do. Done all the housework. See i need a film, I could/should be taking photo's right now. Eating some green onion chips. Nina just called in to borrow the vaccum cleaner and drop me off some chicken soup from Mum. I adore chicken soup. Think I'm going to go and work on my links page. Back soon.
13 Good afternoon. 4:53 PM. I just woke up and have made myself a coffee. I started working on my links page but soon grew too tired and flagged it for a nap. And a good nap it was too. Now I've woken to a hot afternoon. The birds are churping and the crickets are croaking. 14 I could actually go another couple of hours kip. Felix and Joga napped with me and are still napping. I'll have to feed them soon and get the washing in. 5:12PM, hi again I've just done that. I'm bored now and hot. I'm just going to send an e-mail to my mum. Back soon.
15 Hello. 7:32PM. i've just put the teley on, 20/20 is on and there is an interview with Eminems mother on. nina, michael and Reeve came over for a coffee. thinking about what to have for dinner. Don't know yet. It's got really cold. i scanned a few more photo's for The Photography. 16 i didn't end up working on my links section so I might do that tonight if I get bored. I've started sneezing again. There is a mosquito flying around the room. Well i think i'm going to go nad lie in bed and watch the rest of 20/20. might write later if i get bored. See you for now.


1 Saturday 15th February. Good morning. 11:07AM. I woke up about half an hour ago and have fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen and made myself a coffee. it has stopped raining, now just windy.

2 I'm still tired. I might go back to bed yet, not sure. Have to get the washing in. I have no energy. Just got it in, half of it is still wet, and a cicada landed on my back. Freak out. Think it's time for another coffee


3 Hello again. I've just cleaned the bathroom, folded the washing, got dressed and set a load of washing going. The sun is out in full force again. The cicada's are croaking and the birds are churping. Another day.
4 Hey Mark just sent me the funniest URL. Check it out. 5:42 PM. Hello again. I went and hired out 2 DVD's. Requiem for Dream which I've now seen 3 times and taxi Driver.

5 Nina came over and we watched Requiem together which is such a fantasicly powerful film, if you haven't seen it then i reccomend you get it out and watch it.


6 I'll probably watch Taxi Driver tonight as being Saturday there is only shit on TV. I've just fed the pets and done their dishes, got the washing in and poured myself a drink.

7 I'm kinda bored now. Have the toilet to clean still and washing to fold. And then shower to have. hans come over earlier which was nice as i haven't seen him for ages. And I got the chance to thank him for my birthday present. 6:02 PM, just folded the washing and done the ironing. BOREDOM! Makes me do funny things.

Here's my horoscope 4 today

Four planets are in your sign during your birthday month to boost morale and bring clarity. Future aspirations are highlighted but first you must tidy up loose ends and make room for success. Clean out your psychological closets.

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8 Oh I'm feeling kinda hungry now. Just had a little bag of chips. What to cook for dinner? I kinda feel like havinbg pasta with bolagnaise sauce I think. but first I will have a shower.

9 Hello again. 9:13PM. i started watching Taxi Driver but it was such shit that i just had to turn it off. Nevermind. i tried having nap just before but ended up getting back up as i lay there for 45 minutes and still wasn't tired enough to sleep. After my shower i had some spicy chicken noodles for dinner. Something easy. And now again i'm bored. 10 I think i've figured out how to intergrate my second site into this one. But I can't get into my FTP site at the moment which is a bit of a bitch. So once again I sit by the light of the lamp, bored drinking coffee and smoking a cigarette waiting for tiredness to kick in. I need a new film for my camera. Has to wait though.
11 I don't have any money till Wednesday. I'm hanging out for a coke. But coffee will have to suffice for now. As I said, no money till Wednesday. I will get my film developed on Wednesday so that is something to look forward to. And then i wil be able to update my photographt section
The Photography. I'm pretty happy with layout of it now.
12 Hans is going to borrow my photography book as he has the same camera as me. I'm still learning but I can at least share what i know. Back in a minute just going to get into my pyjamas. Okay well i'm so bored i think I'm going to try to sleep again. I'll probably be getting back up soon but it's worth a try. Goodnight.


