Friday 31st January
5:47 PM


Hello. I've just finished watching 'Almost Famous'. I've seen it before but I watched Goldie Hawn on TV today and she made me think of Kate Hudson which made me think of almost famous. I'm is going down to the Video store to rent 'Signs' later. They didn't have it when I was there earlier. It's been such a hot day, it must be about 32degC i'm sure. I can't stop sweating. I went to nina's earlier and had coffee. Haven't done a hell of alot else. It is so extremely hot and there's a warm wind with it. Just made myself a drink, time for a smoke I think.


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Thursday 30th January
3:18 Am

Good morning. I am so happy. I went to nina's yesterday for coffee and when i got home Hans had put a birthday present for me through the lounge window. Well guess what it was... a Canon EOS 1000fn, see picture at top.

What a darling gift. Now I can get in to photography like i've always wanted to. So tomorrow I must phone him and thank him so much. i need a 2CR5 lithium battery for it. About $20.

I just woke up about half an hour ago after going to sleep at 12:30 AM.

I have a pain in my chest that goes right through to my back. Fucking uncomfortable. Makes me want to hold my breath. I absolutely cannot wait until I have a battery.

In other news... I bought myself a darling watch yesterday, very femine, usually I'd go for something big, chunky, and metallic purple, but this is small sleak, silver face with a brown leather strap, quite boringly pretty.

I just ADORE my new camera, so much I cannot explain. Oh RAPTURE! And I got a really cool purple camera bag with it. HAPPY HAPPY JOY JOY.

Ok will make one last coffee and go back to bed. Will write later in the day. Hugs.

10:56 AM good morning. I just woke up about 20 minutes ago and have just cleaned the kitchen and made myself a coffee. Johan is still sleeping and i am still sort of tired. But I don't really want to waste the whole day by spending it in bed.

It's a hot sunny again today. I can hear the cicada's croaking outside our window. I have sore ears and tired eyes. Fuck it maybe I will go back to bed after all.

1:09 PM hello again. I just woke up and have made coffee. I had a wonderful deep sleep. I must have needed it. Oh I need to get dressed, clean the bathroom, do my hair, iron my cords and set a load of washing going. Okay I'll go and do those things now.

Hi again, washing is on, bathroom is clean, and I am dressed. just had another look at my camera. Can't wait to start taking photo's.

11:09 PM. Hi, I went to sleep at 7:30 PM and just woke at 10:30 PM. i am so incredibly hot I hate it. I Was walking out of the kitchen coming up to our room and Kukl flew down from the hallway and gave me such a fright I spilt my coffee all over the floor.

Ew yuck there's a fly walking around on the desk that has no wings. Creepy little fuck. They're even uglier without wings.

Well I might make myself another drink, without spilling it this time, and then go back to bed.


Wednesday 29th January
10:17 AM
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Good morning. i haven't been awake long, have cleaned kitchen and bathroom, put a load of washing on, done dishes, got dressed and made myself a coffee. i'm going to vacuum soon fuck it all I hate that job so much I cannot explain! it's another sunny day today which is quite nice. i'm still sort of tired. Yesterday I watched 'New Best friend' on DVD and 'Minority Report' but i fell asleep part way through it.I have to go into town later. Ok one more smoke and then i'll vacuum no fuck the smoke i'll do it now. Oh rapture that's over! And a cup of coffee to celebrate. Still have to clean the toilet though, urgh!! So much to do, so much time, so little energy! I need a robot.11:20 AM the toilet is clean. i'm bored but have to hang out the washing now and then do my hair.i will take a picture of my darling computer later, it's about 3 months old. Washing is out. Just have to do my hair now, Will do my hair and then make more coffee. Just gave Cyba (our dog, Irish Wolfhound x Bullmastiff) some peanuts.


Tuesday 28th January
9:49 AM

Good morning. I woke up at 8:50 AM had a good sleep. It's a beautiful sunny day today. I have a sore belly. Just made myself a coffee and used the last of the milk so I'll have to go and get more. i might go and see nina soon. I'll probably go into town and get a few DVD's later. Oh yesterday Johan bought me the most gorgeous top as a day late birthday present. i just adore, it's probably too hot to wear it today but I just love it so much I'm going to anyway. i haven't done any cleaning yet but I might go and do that now. 10:21 AM hi again, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the bathroom, got the washing in, done dishes, got dressed, done hair and put on a load of washing and now i'm about to go and get milk and then call in on nina so i'll write later. See you. Bye.
10:48 AM. Hi again, home again, Nina wasn't home, I just remembered she had an appointment at the hospital this morning for Reeve so she'll be there. Just made Johan and I a coffee. The sun has dissapeared and now it's overcast. I'm bored now. But I do have vacumming to do and washing to hang out.