1Friday 14th February. Valentines Day. Kukl and Felix are being little buggars, getting into things they know they're not allowed to. They want to go out but it's still dark. Good morning. And not a good one so, trying to insert HTML into this fucking page but it's not doing what it's supposed to. Bastard! 2And i'm too fucking stupid to work it out. I've just fed the pets, done their dishes, let the cats, cleaned the kitchen and made myself a coffee. I should be sleeping. I woke up at 5AM and couldn't get back to sleep. I'll go back to bed soon though because I am feeling pretty tired. Dunno why I woke up. Just made myself a nice hot cup of coffee.

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3Just made a 'Less Bush more Trees' sign for the portal, check it out. You'll need to wait a little while for it to load, it's kinda big. well I have no plans for the day. might call in on Nina though I want to drive as little as possible until I have the brakes seen to which will probably be sometime this weekeend.
4Hello. 10:58AM now. I just woke up and have made myself a coffee. It's such a hot hot day I hate it. i have to text Nina, she text me while i was sleeping. God it's so hot I'm sweating already. I hate sweating, it's so uncomfortable and grubby. going to wash my face. Hi back. I must have slept for quite a while all up. Can't remember what i dreamt though. hate that.
Here's my horoscope for the day.
Invitations and tempting social opportunities are bound to see you spoiled for choice. You've rediscovered your sense of humour which helps you to see the funny side of a romantic gesture. Serious stuff will turn you off.
5I just text Nina telling her I'd probably go over later. Have to clean the bathroom, clean the toilet, iron my pants, set a load of washing going and do my hair. Hi just cleaned the bathroom and set a load of washing going. Nina's just telling me about her Valentines day plans.
6Will just go and iron my jeans. Hi back, jeans are ironed and i am dressed, now heating up my hair straightener. Then I'll probably goover to Nina's. Just poured myself a nice cold glass of coke. 7I've just done my hair but my fringe has a cowlick. Okay well i'm going to get going now so i'll write later when i get home. See you. Hello again. It's been pissing down raining. I went to Nina's for a couple of hours.
8Damian bought her a bunch of roses for Valentines. How sweet. It's really really hot. And boring. I mioght go down to the video store soon and hire out a couple of DVD's. All of my washing got caught in the rain fuck it all. I need a dryer. Shit it's hot and muggy. I wish it would just be cold dagnammit!
9Hello again. 6:30 PM. I haven't been to the video store yet but I will go shortly. I have just been making a photography section for my site. Check it out.

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10Hello. i'm just sitting here at the pc watching Space, they have new suck arse presenters and i miss Jackie Brown. I've just added more photo's to The photography. I'm starting to feel sorta tired and finally, finally, finally, it has cooled down. Oh well it's now 12:30 AM so i'm going to go off to bed. Gdnight.


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Thursday. 8:36PM. Hello again. Yes I'm still awake. I lay in bed for a while but then figured it was much too early to go to sleep so I got up and had a nice long hot bath. Now I feel much better, but still rather tired. Going to get coke back in a min. Hi back. It's really hot now. Too hot.

Groovy, the Soprano's is on tonight. Love that show. I'm bored. Watching the story of the murder of Jonbenet Ramsay. Well I think I'll make myself a cup of coffee and then go and lie in bed and wait for the Soprano's to come on. Goodnight.


1 Thursday 13th. Good morning. 9:49 AM. I woke up at 9AM after going to sleep at about 1AM. It's a BEAUTIFUL overcast chilly day. Oh RAPTURE I had nightmares last night of murder and blood and guts. Really graphic stuff. It's nice to be awake. I've fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen. 2 Now I'm just sitting here at the pc, have a cigarette and contemplating finishing my housework. I can't relax until it's done. I'm going to go on a little photography odyssey in the back yard soon. I was looking at some photography sites early this morning and I've been INSPIRED. First get dressed.

3 oh I have tired eyes. k going to clean the bathroom, wash my face, brush my teeth, get dressed, iron my pants and pants and put a load of washing on. Hi back all done. Just heating up my hair straightener. Now to roll a smoke. I sort of feel like going back to bed. But I shouldn't really. Lazy thoughts. No good