Monday 27th January
11:52 AM
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Good morning almost afternoon. i'm still sort of tired but I'm up. I have toothache again. Yesterday went well but I was so tired it was hard to keep my enthusiasm up. Mum went the whole nine yards with the spread it was so sweet of her. She gave me a beautiful wooden 21st key, a sterling silver bracelett and a sterling silver ring and some fairie wind chimes. All are beautiful and i will treausre them. And of course as tradition demands I got to keep all of the cake dressings. I still have cake in the fridge. I was so full yesterday i couldn't even eat all of my slice. I'm sitting here still in my pyjamas, about to take a couple of panadol. It's a cold windy shitty overcast day. i can't stop marvelling at my foot I just so love the butterfly tattoo. Johan added to the design by drawing two ribbons coming of the butterfly wings and I'm so glad I got them tattooed aswell as it really gives life to the picture. I have about 16 photo's left to take before my film is used. I forgot to take photo's of my little do yesterday, but when the film is used I will posting the pics of my foot. i told Adrain (the tatooist) that i'd send him the URL so he can see them too. i've just uploaded, fucking fortunecity the piss wanks have gone and put huge advertisement banners across the tops of my pages after i specifically asked for pop ups. Cunts. Just cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, put a load of washing on, ironed my trousers, done dishes and got dressed. Have to vaccume today and I fucking hate that job! Going to go and make myself another coffee, back soon. hi back. I sort of feel like going back to bed but I don't think i'm tired enough to sleep. Think i'll take my coffee to bed and watch some TV. Might write later.


Sunday 26th January
2:19 AM

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Good morning. I can't sleep so i thought I'd get out of bed and wish myself a happy birthday. i also can't stop staring at my butterfly. I just ADORE it. And I adore coffee so i'm going to go and make myself one. i'm seriously hoping that today is warm and sunny, but but I sort of doubt it will be as it is so freezing now and it rained yesterday. Here's my horoscope for today...

Define more clearly who you are and where you're heading to avoid going around in circles. Other people may see you as unreliable unless you stick to your story. Too many opportunities or invitations may see you spread too thin so be selective.

That doesn't sound all that great does it? Nina wil be picking me up at lunch time tomorrow. So i've set my alarm for 10:15 AM just incase I don't wake up. Bloody piss it's cold. I'm bored i wish I was tired my engines are revving. But I'm going to go back to the warmth of the electric blanket and watch a bit of teley. i'll write later in the day and tell you all about the little do at Mum's. Hugs.

10:09 AM. good morning. I woke up at 9AM I've had fuck all sleep but I feel good. i've been sitting out in the sun, it's so lovely and warm outside, apart from the cool breeze, but inside it's freezing. I've got dressed, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned the kitchen, fed the pets, done the dishes and made myself a coffee. Both Nina and mum have phoned this morning to wish me happy birthday. i've just set another load of washing going and have plugged in my hair straightener. My feet are freezing, can't wait until I can wear socks again. Amazing what we take for granted. hi again, just done my hair. Now i'm all ready to go but I have an hour and a half to wait. 11:45AM now, hello again, i've been lying in bed in the lovely warmth. But almost fell asleep so i've just got up and made myself a drink. Nina just phoned, she's on her way. So i'll write when I get home.


Saturday 25th January
11:20 AM

Hello. Nina came over last night to tell me that my appointment for my tattoo is today at 2:00 PM so i'm dead excited. Johan is going to come with me and Damian is taking us out there. i haven't been awake long, half an hour maybe. It rained all night but now it's sunny. I'm just hoping that tomorrow is sunny.I've just fed the pets, done the dishes, cleaned the kitchen, cleaned the bathroom, ironed my trousers, and made myself a coffee. I still have to clean the toilet, do my hair and finish getting dressed. Will just heat up hair straightener. All dressed. Hair straigthener warming up. It's cold now and I have to have bare feet for the next week. Piss.12:05 PM. Hi again, just done my hair put the first load of washing out and madei a coffee. it's really actually quite cold even though it's sunny.