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4 I'm drinking a glass of water but it only makes me want to drink a mug of coffee. I hope it gets really cold. Just made a coffee and checked the mail. BOREDOM. Just got disconnected. I think I could quite easily sleep the day away. Indeed. I think I might. Will peg out the washing first. Doing that now, back soon. Hello. Back again. 5 I have to dig a hole later. I bought some Jasmine yesterday so I am going to plant it in front of the trellis out the front and it will climb all over it and allow privacy. I'm just uploading. It's going to take a while. About half an hour so I'm going to go outside and find some art to photograph. Back soon.
6 I got some really great photo's. 2 of a fuchia's bells. About 5 of bee's on daises, 3 of Cyba, lots of good ones. my film is finished now, I'm broke for the next couple of weeks so it might be a while before I can have it developed. Going to check the mail. Hi back, just planted my jasmine. It's getting hot now fuck it all, I don't want it to get hot! I want it to be really cold and start raining. Oh i'm bored. I have absolutely nothing to do. Excedpt clean the toilet. Yay! Fucking thrill seeker I am and oh so tired. i might have a nap soon I think.
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7 Thursday. 6:21 PM now. hello. i've just finished dinner, I cooked pasta with bolagnaise sauce. Very nice. Now I'm full and tired. I had an hour and a halfs nap earlier. This is my keyboard. Just incase you wanted to know what it looked like :)  Kukl. Oh I am so tired. I think I might go to bed soon and have a wee nap. Ok going to go off to bed now. might write later. See you


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Wednesday. 9:22PM. Hot. Hungry. Tired. Bored. Creative. Chicken soup and bread. Watching tv. Wearing pyjamas. Smoking. Slightly sweating. Surfing. Coffee deprivation. Taking photo's. Plaited hair. Crime scene investigation. Drinking coke. Scratching arm. Patting cat. Yawning. Going to bed.


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This photo I took after creeping up on a flock of resting pigeons.

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Wednesday 12th February
10:04 AM. Good morning. I woke up at 9AM and have just fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen and madea coffee. This gorgeous little creature to the left is my baby Felix. Today I'll be going into town to do the weekly bill paying and grocery shop etc, also I'm going to get my other film developed. Bad news though, I have almost no brakes in the car. I drove to Nina's last night and noticed I almost coudn't stop! So fuck knows why that is. So johan is going to have a look at them before I go into town. Good idea

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It's another hot day today. I thought I might sun bathe a little later. Just rolled myself a smoke. Have to clean the bathroom, set a load of washing going, do my hair, get dressed, and make the bed. 10:17 AM, just cleaned the bathroom, set a load of washing going and got half dressed. now to check my dailies. The cicada's are making a musical outside our bedroom window. I've just made coffee and nina and Reeve have just arrived. Reeve is lying in bed watching TV. I've just got dressed. A long day ahead. Looking forward to having more photo's. Exciting.

felix3.jpg (81120 bytes) 11:30 AM. Nina and Reeve have left to go a birthday party and johan is outside attempting to fix the brakes. i've just done my hair and popured myself a coke, put out the washing and set a second load going. Just going to roll a smoke. i'm still really tired, I'll probably end up having a nap this afternoon when we get home. That's if I go at all, fucking cars. They're nothing but trouble. Felix has just caught a cicada. I hate it when he brings those things inside. The thing with my cats, they're not just content with acutally having caught something but they have to bring it in and show me how well they've done. Sort of like little presents for me


Tuesday 11th February. Good morning. 8:46 AM, I just woke up about half an hour ago and have fed the pets, done their dishes, cleaned the kitchen and made a coffee. It's an overcast day today which is quite nice, I'm going to go and check the weather report in a minute to see if its going to last or if it's just a tease.

Here's my horoscope for the day..

You have a talent for looking on the bright side or making fun of people who take themselves too seriously. Laughter is the best medicine but you also have the kind of charm that opens doors.

Just ironed my pants and got dressed. The sun is coming out now. Have to clean the bathroom, do my hair and put a load of washing on. I'll probably go into town today and get a couple of DVD's out as we usually do on a Tuesday. But for now it's time for another coffee. Will write later in the day. Bye for now.

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Joga's Hand

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Johan's Hand

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Nina's Feet

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Joga's Foot

Hello. 4:05 PM. I got my photo's developed today. And I love them dearly, there above are 4 of them. I'm going to make a section in my site for photo's especially. I hired out 2 DVD's. I started watching the first one 'Soul Survivors'and it was so terrible that I turned it off. I thought I'd come on here ands scan my photo's before I go shower.