8:05PM. Hello again. i've had my tattoo, it went so well. The tattooist was so lovely. So i'm really happy and it looks so so pretty. nina is coming over for coffee soon. We are going to mums at about lunch time. I'm just listening to the Dummy album by Portishead. One sock on one sock off. I put a rinse through my hair last night. I'm hoping tomorrow is a sunny day. I just washed my foot and put a bit more bepanthen cream on it. Johan took a few photo's so when I get those developed i'll post them in here. Oh i'm bored!



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24th January
2:45 AM

Hello I just woke up not so long ago. I went to sleep at about 10pm, I fell asleep during a really boring movie. I'm just having a coffee and a cigarette and watching BBC world and downloading a couple of different bjork mixes I haven't heard. might make a fresh cup of coffee and go back to bed i think. Will write later in the day.
11:57 AM. Hello again. I woke up about half an hour ago, have cleaned the kitchen and made myself a coffee. Johan is still sleeping. It's warm day and it's super windy. I have no plans, have to go to the pharmacy but that's all. Just housework today and blobbing out. Have to clean the bathroom and set a load of washing going soon. Just roled myself a smoke. I might go and see Nina today. I have to go into town a bit later as I want to go and buy a clip lamp so I might call in on her after that. 12:29 PM, just cleaned the bathroom and set a load of washing going, got dressed and am heating up my hair straightener. I might actually go to Nina's after i've done my hair, I'm kinda bored so...
4:11 PM. Hello again, i went to Nina's for coffee, come home about 2:30 PM and have just been mucking about bored since. I am going to go into town to do a couple of things. Might cook rice risiotto for dinner, have to re-pot a couple of plants. Back in a sec, got to go toilet and make myself another coffee. 5:08 PM, hello again, just fed the pets, just spoke to nina on the phone, we'll be going shortly so i might go and finish my coffee and may write later.


Thursday 23rd January
2:11 AM

Hello. I just woke up not so long and am making myself a coffee, I went to sleep at about 11PM. Cyba is nutting off at something. I hate it when he does that bark when I'm home alone. Better go and take a look. Can't see anything or anyone out there. Town was busy yesterday, i remembered my film but today I have to get batteries for the camera. i'm still pretty tired and will go back to bed soon. Just watching BBC world. it's so hot still, but I think i'll go back to bed now and try to sleep again. Will write later in the day. See you. Bye.

9:57 AM. Good morning. i just woke up about 20 minutes ago. I had a really broken sleep but a good one and i've woken to toothache. Am just having a coffee before I do my housework. It's another hot hot day. I'm going to go to Warehouse after i've finished doing my stuff, I have to get batteries. 10:17 AM, hello again, just fed the pets, done the dishes, cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, ironed my pants, got dressed and put a load of washing on. now i'm waiting for my hair straightener to heat so I can do my hair and then i'll go into town. Ok gonna get going now, see you. 12:37 AM, hello I just got back. I went to the warehouse and got the batteries I needed and I went to the cool op shop and got a brand new pair of bootleg jeans for just $10 and a crochered light shade for just $2. I always find the bargains. Then I went to Nina's for coffee. I've just poured myself a coke, rolled myself a smoke and set the second load of washing going. It's wickedly hot now. Yesterday it was 30degC and i'm sure today it will get to the same if not more. At least there's a bit of a breeze today, a cool one thankfully. 3:29 PM. Hello again, just got the washing in folded it and put it away. Bored now though. Nina just text, she's going to come over about 7PM tonight for coffee. I put the light shade up it looks really pretty and makes cool patterns on the ceiling. Such small things can make me so happy. I don't if that's good or just sad. I still have toothache and it's driving me insane.



Wednesday 22nd January
10:29 AM

Good morning. I have an appointment with the nurse for my anti baby injection at 11AM. My alarm went off for 45 minutes and I slept right through it. So I'm quickly sculling down a coffee before I do my hair and thought I'd make a quick entry at the same time. It's a beautiful hot day today.I have a busy day ahead being town day but we'll do that much later when he wakes, he didn't get to sleep until 7:30 AM. Okay better go and do my hair. Ok better get going it's 10:44 AM now, I'll write when I get home. Bye. 11:16 AM. Hello I'm back with a sore bum. Those damn injections really hurt, and it cost more at my new doctors than I thought it would. and she weighed me, I weigh exactley 48 kg's. Time for a coke. Back soon. Town is really busy today, just set a load of washing going. Shit it's hot! Will have to put the fans on.

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until my birthday. I'm quite excited this year, usually I couldn't care less but this year is different. Well Mum's making a little party and I get tattooed so it's quite exciting. God my bum still hurts. And I'm kinda tired and way too hot! I still have to clean the bathroom and put the washing out. Actually I'll go and do those things now. Back soon. Hi back again. I sort of want to go back to sleep but it's to hot. Felix is hassling me for nuggles, he's so sweet. He's being lying under the hallway fan cooling down. Kukl is sitting in the back garden and I don't know where Joga is, she might be under the bed sleeping. Ok now I wish it would rain and get really cold. I hate it when its so hot you can't breath properly and I especially hate when it's like it is today and there's and hot wind with it. Just made myself a coffee. I'm bored shitless. Have to remember to buy a film today to take to mums. Second load of washing is finished. Will hang it out after my cigarette and coffee. Might go to the library today and check if the book I want is there or not. The case of Dennis Nilsen, killing for company. Ive been in twice in 2 weeks and it hasn't been there. Plus I wouldn't mind hiring out a CD of Chinese instrumental music to burn. I got one last week but it's not exactly what I wanted. Kukl has just come in and flopped on the floor beside me. Now he's attacking my crocheted bag.'Better go and hang the second load of washing out.2:16 PM. Hello, I've just finished updating my Bjork page, was long overdue. It's still hot. I've just made myself another coffee and my bum still hurts. I'm kinda hungry, wondering if i should have lunch, and if so, what to have. i might just wait and buy a piece of fish in town. Man it's hot, grrrr I hate it! My ftp won't let me in so I can't upload. Piss. Oh groovy, the Osbournes is on tonight at 21:30. I love that show, it has one to be one of my favourites along with Dharma and Greg which hopefully they'll put back on soon now that it is the new year. Gonna go make the bed and then go into town. See you. Bye.


Tuesday 21st January
10:54 AM

Good morning. I've had 14 hours sleep! Just woke up half an hour ago. I should feel totally refreshed but I actually feel a little washed out. I have no plans except housework, have a shower and then we'll go into town and get out a few DVD's, I'm going to hire I am Sam and Nina is going to come over and watch it with me. It's another hot day but I'm not complaining. Just ironed my pants. After my cigarette I'll clean the bathroom and then have a shower.


Monday 20th January
12:44 AM

Just a quick entry before I go off to bed. We just got back from Nina's. It's still so amazingly hot, I don't know if I'll be able to sleep in this heat.I might go to bed as I'm feeling pretty tired now. I'll write later in the day no doubt. Goodnight.

12:30 PM. Hello again. I just woke up half an hour ago and have cleaned the kitchen, fed the pets, done their dishes and made a coffee. I still have lots to do. I dreamt about knights in red armour. Well it's an overcast day but very muggy. Must be about 25degC. Ok well I better get going and make coffee Nina has just arrived.



Sunday 19th January
2:38 PM
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Hello. it's hot, I'm tired and bored and can't be buggered doing anything. listening to the Telegram album.Nina is due home today too. Mum phoned earlier asking my favourite colours, purple and black, as she is throwing me a little afternoon party for my birthday and wants to decorate in my favourite colours, so sweet. Sounds like it will be a nice day. A small family affair. Will have to get a film for my camera. She's got me a key and all.
I'm all excited like a small child.

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And I get cake. Her husband Kevin is making it. It was Zadens birthday last week and I forgot all about it, I am such a wanker and will have to send a little something with a sorry I'm late note attached.Where has the sun gone? It's getting all cloudy and cold. Have to get the washing in soon. Wonder what time Nina is back, she will be calling in to collect her house key. Bored! Will just check the TV guide for tonight. Argh urgh all shit!
5:03 PM. just got the cats in for the night. Will feed them shortly, don't know what I'll have for tea. Nina phoned me just before, she has bought me 2 pillar candles from Wellington.
Such a sweeti She'll be home at about 9 PM, so I'm going to go over in an hour or so and just check that everything is ok at her house. Well I'm going to go and watch some shit on the teley. might write later. See you.