I went to Nina's earlier. i'm getting quite a tan on my arms now from sitting around there outside. It turned out to be a super hot day. Too hot, again! So i need to have a shower to cool down. Just having a coffee and am about to roll myself a cigarette. I have ordered the prettiest bangle from avon, just $15.00 I get it in March, it has 3 turquiose stones in it.

I'm quite tired now, but I've lasted this long so i won't give in and have a nap. Don't think i could in this heat anyway. I'm going over to Nina's tonight, I'm going to show her my photo's. Plus i have a super gorgeous one of her and Reeve to give to her. Oh I have a sore belly. Too much coffee maybe. Okay I think i'll finish my smoke and then go and have my shower. See you later.



Monday 10th February. 1 Good morning. 5:06 AM. I just woke up about 10 minutes ago and thought I'd make myself a coffee and come online for a little bit while I have my drink and a smoke. I fell asleep at abvout 11:30 PM while watching 'Carlito's Way'. 5:22AM, I'm starting to feel kinda tired again now so i think I will go back to bed. i'll write later in the day. Bye for now.

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2 Hello. 4:23PM. Nina came over earlier wioth Reeve for coffee and then she had to go as Dames was arriving home for lunch, so then I went over and saw her at about 1PM. Had 3 coffee's and a coke, then went to the supermarlket and then came home. I bought a cool pair of shoes off her for $15. So i've just washed them and pegged them on the line to dry.
3 I am considering having a nap. Just checked my dailies, got the washing in, folded it and put it away, oh and repotted my cactus which stabbed me in the thumb. It's a hot hot day again. Too hot. i've just put the fans on. 4 Time for another coffee I think. hi again, just potted a scabiosa mauve delight from the garden into a pot for the table out the front. I might just go to jippii and play pool for a little while as I'm quite fucking bored out of my tree. 5 I've just fed the pets and done their dishes. I'll have dinner soon, I'll just make a couple of american hot dog type things. Should be quite nice. I'm pretty hungry now.


so_tired.jpg (9964 bytes) Sunday 9th February. Good morning. It is 12:40 AM. I woke up at 11:30 PM after going to sleep at 7:00 PM. I got some really nice photo's of Nina and Reeve cuddling yesterday and a couple of the guys working on Damian's new car.

2 I just finished watching the X Files. Which I think has turned to shit since Mulder is gone and the 2 new agents are in. i tried going back to sleep but didn't feel tired enough so i thought I'd come online for a bit.

3 I've just made myself another coffee. I have toothache. So i've taken 2 panadol. Hopefully they start working soon. i've just e-mailed fortunecity and asked why they are fucking around with my page, although I put a bit nicer than that. Just in corel 9 trying out some colour efects on a couple of old photo's. I still have to get the hang of Adobe 7.
4 Damn I let my coffee go cold. i'll wait until the washing machine has finished it's cycle, put my top on the hot water cylinder and then go off to bed I think. I should be able to sleep by now. I'm feeling kinda tired. I have to read up on how to work the timer on my camera. Oh ok just done that. Prety simple really. Okay bed time now. Good morning.

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5 Hello again, it is 11:20AM. I've just finished vacumming. i got up at 6AM I done most of the house work and then set to taking some photographs, I even had breakfast which is most unusual for me. Then about 9AM Nina text inviting me over for coffee, Dames went to Hastings to get an oil filter while Nina and I chatted. Then I come home to finish cleaning, I like to get it out of the way so I have the rest of the day free. 6 So now i'm relaxing with a nice cup of coffee before I clean the toilet and carry on. I'm going to go back a bit later. It's super hot again today. Roll on next month when it's autumn. Back in a sec, just going to upload. Hello agaion, I've just cleaned the toilet and got changed as I was too hot and put my other clothes in the wash and have tied up my hair. i'll go back to Nina's soon I think. Yes i'll do that now, so i'll no doubt write later in the day. Bye for now.
7 Hello again. 7:11PM. I just finished watching 'Beyond Suspicion'. I hired out a couple of DVD's after leaving Nina's.It's super hot. My arms got a little sun burnt today sitting outside at Nina's. I'm starting to feel a little tired now. Will just go and check a couple of my dailies. Nothing new. Bored again


Saturday 8th February
10:37 AM
Hello. I just rescued a butterfly that one of the cats had bought inside and put it in a bush outside and then i took three beautiful photos of it.