7:39 PM. Hello again. It's so hot I could die. Nina's been texting me, she's going to text me when she's home so I can go over for coffee and a catch up. I'm watching some shit on TV4, murder in a small town or something. I hope it cools down I can't stop sweating. Looking forward to seeing Nina tonight. She just text, she's in Otane, about half an hour away. Will just fold the washing , it's been waiting all day.



Saturday 18th January
3:49 AM

Hello, I woke up about 20 minutes ago, just made myself a coffee. I called in to Odins last night and had a coffee before going to Ninas and closing her drapes. She's home tomorrow, yesterday they would have seen my Aunt, I haven't seen her for about 6 or 7 years. I haven't got a thing to write about but when I woke I just wasn't tired enough to go back to sleep so i thought if I came on here it might make me tired but now I'm just bored so I might make myself another coffee and go back to bed. Will no doubt write later in the day. See you then.

11:39 AM. Good morning again. I just woke up about 20 minutes agpo, have cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, fed the pets, done their dishes and made myself a coffee. I ended up going back to sleep at 6AM. Have just text Nina to see how her holiday is going. It's a beautiful hot and sunny day. Good day to go swimming. I have a sore tooth. I'm just going to start downloading the Massive Attack album Mezzanine. back soon. 12:00 PM, suppose I should really get dressed. Will put on a load of washing, iron my cords, get a coke, take a couple of panadol and then get dressed. Back soon. Hi again just done all that. I've still got my hair to do, washing to fold and the toilet to clean. Blah piss. I might go back to bed yet. Well I suppose I should go and get things done. might write later if I get bored. See you.

3:19 PM, hello again, I ended up going back to sleep at about 1:30 PM and just woke up now and made a coffee. Joga and Kukl have just woken up to. I've just done my hair. 3:22 PM the day is almost over and i'm still getting started.Still have the toilet to clean and will get the washing in soon. Again no plans other than tedious tasks. Well i might get going now and play some leftfield while I make the bed. See you later.



Friday 17th January
11:39 AM

Good morning, I just woke up to Nina knocking on the door to drop off her house key, they're on their way to Rotorua now, I've cleaned the kitchen and made a coffee and am half dressed, jeans and a pyjama top, sitting here having a cigarette. It's overcast today, but still reasonably warmish kinda but sorta slightly chilly too. Well it's not hot and that is a poo. I have to do my hair, get dressed, put on a load of washing, clean the bathroom and clean the toilet yet. Oh tedious tasks. What to wear, i need a brand new wardrobe, I'm bored shitless with my clothes. 12:20 PM hello again, I'm dressed and my hair is done still have to clean the bathroom and bla bla. will clean the bathroom and put a load of washing on, get myself a coke and go back to bed and watch a bit of teley I think. Might write later. See you.


Thursday 16th January
12:15 PM

Good afternoon, and it really is a good one, the sun is out, the birds are churping, it couldn't be nicer. oh how I have missed the sun. It's amazing what a difference the weather can make on your mood. Yesterday was a good day in town, busy but good. I got the top I wanted from Glassons, the last one there and it just happened to be a size 8, what precious luck!! Both Kukl and Felix have caught a bird each today. I took Kukl's bird outside and it flew into a tree, though unfortunately Felix's bird didn't make it, but Felix is a pretty ruthless hunter. Kukl is much kinder. Zowie, my friend from Auckland just phoned to see if I was going up for the big day out again, but the line is such shit this year so I'm going to flag it. He and Georgia have their 3rd child in about 6 weeks! How exciting! I took my tattoo design around to Nina's last night, both she and Damian like it, they go on their holiday tomorrow, but when they are back Damian is going to go out to the tattooist, Adrian, and get him to draw the design and check if he has numbing cream for my poor little totsie. Although the sun is out, it's still a little cold. Oh yes i have to go around to nina's today or see if she'll come here, she wants to borrow my jeans to take on holiday. I should really go and get dressed, clean the bathroom and the toilet and put a load of washing on shouldn't I. Well yes I'll go and do that now, might write later. Bye.

4:49 PM. Hello again. I just got home, went to nina's for coffee and then into town, I went to the library. Hired out 5 CD's for burning. It's turned out to be lovely and warm. Have to get the washing in soon and burn some CD's for Johan. 8:23 PM hello back again, just burnt the Shakira CD for Nina, she said she was going to come over tonight. Listening to Tori Amos, album, Little Earthquakes. Ok better go Nina's just arrived. Hugs. Bye.



Wednesday 15th January
11:49 AM

Good morning. I haven't been awake long. Got up at 11:00 AM, cleaned the kitchen and bathroom, fed the pets, done their dishes, put a load of washing on and just made myself a coffee and am now just sitting at the PC drinking it and having a cigarette. It's another cold shitty day but so far no rain which is good as I have alot washing to do. Yesterday I went into town and got out 3 DVD's. 'Roadkill', 'Dragonfly' and 'Bend It Like Beckham'. I watched them all till 2AM this morning. Johan gave me his cellphone yesterday, he got a new one so I now have one again after loosing my Motorola. He bought me a case for it yesterday aswell which was so sweet. And I bought a garlic press which I've been meaning to get for so long (now I can make garlic bread), a new cat bowl which is shaped like a cat, and a Celtic necklace. It's town day today consisting of a bit of shopping, groceries and paying bills. Wednesdays are always busy. I'm going to go to Glassons and with any luck they'll have this awesome orange paisley top I saw there last week for $30. Need something new to wear on my birthday (if it's warm enough) and it'll go with the colour I'm going to dye my hair, mahogany. I'll have to get dressed soon, I'm still in my pyjamas but I'm really cold. Yes I'll go and get dressed now, back soon. 12:23 PM, just put out the washing and got dressed, jeans and my blue bubblegum skivvy. AM yet to do my hair. Back in a sec, just gonna connect. 38 new e-mails. Just check them back soon. Hi back, all junk. I'm still cold. might be time for another coffee. Just text Nina and asked her over for coffee, it's just got so dark, I suppose it's going to piss down now that my washing's out. Hans is here. Playing the XBOX. It's so freezing now, my goosbumps hurt! Just gonna go and do my hair, back soon. Hello back again, hair done. Time for another cigarette, Hans just left to go to work, Nina must be busy. Damn I lost my lycos account after not checking it for a long time. Shit. Oh well nevermind, it was only my secondary account anyhow. Oh please weather get warmer. This weather sux, I know I was complaining it was to hot but I take that back now. 2:00 PM, think i'll get the cats in before we go into town. I can tell it's going to rain and I don't want them getting a cat cold. Actually i might do that now, back soon. 2:13 PM, I'll be going into town in about an hour, so i might get going and maybe write later. Bye.


Tuesday 14th January
11:57 AM

Good morning, well no it's not really a good morning it's so windy, it's cold, the sky is dark grey and it's going to rain. What has happened to our summer? I'm sitting a the computer with a cup of coffee which is quickly going cold and a cigarette, wearing the biggest thickest jersey my wardrobe offered. I so need to stock up on warm clothing for the winter, I know it doesn't officially start until 1st March but days like remind me of why I hate winter so much, it's so cold it hurts. It was only 6DegC overnight and I froze, and for summer that's pretty
If it gets any worse than this I will get my babies in (My 3 cats, Joga, Kukl and Felix) I don't like them being out when it's stormy and shitty. Well I don't really have any plans for the day. I'll probably go and get a couple of DVD's out and Nina said she was coming over today so I can show her the design I settled for, but other than that it's a relaxed day. Kukl has just come inside. He must be cold too. I wish I were tired so I could go back to sleep. Just waiting for my hair straightener to heat up before I do my hair. Joga is wandering around looking bored. I wonder if the DVD � am Sam' has been released yet? Nina and I really want to see that. I'm back, just straightened my hair, now I feel better. Oh god it's so cold. I might just get back into bed and watch a bit of teley I think, yes, I'll do that, but I'll make myself a coffee first. Maybe I'll write sometime later. Bye for now.


Monday 13th January
5:03 PM

Hello I've just finished looking on the net for over an hour looking for butterfly designs for my tattoo. My birthday present from Nina is that she and Damian are paying for me to get a tattoo of a butterfly on my right foot. So I've found the design. This is the size and picture I want...

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So I'm happy I found the picture I want, the butterfly is called a Papilio Lorquinanus. Very pretty. So my birthday plans are.... go to the tattooist, then come home, then go to mums with Nina, then home. Sounds cool. I'm excited about getting the tattoo. Damians going to check if there will be numbing cream available, I've got a tattoo already on my arm so I've had a tattoo done naturally with no numbing agent but it's just it is going to hurt like a mofo on my foot. So we'll see. I've just put the pasta on for dinner. Cooking dinner for four tonight. Better go check it, back soon. Sioux just phoned and invited me to a BBQ but I'm cooking dinner already and it's so freezing I couldn't stand to outside at the moment, after dinner I'm just going to get into bed and watch teley I think. Hope she doesn't mind me not going. 6:05 PM now. We've all just finished dinner. I'm so full! Well I think I might go and lie in bed and watch a bit of teley. Cuddles, bye.