2 Joga has just come to sit on my knee. Nina phoned this morning. Damian is going to buy a big old Vauxhall as a restoration project.

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3 I've cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, fed the pets, done their dishes, and put a load of washing on. Still have to clean the toilet, get dressed, do my hair, repot my palm, and peg out the washing when it is finished, but for now I think it is time for coffee to go with my cigarette. I've just lacquered my terracotta pot that I am going to plant my palm in, if you do that the terracotta won't mould. Well I had a really good sleep. I went to sleep at about 9PM and woke this morning at 9AM so I had 12 hours. Just connecting so i can check out a couple of my dailies.
4 Washing machine is beeping. Back soon. Hi back again, washing is out, i'm dressed and the second load of washing is going. just going to check my e-mail. 24 junk mails, 1 actual mail from a real friend. Just checked my camera, I've got 9 shots on my second film and 2 films spare. i'm bored and kinda feel like going back to bed. Wonder if I should. it feels like such a commitment. Wonder if my pot's dry yet? Might go check. It was dry so I've repotted the palm. 5 I've just uploaded. Fucking fortune city have put two inline banners on my page now when I signed up for one pop up. I'm going to have e-mail them and complain. Bastards. Will go and warm up my hair straightener and pour myself a glass of coke.
6 Hello again. 2:51PM. Nina, Damian, michael, and reeve came over earlier, Dames got Johan to help him tow his Vauxhall home and Nina and I went to the Warehouse. I got a nice black jersey and pair of knickers, then we went back to her house, I helped her hang michaels curtains and then I came home to finish doing the housework and now I am going to go and cook myself some noodles for lunch. 3:02PM, hi again, I'm back with my noodles. I'm going to go back over and see Nina later this afternoon. yum, lunch is finished and my dishes are done. now time for a smoke and a coke. It's a super hot day today, just as yesterday was. I got a good close up shot of Nina's eye earlier.


Friday 7th February
4:05 PM

Hello. I slept so much last night, we went to Nina's so I could take some pics of her feet and I just got so tired that when we got home at about 7:30PM, I went straight to bed, didn't even get changed into my jarmies. And then woke this afternoon at 2:30 PM. And now I feel really wiped out. Have to have a shower but I can't even be bothered doing that. All I feel like doing is going back to bed to be honest.

2I went to the botanical gardens yesterday and to the old cemetery and I got some really nice photo's. When I've next got money, Wednesday, I'll get my first film developed. I've just had a sandwich for lunch, I was starving. Now it's time for a coke and a smoke. 5:27 PM. Hello, I just got out of the shower and have fed the pets and done their dishes. just taken a photo of my hand. I think for dinner I will cook cheese and bacon pasta with spicy tomatoe sauce. Sounds good to me. I'm pretty hungry. Nina just text, she is going to buy curtains for michael's room.

3Just made myself a coffee and watered my plants. yes I am bored. Extremely bored, but I can't think of anything I really want to do, I do want to eat.

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I've just prepared dinner. felix is asleep on the floor on my jersey and Kukl is asleep on the love heart pillows on the bed. 6:47 PM, just got in the washing, folded it and put it away. Still bored. Time for another cigarette I think. It's getting quite warm again, it was nice and cool there for a while. just heating up my hair straightener. i need to put my phone on charge. How can I be this tired after so much sleep? Just poured myself another coke. I drink so much, I'm always thirsty. Just downloading a thumbnail making program. it's going to take a little while. it's 4.31 MB.

517% completed. 7:35 PM. 63% completed. The pasta is boiling away nicely. Just going to check what shit is on TV tonight. And it is indeed just that, shit. Dinner is almost ready. It smells really good. Just had dinner yum.

6Well I'm starting to feel a little tired now so I think i might go and lie in bed and watch some of the utter crap on teley until I fall off to sleep. Will no doubt write tomorrow. Goodnight.


Wednesday 5th February
6:29 PM


Greetings. I have been taking photo's, I got my battery today and three films. I've taken some lovely shots of Cyba, Felix, Kukl and Joga and one of my foot. It's been a busy day today, I bought myself a new address book and a black and pink disco love bear. oh and a new coffee mug. I'm so tired, just watching the news at the moment, having a coffee and a cigarette. I think I might have to have a nap. Will write later. Bye. 10:00 PM good evening. I napped for about an hour. I'm just listening to/singing along to Fiona Apple Tidal. I have a DVD to watch called 'Bless The Child'. Looks pretty good. I'm bored, music cranking, room is dark except for the small light of the lamp.


Tuesday 4th February
10:29 AM

Hello. I woke up about an hour ago, gave the pets their breakfast, cleaned the kitchen and then lay in bed for a while I watched as much of 'Post Mortem'as I could handle early this morning but it was such shit I turned it off half way through. Charlie Sheen is a really bad actor. I'll probably get another couple of DVD's out today. I am a movie buff from hell. It's sunny so far but it is supposed to rain today which will make a nice change so hopefully it does. Have to clean the bathroom, get yesterdays washing in, peg more out, get dressed, make the bed, clean the toilet and do my hair.


Monday 3rd February
5:54 PM
Hello. I just woke up about half an hour ago. Slept for two hours. I've just fed the pets, done their dishes and made myself a coffee. It is so hot I can't bear it. I can't wait until next month when it's autumn. Back soon, will just check e-mail. 30 new e-mails. All shit too.10:00 PM. Hello again. I've just downloaded about 25 new fonts. I watched a DVD before called 'The usual Suspects' starring Kevin Spacey who I love. And I have another left to watch 'Postmortem' which I'll probably watch tomorrow. It's still really hot, I'm going to go and have a shower soon.I have ear ache, there's something up with my right ear. Will have to go to the doctors and have checked some time.

In other news, Kukl lost his colar and name tag so I'll have to buy him a colar and get a new tag made for him next week, for now he has an old colar and his old tag on. Just going to roll myself a smoke. Almost Wedneasday, photography day. Nina will be my foot model and Johan will be my hand model. He has very nice hands and Nina's feet are cute and small. It's dead quiet right now, I have no music playing, no TV, no nothing. Back in a sec, just going to try to upload. 10:52 PM hello again. I've just got out of the shower, I feel heaps better now.Just making myself a coffee. I'm bored again. might go watch the shit on teley. See you.


Sunday 2nd February 11:40 AM
Hello. Yes it's fucking hot already. I thought I'd take this moment to babble a little.First, I've just scanned a pic of my dog Cyba,
Don't know if i've already said but he's an Irish Wofhound x Bullmastiff. Very huge! I went  to the video store earlier and hired out Seven'which I haven't seen yet but Johan tells me it's really really good. I'm bored. Compiling a folder with information on basic photography so I can study and learn a little. 9:52 PM hello again. i just finished watching 'Seven'what an awesome movie. i am just about to retire to bed to watch some crap on TV. It's super hot and i can't wait to be asleep. Okay off I go. Bye.

cyba.jpg (60716 bytes)


6:47 AM

Hello. I woke up at 5AM and decided to come online. I'm downloading some new fonts right now at 1001fonts.com

12:54 PM. Hi again. Today is clean out day, taking the compost heap to the dump and tidying up the yard which has been slightly neglected. I rented out 'Signs' last night, but I fell asleep part through it. Yesterday I had a complaint from our neighbour about the dog barking and today the council came over with another complaint from a different person about the dog barking. Seems coincidental, so maybe there is a small conspiracy, or someone is rallying around for people to complain about my dog who is any barking any more than he has over the last 2 years I've been here so why they are complaining and exaggerating all of a sudden I don't know. Wankers.

It's another stinking hot day. must be about 28degC already. I've just made myself a cheese sammie for lunch. tonight I will do pasta and garlic sauce for dinner. i have been carving pasta since yesterday afternoon. Kukl is sharing my sammie with me. Whoa i'm full now. A bust day ahead. Cleaning up the yard is going to be real hard work. Fuck it and i'm tired. The man from the council woke me up this morning. Looking forward to Wednesday, payday, when i can buy a film and a battery for my camera, will cost about $30. I just crave to take photo's. Johan is going to finish off my film in our other camera then i'll develope it and be able to post the pics of my tattoo. Washing machine is beeping, time to peg out washing, check the mail and make myself a coffee back soon. No mail, washing's out, got coffee, tired, bored, can't be bothered with the day. it's just too fucking hot, roll on March, autumn. I've already started my winter jersey collection. Piss !! My lighter's running out. J Time to start the hard yakka. poo. oh well it'll look good when it's all finished. Better go get busy. Will write later. See you.