Sunday 12th January
10:45 AM

Good morning. I've just finished cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, have fed the pets and done their dishes, put a load of washing on and made myself a coffee. It's a hot hot day already. I'm not dressed yet, I'll do that soon. Adobe v7 is complete. I fell asleep part way through the movie last night. I must have got about 10 hours sleep. I just got dressed. I have no plans for the day again, may go over and see Nina a bit later. Well I think I'll go and do my hair now and I might write a bit later if I get bored. See you. Bye.

3:12 PM There are dark clouds above and it has been thundering and there has been lightening so I've got the cats in and closed the house up. But there's something about the threat of a rain storm that is comforting, like sitting on the couch wrapped up a big duvet with a cup of hot coffee reading a good book. All snugly in a
Adobe v7 didn't work out, there was a corrupt file. Piss so I have to start the download all over again. I'm going to burn Nina's Jewel CD soon. It's so dark now. More thunder. But no rain as yet. Somedays I love the rain. I love the rain now I have my washing dry anyway. More thunder. Will put a jersey on and then prepare a coffee. Here is the rain, just lightly for now. I'm bored, you can probably tell. Just looked at 3d wallpapers but there was nothing I liked, time for a change.

8:54 PM now. Nina is here, I just burnt here Madonna and Jewel CD's. Going to cook pizza for dinner. Yum. See you.



Saturday 11th January
6:48 PM

Good evening. it's been a good day. The rain cleared and the sun shone. I've done allot, house work, done the four front gardens, that was hard work, they were so neglected. I also went over to Nina's for a couple of hours and sat in the sun watching Reeve play with his trucks, and Michael with his bike. Hans was there also so we had a nice afternoon together. Now Johan and Hans are in the lounge playing the XBOX, I just printed a picture of a fish for my wall and made coffee for all. Well actuallyHans drinks tea. And soon I will shower. Don't know what to have for dinner as yet, might just skip it and snack on chips. Back soon, just going to pick some clothes to wear after my shower. My cords, and my blue body glove t shirt. Nice and comfy to blob out in for the rest of the evening. I have no plans, just to watch a bit of teley I think. Been thinking about what to get up to for my
I won't be having a party, haven't got enough money for that. I know mum wants to go over there, and Nina will coming over, and Hans will be coming. I'm downloading Adobe v7 right now from Kazaa as I only have Adobe v4. Hopefully with v7 you can save images as jpg's and not just psd's. We'll see. It's just such a bitch having to convert. I'll have my shower after this cup of coffee. Just check the TV guide, back soon. Sliding Doors is on tonight, I haven't seen it but Nina said it's shit. I have completely killed my fingernails gardening. Ouch. okay going now to have my shower. Hugs. Bye.

8:06 PM. Hello again, all showered, thought I'd continue writing meaningless but occupying bullshit while I cook dinner. Cooking Chinese flavoured rice risotto. I'm quite hungry. better go stir it back soon. Yes it's coming along nicely. Now I'm really hungry, leaning over the oven smelling it, emmm. it will be ready in about 5 minutes. I'm so pleased I finally got motivated enough to do the gardens. Now I just have to get some native grasses, and the mop top robinia's I want, wed mat and the bark and it will be finally finished. But I don't have the money for that just yet. okay well got to go and tend to dinner. Bye again.



Thursday 9th January
4:45 PM

Good afternoon, it's raining and windy, we may be getting the end of the storm that hit the Solomon Islands. I got up at 8:00 AM and went to Nina's at about 9:30 AM, came home at 11:30 AM and got back into bed and fell back to sleep at about 1:00 PM and then woke to Hans knocking on the door at 2:45 PM then shortly after that Nina came. I'm going over to see her tonight, she took a load of washing home for me which she will dry for me in her dryer so I will collect that tonight. Yesterday was a busy day for me in town. I bought a lamp shade for my lamp, a new pot which I'll plant my chicken and hen fern in, a small wooden photo frame for the photo of Mum and I together shot on Christmas day, and 2 new bulbs for my lava lamp but they're a size too big damn it all. I have a toothache. I took 2 panadol but I can still feel it. I just fed the pets and done their dishes, for dinner I will have nachos with melted cheese, taco sauce and sour cream. Sounds nice. I burnt Dummy last night so I'm listening to it right now. Might download Mezzanine by Massive Attack. I have to repot my fern, I'll wait until there's a dry minute. Also have to clean the toilet and have shower. Eminem the Eminem Show now playing. Still have to have a shower and clean the toilet. urgh. Groovy The Soprano's are on tonight. I love that show. I just love how that family deals with their problems, no mucking around.


Wednesday 8th January
8:57 AM

Good morning. Thought I'd make a quick entry before I go to Nina's. I went to sleep at 12:30 AM and woke again at 5:00 AM, went back to sleep at 6:30 AM and woke again at 7:45 AM when I got up. It started raining at about 8:00 AM. Yay finally some rain. It's nice and cool this morning too. Yesterday we hired out 3 DVD's, Bad Company, The Panic Room, and Mullholland Drive which we are yet to watch. The other 2 were pretty good. I enjoyed Panic Room even though the girl at the video store told me it sucked. I have a busy day ahead, Wednesdays are my town days,pay the bills and do a bit of shopping etc. I might put off going to Nina's until later and go and lie back in bed with a nice hot cup of coffee, yes that's what I'll do. Bye.


Tuesday 7th January
12:25 PM

Hello. I just woke up an hour ago. It's overcast and there are rain clouds but it's still too hot. I've just finished cleaning the kitchen and bathroom, have madea coffee, got dressed, had a wash, brushed my teeth, and am now about to roll a cigarette. I'll probably go into town at some stage today and hire out a few DVD's, Tuesday is my DVD day. Also have to go to the supermarket and to the pharmacy. But other than those couple of things and a bit more cleaning I have no plans. Nina wants me to go over at some stage aswell. Well I suppose I should really get going as I have nothing of interest to write about really so maybe I'll write later. See you. Hugs.


Monday 6th January
3:50 PM

I just accidentally over wrote this page with an older version of this page so I've had to start all over again! Damn it all! So I will have to tell you again how my Christmas and new years was. Well Christmas morning Hans came over (he's one of my good friends, anyway, he bought me a really cool gift, a black caution t-shirt with a pink skull with pony tails on the front that reads "beauty school drop out"and he bought me 3 lovely sterling silver rings, the one I wear now on my left thumb is my favourite it has little scorpions engraved around the band, anyway, then shortly after Hans arrived Nina called in to pick me up. Nina, who is my second eldest sister, her two sons Michael aged 8 and Reeve aged 2 and her boyfriend Damian and I all set off for mums in Hasting, a 25 minute drive. We spent about an hour and a half at Mums, Mum gave me a candle gift basket she made filled with scented candles a tea light candle burner etc, which was cool. Nina gave me my present early. 2 box sets of candles and two awesome candle holders that stand about 80 cm off the ground with glass cones that the candles sit in. Anyway after that we all for to go out and see Dad. My oldest sister Alethea, her 3 kids, Lloyd aged 7, Ithaca aged 4, Zaden aged 1, and her boyfriend Tim were all down from Gisborne and were at Dads also, as was my Uncle Tom. We had a nice time there, Alethea gave me a black top for Christmas. I took lots of photo's, group shots of 3 generations and got them reprinted and sent them out to everyone. Then we left Dads, Nina dropped me back off at home for a while before I left again to go back to Nina's for the roast Christmas lunch which was delicious. So that was my Christmas, all in all a good time. And as for new years, well that was a very mellow day, no plans, although I did have a Kentucky fried chicken picnic at the park in town which was nice. So with all that over and done with, right now it's 4:04 PM, I am sitting at the computer desk having a coffee and a cigarette and I have a head rush. We haven't had the rain yet as predicted which is a pity as I am sick of the heat and the sun now. I know I was absolutely dying for summer, but now I've had enough of it. I am extremely tired now, have to get the washing in soon. Been a pretty boring day so far, just done house work, listened to a bit of music, nothing interesting. Not that I ever really do anything interesting. But I'm not complaining really, I love all the time I have on my hands. Well I suppose I should get going and phone Mum,. she phoned for me earlier today but I was asleep, she just got back from her trip to Auckland. Okay so I'll go and do that and might write later. See you.